Scanned: 2024-08-20

وزير الخارجية: هناك تطابق بين مصر والسعودية في الملف الفلسطيني
Foreign Minister: There is a similarity between Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the Palestinian file
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Written by Muhammad Sharqawi Badr Abdel Ati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, confirmed that there is a similarity of view between Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding the Palestinian file, through the importance of an immediate ceasefire and Israeli aggression.
Ati added, during a special interview on Cairo News Channel: “There is a consensus in views regarding the importance of reaching a deal that guarantees the release of Palestinian hostages and prisoners and unconditional and restricted access to humanitarian, medical and health aid to our people in the Gaza Strip.”
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriate Affairs continued: “Efforts are continuing and the Egyptian efforts are completely clear, and before the end of this week there is a round of discussions in Cairo, and we hope that these negotiations, which are taking place with the participation of America and in cooperation and coordination with our brothers in Qatar, will result in reaching an immediate cessation.” To open fire in a way that guarantees the safety of defenseless Palestinian civilians.”


اليوم السابع: توجيهات رئاسية بالعناية بالأئمة وتطوير برامج التدريب
Seventh Day: Presidential directives to care for imams and develop training programs
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Youm7 publishes in its issue released tomorrow, Tuesday, important details about many current events on the domestic and foreign arenas: Presidential directives to care for imams and develop training programsRead also in the issue released tomorrow:International indicators monitor the leap of universities after 10 years of implementing the national strategy to advance higher education.. A leap in the ranking and number of universities included in international rankings.. Egypt is the most represented African country in the Times World RankingPresidential directives to care for imams and develop training programs.. “Al-Azhar” reviews the “Awqaf” work plan before President Sisi.. and confirms: We aim to continue and enhance the process of forming awarenessThe launch of the second phase of coordination.. 64.63% is the minimum for the scientific department and 56.9% for the literaryWheat stock exceeds 6 months and we aim to reach 9 months.. Minister of Supply: The idea of ​​converting in-kind support to cash is still under studyToday.. “Legislative Committee of Representatives” discusses the draft of the Criminal Procedures LawNew El Alamein Festival celebrates Egypt’s heroes in the Olympics Paris “US State Department”: Cairo and Doha talks are the last chance to end the Gaza war Politicians: New criminal procedure law is an “urgent” necessity to enhance human rights


عوض تاج الدين: مصر لم ترصد أى حالة إصابة للكوليرا ولا شلل الأطفال
Awad Taj El-Din: Egypt has not recorded any cases of cholera or polio
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Prince Nasry wrote: Dr. Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, confirmed that the Egyptian state has not yet detected any case of cholera or any polio activity, because cholera cases have been detected in Sudan and Yemen, and polio in Yemen and the Gaza Strip.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din added during an intervention on the “Today” program broadcast on DMC channel, that Egypt receives incoming cases for treatment from the Gaza Strip, and there are displaced persons and arrivals to Egypt from Sudan, and those who visit Egypt for treatment from Yemen, so we are fully anticipating them.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din pointed out that the state monitors any case coming to it, and that the quarantine in ports, airports and outlets monitors incoming cases, and all children coming from the affected areas, which have cases of polio, are vaccinated, and these cases are followed up.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din confirmed that the state is following strict precautionary measures to prevent any disease from reaching it from those coming to it and is preparing for any possibility in this regard.


إعلام فلسطينى: 10 شهداء من عائلة واحدة في قصف استهدف منزلا بمخيم البريج
Palestinian media: 10 martyrs from one family in a bombing that targeted a house in Al-Bureij camp
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmed Alawi Palestinian media revealed that about 10 people were killed and others were injured from one family in a bombing that targeted a house in Al-Bureij camp, in the central Gaza Strip, according to Cairo News Channel in an urgent news report.
short while ago, a young Palestinian man was killed after being shot in the head with live bullets, and 4 others were injured during clashes with the occupation forces in the city of Dura, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
Tuesday, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fighters in Jenin are engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces storming the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, with machine guns, coinciding with the occupation forces storming several other cities and towns in the West Bank.


