Israel Middle East Overview Report

Featuring translated Arabic language reports on Israel. Focusing on the Israel-Arab conflict and regional dynamics. Coverage includes geopolitical influences from the United States, Russia, China, and other key global players. (AI generated Full disclaimer below)

* Israeli army: We killed a senior member of Hezbollah intelligence*
* US President Joe Biden: It’s time for a ceasefire*
* The Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman mourns Hassan Nasrallah.. What did he say? …*
* Abbas offers condolences on Nasrallah’s martyrdom… and condolences from the PLO…*
* Several raids on Tyre and the Bekaa… and the occupation artillery shells towns…*
* Two million Lebanese have been displaced internally and externally since last week…*
* Amman holds the occupation responsible for the disastrous consequences of the aggression on Lebanon*
* The fate of the Lebanese resistance…*
* Iran calls for emergency Security Council meeting to discuss aggression on Lebanon*
* Emirates Today*
* Will efforts succeed in extinguishing the regional fireball?*
* The most prominent assassinations of Hezbollah leaders*
* Tamim’s transparency in a tense Arab and international atmosphere*
* Should we cry for Gaza or mourn for Lebanon?*
* Netanyahu’s recklessness… from Ismail Haniyeh to Hassan Nasrallah!!

الجيش الإسرائيلي: قتلنا عضوا بارزا في مخابرات حزب الله
* Israeli army: We killed a senior member of Hezbollah intelligence
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
The Israeli military said it killed a senior member of Hezbollah’s intelligence arm, Hassan Khalil Yassin, in a raid in southern Beirut on Saturday.

Hezbollah has yet to comment on the incident.

The Israeli military said Saturday it killed Nasrallah in a raid on the Lebanese group’s central command headquarters in Beirut’s southern suburbs on Friday.

Hezbollah confirmed Nasrallah’s death without giving any details.
Mikati’s office later declared three days of mourning for Nasrallah’s death.

الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن: حان الوقت لوقف إطلاق النار
* US President Joe Biden: It’s time for a ceasefire
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
US President Joe Biden stressed that "it is time for a ceasefire in Lebanon," in response to press inquiries about whether an Israeli ground incursion into Lebanon was "inevitable."

الجيش الإسرائيلي: قتلنا عضوا بارزا في مخابرات حزب الله
* Israeli army: We killed a senior member of Hezbollah intelligence
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
The Israeli military said it killed a senior member of Hezbollah’s intelligence arm, Hassan Khalil Yassin, in a raid in southern Beirut on Saturday.

Hezbollah has yet to comment on the incident.

The Israeli military said Saturday it killed Nasrallah in a raid on the Lebanese group’s central command headquarters in Beirut’s southern suburbs on Friday.

Hezbollah confirmed Nasrallah’s death without giving any details.
Mikati’s office later declared three days of mourning for Nasrallah’s death.

الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن: حان الوقت لوقف إطلاق النار
* US President Joe Biden: It’s time for a ceasefire
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
US President Joe Biden stressed that "it is time for a ceasefire in Lebanon," in response to press inquiries about whether an Israeli ground incursion into Lebanon was "inevitable."

مفتي سلطنة عُمان ينعى حسن نصر الله.. ماذا قال؟ …
* The Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman mourns Hassan Nasrallah.. What did he say? …
Article Keywords: Zionist, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-28)
Show related news We were very saddened by the death of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, after he had been a pillar of the Zionist project for more than three decades. To God we belong and to Him we shall return.

While we ask God to strengthen the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, we hope that Muslims will unite on a common word and stop what divides them, and God is the source of help. — Ahmed bin Hamad Al-Khalili (@AhmedHAlKhalili) September 28, 2024 The Grand Mufti of the Sultanate of Oman, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Khalili, mourned the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, who was martyred in an Israeli raid on the southern suburbs of Beirut on Friday. Al-Khalili said that Nasrallah passed away "after being a source of pain in the throat of the Zionist project for more than three decades." He added: "This is what makes the nation receive his obituary with great sorrow and regret; for to God we belong and to Him we shall return, and we ask God Almighty to strengthen the axes of resistance in the face of the brutal Zionist project and its supporters in Lebanon, Palestine, and in all Muslim countries." Al-Khalili hoped that the departed leaders would be succeeded by those who would fill the gap in all locations and stages; adding: "How many men are there for this mission, God willing, and God does not waste the reward of those who do good work."

