Israel Middle East Overview Report

Featuring translated Arabic language reports on Israel. Focusing on the Israel-Arab conflict and regional dynamics. Coverage includes geopolitical influences from the United States, Russia, China, and other key global players. (AI generated Full disclaimer below)

* The Israeli occupation transfers the body of Yahya Sinwar to a secret place for storage*
* The occupation announces the examination of weapons in Sinwar’s possession to verify their ownership by an Israeli officer*
* Washington Post: Sinwar was not the only obstacle to the ceasefire, and Netanyahu repeatedly obstructed it*
* Akram Al-Qassas writes: A biased American position… and an Egyptian effort to avoid a devastating war*
* Shooting targets Israeli forces south of the Dead Sea near the Jordanian border*
* Hamas’s leadership structure… Who remains after Sinwar’s killing?*
* They produce drones used by Russia.. US sanctions on two Chinese companies*
* Sinwar’s killing: its repercussions on the future of Israel’s military operations in Gaza*
* In occupied Palestine.. Hebrew media: Two soldiers injured in a shooting operation in a settlement south of the Dead Sea*
* This is what Iran said in its first comment after the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar*
* Israeli deception and misleading publications behind Hezbollah’s purchase of pagers*
* The lives of 14,000 prisoners are threatened in the occupation’s prisons.. 3 are martyred per month*
* Israeli doubts about the possibility of eliminating Hamas after the martyrdom of Sinwar*
* 14 days of Jabalia siege.. 200 thousand Palestinians without food and dozens…*
* Two martyrs and two settlers injured in the Jordan Valley.. They entered from Jordan towards…*
* After the martyrdom of Sinwar.. The 10 most prominent Hamas leaders assassinated by the occupation*
* Martyrs and wounded as the occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City*
* WHO Director: Situation in Gaza Strip ‘inhumane’

الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ينقل جثة يحيي السنوار إلى مكان سرى لتخزينها
* The Israeli occupation transfers the body of Yahya Sinwar to a secret place for storage
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Written by Abdul Wahab Al-JundiThe Hebrew newspaper "Ynet" said that the Israeli occupation authorities transferred the body of Yahya Sinwar after it was fully examined at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv (Abu Kabir), to a secret storage location.
It added: "It is not clear at this stage what will be done with his body and whether it will be used as a card in future negotiations that will also include the return of the 101 Israeli abductees in the Gaza Strip."
The autopsy showed that Sinwar was shot in the head, and traces of gunfire appeared on his body, including from shells, and his body weight was normal.
announced the assassination of the leader of the Hamas movement, Yahya Sinwar, following an accidental clash, without prior information, with fighters from the Al-Basaleh Brigade in the Tel Sultan area in Rafah, the area of ​​the tunnel in which the six abductees were killed at the end of last August. Sinwar was killed as a result of buildings collapsing on him and shrapnel from two Merkava Mark 4 tank shells from the 460th Brigade and a Matador missile.

الاحتلال يعلن فحص أسلحة كانت بحوزة السنوار للتحقق من ملكيتها لضابط إسرائيلى
* The occupation announces the examination of weapons in Sinwar’s possession to verify their ownership by an Israeli officer
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Abdul Wahab al-Jundi wrote: Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported that the Israeli army is examining the weapons that were in the possession of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, to verify whether they are the weapons of a soldier who was killed in a secret operation in Rafah in the Gaza Strip in 2018.

The Israeli army admitted that one of its officers was killed in November 2018 during a secret incursion into the Gaza Strip by another soldier while shooting at Hamas members.

The Israeli army said in a statement regarding the partial results of the military investigation into the November 11, 2018 incident that the man, identified as “Lieutenant Colonel Mahmoud Khair al-Din,” was hit by a bullet fired by another officer at Hamas fighters.

In May 2022, the Israeli army allowed the publication of the name of Officer Herr Elder Mahorfish Mahmoud Khair al-Din, who was killed three and a half years ago in an operational operation deep inside the Gaza Strip. In November 2018, the officer and his soldiers went during a secret operation in Khan Yunis, during which there was an exchange of fire between special forces personnel and Hamas members.
The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth also reported that the occupation army may keep Sinwar’s body as a bargaining chip.

