Israel Middle East Overview Report

Featuring translated Arabic language reports on Israel. Focusing on the Israel-Arab conflict and regional dynamics. Coverage includes geopolitical influences from the United States, Russia, China, and other key global players. (AI generated Full disclaimer below)

* Hebrew media: The army is anxiously following the arrival of 40,000 people from Syria, Iraq and Yemen to the Golan

إعلام عبري: الجيش يتابع بقلق قدوم 40 ألفًا من سوريا والعراق واليمن إلى الجولان
Hebrew media: The army is anxiously following the arrival of 40,000 people from Syria, Iraq and Yemen to the Golan
Article Keywords: Hamas
( | Jordan)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-24)
The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz reported that security officials criticize the decision of the military and political leadership to artificially separate the northern and southern fronts.
The Hebrew newspaper added, on Tuesday, quoting a security source as saying: "We are in a war that could escalate into a much broader regional war, and we cannot operate on one front."
Read also: The occupation army: We are focusing on eliminating Hamas leaders and striking Hezbollah’s strategic capabilities It indicated that the occupation army is following with concern the arrival of about 40,000 fighters from Syria, Iraq and Yemen to the Golan Heights, where they are awaiting Nasrallah’s call to fight.
Security officials in the occupation believe that although the 40,000 fighters are not elite, the situation is still worrying, according to the newspaper.
On the other hand, a senior security official in the occupation entity considered the presence of the fighters to be dangerous, and we will intervene in Syria to make it clear to Assad that we will not accept their presence in this place.


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