عباس يعزي باستشهاد نصر الله.. ونعي من منظمة التحرير …
* Abbas offers condolences on Nasrallah’s martyrdom… and condolences from the PLO…
Article Keywords: Fatah, Palestinian, Israeli, Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-28)
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas offered his condolences to the Lebanese Hezbollah party over the martyrdom of its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. The head of the Palestinian National Council, Rawhi Fattouh, mourned NasRallah and his companions, "who ascended as a result of the heinous assassination crime carried out by the Israeli occupation forces" The Fatah movement, in turn, said that his assassination came "as part of the systematic war of extermination against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples"

غارات عدة على صور والبقاع.. ومدفعية الاحتلال تقصف بلدات …
* Several raids on Tyre and the Bekaa… and the occupation artillery shells towns…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-28)
occupation artillery shelled the towns of Kfar Shuba and Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon on Sunday. The shelling comes in conjunction with raids on several areas in the south and the Bekaa. Israeli media reported that a missile fell in Nahariya, north of the occupied territories, and an explosion occurred.

مليونا لبناني نزحوا داخليا وخارجيا منذ الأسبوع الماضي …
* Two million Lebanese have been displaced internally and externally since last week…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
About one million Lebanese have been displaced due to the ongoing Israeli attacks on Lebanon since September 23. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, previously announced that more than 200,000 people have been internally displaced in Lebanon. More than 50,000 Lebanese and Syrians in Lebanon have crossed into Syria to escape the Israeli airstrikes.

عمّان تحمل الاحتلال مسؤولية التبعات الكارثية للعدوان على لبنان
* Amman holds the occupation responsible for the disastrous consequences of the aggression on Lebanon
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
Safadi wrote on the X platform: “We hold Israel fully responsible for the catastrophic consequences of its aggression against Lebanon.” He expressed his country’s solidarity with Lebanon and its brotherly people as they confront this aggression and heal their wounds.

مصير المقاومة اللبنانية …
* The fate of the Lebanese resistance…
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas, Gaza, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
This is what happened in Lebanon after the Israeli invasion in 1982, which came in the midst of a harsh civil war. The Amal Movement remained and Hezbollah was born from its womb. Hezbollah remained on the scene for about four decades, three of which were under the leadership of its late Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

During this period, the party led the resistance and raised its slogans, and any other Lebanese resistance projects such as the Fajr Forces affiliated with the Sunni Islamic Group in Lebanon disappeared with it.

Hezbollah and the Lebanese resistance remained in the supporting role and accepted this role in support of the resistance in Gaza with the fronts in Yemen and Iraq.

At a time when Hezbollah was calculating complex strategic calculations that did not violate the rules of engagement, Israel trampled on all the rules and equations and assassinated former Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, before turning to focus on Lebanon and bringing the curtain down on this round with the assassination of Nasrallah. The fate of the Lebanese resistance, or what can currently be called the Gaza Support Front in Lebanon, is now up in the air.

Is this the end of Hezbollah? Perhaps, but it will most likely not be the end of the Lebanese resistance.

إيران تدعو لاجتماع طارئ لمجلس الأمن لبحث العدوان على لبنان
* Iran calls for emergency Security Council meeting to discuss aggression on Lebanon
Article Keywords: Israeli, Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council, against the backdrop of the Israeli occupation attacks in Lebanon. The Iranian government decided to "declare five days of nationwide mourning for Nasrallah" Israel had previously asked the United States to take steps to deter Iran from attacking it.

الإمارات اليوم
* Emirates Today
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | UAE)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
At least 15 people were killed today in Israeli raids on different areas in Lebanon, the Ministry of Health reported, while the Lebanese army announced that…

الإمارات اليوم
* Emirates Today
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | UAE)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
At least 15 people were killed today in Israeli raids on different areas in Lebanon, the Ministry of Health reported, while the Lebanese army announced that…

‫ هل تنجح المساعي في إخماد كرة النار الإقليمية؟
* Will efforts succeed in extinguishing the regional fireball?
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
In light of the horrific toll of the war that quickly moved from Gaza to Beirut, diplomatic efforts are being made to extinguish the war. Israeli entity is drawing a scene of separating the Lebanon front from the Gaza front, in an attempt to curb Hezbollah.