وزير الخارجية عن مقابلة نظيره السعودي: ناقشنا أزمات ليبيا والسودان وغزة
Foreign Minister on meeting his Saudi counterpart: We discussed the crises in Libya, Sudan and Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Mohamed Sharqawi wrote: Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, said that he discussed a number of regional files at length with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan.

“Abdel Aati” added, during a special interview on Cairo News Channel: “We talked about security and stability in the Middle East, the crisis in the Gaza Strip, and the continued Israeli aggression on the Strip.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs continued: “We also talked about the crisis in Libya, the Sudanese crisis, the situation in the Sahel region, and many regional files.”


تفاصيل اقتحام الحاجز الأمني للمؤتمر الوطني للحزب الديمقراطي في شيكاغو.. فيديو
Details of the storming of the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.. Video
Article Keywords: Israel,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Today’s Seventh Day broadcast news coverage presented by Ahmed Al-Tayeb, covering the details of the storming of the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
media reported in the early hours of Tuesday morning that demonstrators had breached the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, forcing the police to deploy law enforcement forces to control the situation and delaying the start of the convention by 15 minutes from its scheduled time.
coverage stated that the American police had strengthened their security presence, especially since there was a huge demonstration in Chicago in protest of the US administration’s support for Israel in its aggressive war in the Gaza Strip.
continued that the convention will witness the attendance of public figures and party cadres, headed by President Joe Biden, his deputy Kamala Harris, and former President Barack Obama.


إعلام إسرائيلى: رئيس الأركان ومسؤولون عسكريون يعتزمون الاستقالة بعد اتفاق غزة
Israeli media: Chief of Staff and military officials intend to resign after Gaza agreement
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmed Alawi Israeli media revealed that the Chief of Staff and military officials intend to resign from their positions once a ceasefire agreement is reached in the Gaza Strip, according to Cairo News Channel in an urgent news report.
occupation forces continue to launch hundreds of raids and artillery shelling and commit crimes in various parts of the Gaza Strip, commit bloody massacres against civilians, and commit horrific crimes in the areas of penetration, amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation as a result of the siege and the displacement of more than 90% of the population.
Israeli occupation aircraft destroyed entire residential blocks in the Gaza Strip, as part of the comprehensive destruction policy pursued by the occupation in its ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.


استشهاد فلسطينى برصاصة فى الرأس وإصابة 4 آخرين فى الضفة الغربية المحتلة
A Palestinian was killed by a bullet to the head and 4 others were injured in the occupied West Bank
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmad AlawiA young Palestinian man was martyred after being shot in the head with live ammunition, and four others were injured during clashes with the occupation forces in the city of Dura, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Today, Tuesday, the fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin are engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces storming the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, with machine guns, coinciding with the occupation forces storming several other cities and towns in the West Bank.


محمد العرابى: تقديم المساعدات الإنسانية جزء من سياسة مصر الخارجية
Mohamed El-Araby: Providing humanitarian aid is part of Egypt’s foreign policy
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasry wrote: Ambassador Mohamed El-Araby, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, confirmed that Egypt was one of the active countries during the spread of the Corona virus in its foreign policy in providing medical and other assistance, as recognized by all countries of the world.

Mohamed El-Araby added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that the situation in Gaza proved that Egypt was a pioneer in providing assistance in the field of humanitarian work to the sector, and it also made efforts to confront natural disasters, whether in Sudan or other countries, and always sends urgent aid to affected countries and reaches many places in the world in this regard.

Mohamed El-Araby pointed out that Egypt is known for providing humanitarian aid in disasters and developing human and professional capabilities for many countries, whether in Africa or Arab countries, as part of its foreign policy.

Ahmed El-Araby confirmed that since the first day of the aggression on Gaza, the Egyptian state has followed unconventional means to send aid to the Palestinian people.