واشنطن بوست: السنوار لم يكن العائق الوحيد أمام وقف إطلاق النار ونتنياهو أعاقه مرارا
* Washington Post: Sinwar was not the only obstacle to the ceasefire, and Netanyahu repeatedly obstructed it
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Written by Muhammad ShaalanThe Washington Post revealed, according to diplomats familiar with the negotiations, that Sinwar was not the only obstacle to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and Netanyahu has repeatedly obstructed the agreement since last June by setting new demands, according to Cairo News Channel.
The Israeli occupation continues its intensive and unprecedented aggression on the Gaza Strip, by air, land and sea, leaving thousands of martyrs and wounded, most of them children and women.
Thousands of martyrs and wounded have not yet been pulled out from under the rubble; due to the continued bombing and the dangerous conditions on the ground, in light of a stifling siege on the Strip and severe restrictions on the entry of fuel and urgent vital aid to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian conditions.

أكرم القصاص يكتب: موقف أمريكى منحاز.. وسعى مصرى لتجنب حرب مدمرة
* Akram Al-Qassas writes: A biased American position… and an Egyptian effort to avoid a devastating war
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
The war lasted for more than a year, while all previous rounds did not exceed a month. After all these months of war, Israel seems determined to expand the conflict regionally.

إطلاق نار يستهدف قوات إسرائيلية جنوب البحر الميت بالقرب من حدود الأردن
* Shooting targets Israeli forces south of the Dead Sea near the Jordanian border
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinian, Israeli, IDF
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Written by Abdul Wahab Al-JundiHebrew media reported that several injuries occurred among the ranks of the Israeli occupation forces, in a shooting that took place in the settlement of "Neot HaKikar" south of the Dead Sea near the border with Jordan.
The spokesman for the occupation army said in a statement: "The IDF forces spotted a short while ago a number of terrorists who crossed from Jordan towards the Israeli territories south of the Dead Sea.
The IDF forces rushed to the scene and were able to neutralize two terrorists who opened fire at them, and the forces are combing the area."
On the other hand, a number of Palestinians, most of them children, were martyred, and others were injured, at dawn today, Friday, after the Israeli occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City, according to the Palestinian News Agency.

الهيكل القيادي لحماس.. من تبقى بعد مقتل السنوار؟
* Hamas’s leadership structure… Who remains after Sinwar’s killing?
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinian, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Following the Israeli announcement of the killing of Yahya Sinwar, questions have been raised about the future of the leadership of this armed Palestinian group and the fate of its other political and military leaders.
The Israeli army announced on Thursday the killing of Sinwar (62 years old) in a military operation carried out in the southern Gaza Strip.
Israeli security experts, including Amir Avivi, believe that Hamas "still has an effective organizational structure", even after Sinwar’s death.
After his return to Gaza, he was the target of a failed Israeli assassination attempt in 1992 that led to the death of his eldest son.
Mohammed al-Daif, who is also one of the main suspects in planning the October 7 attacks, joined Hamas as a young man.

تنتجان مسيرات تستخدمها روسيا.. عقوبات أميركية على شركتين صينيتين
* They produce drones used by Russia.. US sanctions on two Chinese companies
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
security experts, including Amir Avivi, believe that Hamas “still has an effective organizational structure,” even after Sinwar’s death.

Meshaal, who currently resides in Qatar with a number of senior Hamas officials, remains an influential figure in the movement, according to the New York Times.

Mahmoud Zahar is a 79-year-old surgeon nicknamed “the general” by friends and enemies for his hardline views toward Israel and Hamas opponents.

After returning to Gaza, he was the target of a failed Israeli assassination attempt in 1992 that killed his eldest son.

Mohammed al-Daif, also a key suspect in planning the October 7 attacks, joined Hamas as a young man.

مقتل السنوار.. تداعياته على مستقبل عمليات إسرائيل العسكرية في غزة
* Sinwar’s killing: its repercussions on the future of Israel’s military operations in Gaza
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israel, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
More than a year ago, Israel launched its military operations against Hamas, vowing to eliminate its leaders, especially the mastermind of the October 7 attacks, the movement’s leader, Yahya Sinwar.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday night that Sinwar’s death marked the “beginning of the end” of the war between the Israeli army and Hamas in the Gaza Strip that has been going on for a year.

The families of the hostages in Gaza had a similar message to Netanyahu. A group representing the families welcomed Sinwar’s killing, but recognizing the potential opportunity, they called on Israel to refocus efforts toward negotiating a deal.

“The Israeli strikes are precise and are not pushing the region into a larger conflict. Iran is now using the situation in Lebanon as an excuse and the fact that Israel was able to target Nasrallah and those around him,” he said, noting that Tehran used this as a justification for launching ballistic missiles.