‫ أبرز الاغتيالات التي طالت قادة حزب الله
* The most prominent assassinations of Hezbollah leaders
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Houthi, Israeli, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
Arab and International48The most prominent assassinations of Hezbollah leadersHassan Nasrallah❖ Beirut – AFP The announcement of the assassination of the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, following an Israeli raid on the southern suburb of Beirut, comes as an extension of a series of assassinations carried out by Israel against a number of senior Hezbollah leaders in air raids.
– Hassan Nasrallah – Secretary-General of HezbollahAn Israeli air raid on Friday on the Hezbollah stronghold in the southern suburb of Beirut led to the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah for 32 years.
Aqil was targeted while leading a meeting of leaders of the Radwan Force, Hezbollah’s elite units, killing at least 16 of them, according to Hezbollah.
A source close to Hezbollah said that Surur studied mathematics and was among the senior advisors sent by Hezbollah to Yemen to train the Houthi rebels, who are also supported by Iran.
Surur also played a major role in Hezbollah’s intervention in the Syrian war since 2013 in support of the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

‫ شفافية تميم في أجواء عربية ودولية مأزومة
* Tamim’s transparency in a tense Arab and international atmosphere
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
The failure of the Arab political system is not new; its causes are many, including that it is a natural reflection of years of failure to achieve true Arab solidarity based on popular pulse and political will that translates this pulse into decisions and positions with tangible results.
The reality confirms that division prevailed, efforts faltered and dispersed, fragmentation prevailed, and Arab solidarity turned into a mere slogan that is repeated and used for political consumption and to tickle emotions. In fact, the flashy slogan has sometimes become a tool for misleading.
The ugly Israeli war in Gaza and Lebanon has put Arab governments in front of new dilemmas that are growing and expanding daily, and it seems that there is a belated Arab governmental sense of the seriousness of the stage, and this is reflected in some statements.
I believe that respecting the will of the peoples constitutes an important dimension among other dimensions that distinguish the policy and positions of the State of Qatar, and this is a positive feature since the pulse of the peoples is a source of strength for any leadership in the region or the world.
Here lies the greatest challenge regarding how to establish the pillars of security, stability and peace, and enhance common interests among all countries of the world, especially after the (Future Summit).

‫ هل نبكي غزة أم نُرثي لبنان؟
* Should we cry for Gaza or mourn for Lebanon?
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
There has been much talk about the reason, and whether the devices contained explosive materials from the beginning, or were they in contact with a center that could signal them to explode.

In addition, was this prepared early in the exporting country that has not yet been decided upon, is it in Asia like Taiwan or Europe like Hungary?
The fact that the major countries in the world have reached this level of disregard for civilians is not new since the war on Gaza began, and what happened and is happening in Lebanon now from Israeli raids confirms it.
Do these people imagine that history will end as they want? Did the war on Gaza end with Gaza surrendering despite the passage of a whole year? Isn’t this a complete failure for Israel that could explain what happened with the pagers as a kind of announcement of presence that you do not expect.
Do these democratic countries, please, wait in their countries for the competing parties in them to blow up each other’s members with the communication devices they carry, and not be satisfied with spying until they learn a lesson?

‫ تهور نتنياهو.. من إسماعيل هنية إلى حسن نصر الله!!
* Netanyahu’s recklessness… from Ismail Haniyeh to Hassan Nasrallah!!
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-29)
Articles126 Netanyahu’s recklessness.. From Ismail Haniyeh to Hassan Nasrallah!!
I commented in several articles in the past months – the last of which was last week’s article: "Netanyahu’s recklessness and Biden’s complicity.. and pushing the region to the brink of explosion"!
Reaching the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah and the most important arm and ally of Iran in the "Axis of Resistance".
The insult did not prevent Netanyahu from ordering the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah – Secretary-General of Hezbollah in the heart of the southern suburb, Hezbollah’s stronghold – and what leaked from sources that Israel underestimated the Biden administration – and did not inform it of the largest and most dangerous qualitative operation against Hezbollah and that the goal is to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah – which will blow up the entire region.
Reaching the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the party in an escalation that is the most dangerous and largest – perhaps leading to a regional war.


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