Would your life be different if you did not procrastinate?
Chances are you would be healthier, wealthier, and happier too!
Take delay out of your life, act now!
Don't Delay
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Procrastination Now
Waste time that could be invested into something meaningful
Miss opportunities
Invite and increase stress and anxiety
Lose precious time
Disappoint ourselves and others
Lower our self confidence
and the list goes on...
We procrastinate (yes, sometimes I still do…) until the pain of not doing the work or task at hand is greater than the pain of doing it. It’s that simple.
And procrastination is always to our own self detriment.
When we beat procrastination, we accomplish more personally and professionally. And when that happens, we get the most out of life. Don’t procrastinate on health, wealth, happiness, and joy!
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” ― Pablo Picasso
So! Are you a procrastinator?
We all procrastinate. By reading this, and taking our online quiz, you may even be procrastinating right now instead of doing something you really should be doing.
That said, one of the first steps of course towards beating this self destructive behavior is to accept and realize we do it, and to evaluate just how severe an issue it might be.
Our simple online quiz will tell you if you have an issue with procrastination, or not. Go ahead, take the quiz now!
Don't Delay
Assess your
Procrastination Now
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