“There are still flights from Bahrain and the Emirates coming to Israel. I am sure that the governments are coordinating well. I do not expect them to support Israel’s military activities,” Hulata noted.

الهيكل القيادي لحماس.. من تبقى بعد مقتل السنوار؟
* Hamas’s leadership structure… Who remains after Sinwar’s killing?
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinian, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Following the Israeli announcement of the killing of Yahya Sinwar, questions have been raised about the future of the leadership of this armed Palestinian group and the fate of its other political and military leaders.
The Israeli army announced on Thursday the killing of Sinwar (62 years old) in a military operation carried out in the southern Gaza Strip.
Israeli security experts, including Amir Avivi, believe that Hamas "still has an effective organizational structure", even after Sinwar’s death.
After his return to Gaza, he was the target of a failed Israeli assassination attempt in 1992 that led to the death of his eldest son.
Mohammed al-Daif, who is also one of the main suspects in planning the October 7 attacks, joined Hamas as a young man.

تنتجان مسيرات تستخدمها روسيا.. عقوبات أميركية على شركتين صينيتين
* They produce drones used by Russia.. US sanctions on two Chinese companies
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
security experts, including Amir Avivi, believe that Hamas “still has an effective organizational structure,” even after Sinwar’s death.

Meshaal, who currently resides in Qatar with a number of senior Hamas officials, remains an influential figure in the movement, according to the New York Times.

Mahmoud Zahar is a 79-year-old surgeon nicknamed “the general” by friends and enemies for his hardline views toward Israel and Hamas opponents.

After returning to Gaza, he was the target of a failed Israeli assassination attempt in 1992 that killed his eldest son.

Mohammed al-Daif, also a key suspect in planning the October 7 attacks, joined Hamas as a young man.

مقتل السنوار.. تداعياته على مستقبل عمليات إسرائيل العسكرية في غزة
* Sinwar’s killing: its repercussions on the future of Israel’s military operations in Gaza
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israel, Hamas, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
More than a year ago, Israel launched its military operations against Hamas, vowing to eliminate its leaders, especially the mastermind of the October 7 attacks, the movement’s leader, Yahya Sinwar.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday night that Sinwar’s death marked the “beginning of the end” of the war between the Israeli army and Hamas in the Gaza Strip that has been going on for a year.

The families of the hostages in Gaza had a similar message to Netanyahu. A group representing the families welcomed Sinwar’s killing, but recognizing the potential opportunity, they called on Israel to refocus efforts toward negotiating a deal.

“The Israeli strikes are precise and are not pushing the region into a larger conflict. Iran is now using the situation in Lebanon as an excuse and the fact that Israel was able to target Nasrallah and those around him,” he said, noting that Tehran used this as a justification for launching ballistic missiles.

“There are still flights from Bahrain and the Emirates coming to Israel. I am sure that the governments are coordinating well. I do not expect them to support Israel’s military activities,” Hulata noted.

في فلسطين المحتلة.. إعلام عبري: إصابة جنديين بعملية إطلاق نار بمستوطنة جنوب البحر الميت
* In occupied Palestine.. Hebrew media: Two soldiers injured in a shooting operation in a settlement south of the Dead Sea
Article Keywords: Palestine
( | Jordan)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
The occupation army: liquidation of two perpetrators of the operation in the "Neot HaKikar" settlement, south of the Dead Sea in Palestine Hebrew media reported that two soldiers from the occupation forces were injured on Friday in a shooting operation in the "Neot HaKikar" settlement, south of the Dead Sea in occupied Palestine.
Read also: Hebrew media: Al-Sinwar’s body was transferred to an unknown location The Hebrew "Zaka" said that two soldiers from the occupation army were injured as a result of a shooting operation.
The occupation army announced that it had "liquidated two perpetrators of the operation in the "Neot HaKikar" settlement, south of the Dead Sea" in occupied Palestine.
The occupation army reported that it had neutralized two who were alleged to have opened fire on a force affiliated with it.
The occupation army sent military reinforcements to the site of the operation, announcing that it was searching for a third person.

هذا ما قالته إيران في أول تعليق لها عقب استشهاد يحيى السنوار
* This is what Iran said in its first comment after the martyrdom of Yahya Sinwar
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amir Saeed Erfani, said on Friday; The martyrdom of the head of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar, "will raise the spirit of resistance and will be a role model for the Palestinians" He added: "The Security Council cannot remain silent in the face of these crimes," while calling on the Council to "take urgent measures"

خداع إسرائيلي ومنشورات مضللة وراء شراء حزب الله أجهزة "البيجر"
* Israeli deception and misleading publications behind Hezbollah’s purchase of pagers
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Lebanese sources reveal deception and misleading operations carried out by the Israeli occupation. The devices were designed with a battery that conceals a small but powerful amount of plastic explosives, and a new detonation device that is not detected by X-rays. On September 17, thousands of pagers used by Hezbollah members exploded at a specific time in Lebanon.

حياة 14 ألف أسير مهددة في سجون الاحتلال.. 3 يستشهدون في الشهر
* The lives of 14,000 prisoners are threatened in the occupation’s prisons.. 3 are martyred per month
Article Keywords: Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
The head of the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Authority, Qadura Fares, warned of the imminent danger to the lives of 14,000 prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons. Fares said that "more than 3 prisoners are killed per month, and this has never happened in history and does not happen in any prison in the world"

تشكيك إسرائيلي بإمكانية القضاء على "حماس" بعد استشهاد السنوار
* Israeli doubts about the possibility of eliminating Hamas after the martyrdom of Sinwar
Article Keywords: Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
The head of the Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Authority, Qadura Fares, warned of the imminent danger to the lives of 14,000 prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons. Fares said that "more than 3 prisoners are killed per month, and this has never happened in history and does not happen in any prison in the world"

14 يوما لحصار جباليا.. 200 ألف فلسطيني بلا طعام وعشرات …
* 14 days of Jabalia siege.. 200 thousand Palestinians without food and dozens…
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinians, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Civil Defense Authority in Gaza says 200,000 Palestinians have been besieged without food or drink for 14 days. This comes after two weeks of siege of Jabalia camp in northern Gaza, and intensive Israeli occupation bombing that has not stopped. Israeli occupation army announced, on Friday, the expansion of its ground operations in the northern besieged Gaza Strip.

شهيدان وإصابة مستوطنين في الأغوار.. دخلا من الأردن نحو …
* Two martyrs and two settlers injured in the Jordan Valley.. They entered from Jordan towards…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Hebrew media reported that the occupation forces killed two Jordanians who crossed the border into the occupied territories, towards the settlement of Neot HaKikar, and carried out a shooting attack in which two settlers were injured. The two attackers, who were wearing military uniforms, opened fire on settlers in the area, and two wounded were transferred in moderate condition to Soroka Hospital. Hebrew websites reported that the attackers tried to reach the settlement, before the occupation forces shot them and killed them, and another is being searched in the area. The regional council in the area said that due to the incident, instructions were issued to the security forces in the Eilot area to increase the state of vigilance, and the settlers were asked to stay in their homes. The Israeli army said that: "Land and air searches are being conducted to search for another who apparently withdrew from the scene of the incident."

‫ بعد استشهاد السنوار.. أبرز 10 قادة من حماس اغتالهم الاحتلال
* After the martyrdom of Sinwar.. The 10 most prominent Hamas leaders assassinated by the occupation
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Arab and International138After the martyrdom of Sinwar.. The 10 most prominent Hamas leaders assassinated by the occupationDoha – Asharq websiteDoha – Asharq websiteThe head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Yahya Sinwar, was martyred, as the Israeli occupation government announced yesterday, Thursday, that its forces killed Yahya Sinwar in the southern Gaza Strip.
Many of the movement’s leaders were martyred in assassinations carried out by the occupation or accused of carrying out over the past years.
2002Salah Shehadeh: The founder of the military wing of Hamas, Salah Shehadeh, was martyred in an Israeli air strike that targeted a building in Gaza on July 22, 2002.
2003Ismail Abu Shanab: Ismail Abu Shanab, one of the movement’s founders and one of its most prominent political leaders, was martyred in an Israeli missile attack on his car on August 22, 2003.
2009Nizar Rayyan:Nizar Rayyan, one of the movement’s most prominent political and military leaders, was martyred on January 1, 2009 2009 in a raid during an Israeli military operation, which also killed his wives and 10 of his children.

‫ شهداء وجرحى إثر استهداف قوات الاحتلال لعدة مناطق في مدينة غزة
* Martyrs and wounded as the occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinians, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Arab and International28 martyrs and wounded after the occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza CityGazaGaza – QNAA number of Palestinians, most of them children, were martyred at dawn today, and others were wounded, after the Israeli occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City.
Palestine Red Crescent paramedics reported that they recovered child martyrs after a missile attack by the occupation forces on a house in Al-Nasr Street, northwest of Gaza City.
The paramedics also stated that they recovered two martyrs from the Wadi Al-Arayes area, east of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, after they were targeted by the occupation forces’ bullets.
They indicated that a number of Palestinians were wounded after the occupation aircraft bombed a house in Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.
The Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which entered its second year, resulted in the martyrdom of 42,438 Palestinians and the injury of 99,246 others, most of whom were children and women, in an incomplete toll, as thousands of missing persons are still under the rubble due to Israeli restrictions.

‫ مدير منظمة الصحة العالمية: الوضع في قطاع غزة "غير إنساني"
* WHO Director: Situation in Gaza Strip ‘inhumane’
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Local46Director of the World Health Organization: The situation in the Gaza Strip is "inhumane"Director of the World Health OrganizationGeneva – QNATedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, confirmed that the situation in the Gaza Strip is "inhumane".
The Director-General of the World Health Organization added, in a post on the /X/ platform, that recent assessments indicate that almost everyone in Gaza is starving.
He called for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to children suffering from severe malnutrition and who need urgent treatment, and renewed his call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli occupation has continued its aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, committing many massacres against the Palestinians, due to the intensive and violent bombing by air, sea and land, leaving behind an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

‫ بعد استشهاد السنوار.. أبرز 10 قادة من حماس اغتالهم الاحتلال
* After the martyrdom of Sinwar.. The 10 most prominent Hamas leaders assassinated by the occupation
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Arab and International138After the martyrdom of Sinwar.. The 10 most prominent Hamas leaders assassinated by the occupationDoha – Asharq websiteDoha – Asharq websiteThe head of the political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Yahya Sinwar, was martyred, as the Israeli occupation government announced yesterday, Thursday, that its forces killed Yahya Sinwar in the southern Gaza Strip.
Many of the movement’s leaders were martyred in assassinations carried out by the occupation or accused of carrying out over the past years.
2002Salah Shehadeh: The founder of the military wing of Hamas, Salah Shehadeh, was martyred in an Israeli air strike that targeted a building in Gaza on July 22, 2002.
2003Ismail Abu Shanab: Ismail Abu Shanab, one of the movement’s founders and one of its most prominent political leaders, was martyred in an Israeli missile attack on his car on August 22, 2003.
2009Nizar Rayyan:Nizar Rayyan, one of the movement’s most prominent political and military leaders, was martyred on January 1, 2009 2009 in a raid during an Israeli military operation, which also killed his wives and 10 of his children.

‫ شهداء وجرحى إثر استهداف قوات الاحتلال لعدة مناطق في مدينة غزة
* Martyrs and wounded as the occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinians, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Arab and International28 martyrs and wounded after the occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza CityGazaGaza – QNAA number of Palestinians, most of them children, were martyred at dawn today, and others were wounded, after the Israeli occupation forces targeted several areas in Gaza City.
Palestine Red Crescent paramedics reported that they recovered child martyrs after a missile attack by the occupation forces on a house in Al-Nasr Street, northwest of Gaza City.
The paramedics also stated that they recovered two martyrs from the Wadi Al-Arayes area, east of Al-Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, after they were targeted by the occupation forces’ bullets.
They indicated that a number of Palestinians were wounded after the occupation aircraft bombed a house in Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City.
The Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which entered its second year, resulted in the martyrdom of 42,438 Palestinians and the injury of 99,246 others, most of whom were children and women, in an incomplete toll, as thousands of missing persons are still under the rubble due to Israeli restrictions.

‫ مدير منظمة الصحة العالمية: الوضع في قطاع غزة "غير إنساني"
* WHO Director: Situation in Gaza Strip ‘inhumane’
Article Keywords: Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-10-18)
Local46Director of the World Health Organization: The situation in the Gaza Strip is "inhumane"Director of the World Health OrganizationGeneva – QNATedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, confirmed that the situation in the Gaza Strip is "inhumane".
The Director-General of the World Health Organization added, in a post on the /X/ platform, that recent assessments indicate that almost everyone in Gaza is starving.
He called for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to children suffering from severe malnutrition and who need urgent treatment, and renewed his call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
The Israeli occupation has continued its aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, committing many massacres against the Palestinians, due to the intensive and violent bombing by air, sea and land, leaving behind an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.


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