خبير: جهود مصر مستمرة لوقف نزيف الدم الفلسطينى والمعاناة الإنسانية بغزة
Expert: Egypt’s efforts continue to stop Palestinian bloodshed and humanitarian suffering in Gaza
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasry wrote: Dr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, an expert in international relations, spoke about the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip and the goals of Blinken’s visit to the region, saying: “Blinken considers this visit to be the last and best opportunity, because the region is at a crossroads, either there is stability and an agreement is reached to stop this war and exchange prisoners, detainees and hostages, or the conflict expands in the region.” Ahmed Sayed Ahmed added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that the Egyptian state has repeatedly warned against the expansion of the conflict in the region, and stressed that as long as the aggression on Gaza continues, it invades the environment of violence and conflict in the region, and from here Egypt has made every effort that has not stopped for a moment. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed explained that these Egyptian efforts are ongoing to stop the Palestinian bloodshed and human suffering, and have worked to prevent the region from slipping to the brink of the abyss, and from here came Egypt’s contacts with partners in Qatar and America in order to reach a consensus formula and resolve the outstanding issues.


خبير فلسطينى: الطفولة فى قطاع غزة تعانى من انتشار الأمراض والشلل
Palestinian expert: Children in the Gaza Strip suffer from the spread of diseases and paralysis
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasri wrote: Dr. Maher Al-Safi, the Palestinian political analyst, said that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is a genocide in the full sense of the word and is comprehensive for the Gaza Strip. This region suffers from diseases and epidemics, and there are more than 17,000 orphaned children, and thousands of martyrs who reached 40,000 and 15,000 under the rubble of their homes that were bombed over their heads by the Israeli occupation. Maher Al-Safi added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that childhood in the Gaza Strip suffers from the spread of diseases and widespread paralysis if the World Health Centers do not intervene and find a solution to these diseases and epidemics. Maher Al-Safi explained that there are diseases spreading due to the medical waste, projectiles and bombs that Israel drops on the Gaza Strip, stressing that the Israeli occupier forces the population to flee every time and the area of ​​the Gaza Strip has shrunk to only 11 kilometers, and the occupation forces are bombing these areas continuously.


أكسيوس عن مسئولين إسرائيليين: نتنياهو رفض الاتفاق مع فريق التفاوض
Axios quoting Israeli officials: Netanyahu rejected the agreement with the negotiating team
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Written by Mohamed SharqawiCairo News Channel reported in a breaking news that Axios quoted Israeli officials as saying that Netanyahu refused to give the negotiating team enough space to reach an agreement, and they confirmed that Netanyahu received a warning from Galant and the negotiators against delaying the agreement until all his demands were met, and members of the negotiating delegation asked Netanyahu for room to maneuver in order to reach an agreement, but he rebuked them.
occupation forces continue to launch hundreds of raids and artillery shelling and commit crimes in various parts of the Gaza Strip, commit bloody massacres against civilians, and commit horrific crimes in the areas of penetration, amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation as a result of the siege and the displacement of more than 90% of the population.
Israeli occupation aircraft destroyed entire residential blocks in the Gaza Strip, as part of the comprehensive destruction policy pursued by the occupation in its ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.
of martyrs and wounded have not yet been recovered from under the rubble; Due to the continued bombing and the dangerous conditions on the ground, in light of the stifling siege on the Strip and the strict restrictions on the entry of fuel and urgent vital aid to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian conditions.


حرب غزة.. مؤشرات ودلالات زيارة بلينكن التاسعة
Gaza War: Indicators and Implications of Blinken’s Ninth Visit
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Israel is his ninth visit to the region since the outbreak of the Israeli war on Gaza. In my opinion, Blinken’s visit will not bring anything new, because simply the United States is still only looking for support for Israel and there is no real pressure.


وزير الخارجية: هناك تطابق بين مصر والسعودية في الملف الفلسطيني
Foreign Minister: There is a similarity between Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the Palestinian file
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Mohamed Sharqawi wrote: Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, confirmed that there is a convergence of views between Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Palestinian file, through the importance of an immediate ceasefire and Israeli aggression.

“Abdel Aati” added, during a special interview on Cairo News Channel: “There is a convergence of views regarding the importance of reaching a deal that guarantees the release of Palestinian hostages and prisoners and unconditional and unrestricted access to humanitarian, medical and health aid to our people in the Gaza Strip.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs continued: “The efforts are ongoing and the Egyptian efforts are completely clear, and before the end of this week there will be a round of talks in Cairo, and we hope that these negotiations, which are taking place with the participation of America and in cooperation and coordination with our brothers in Qatar, will result in an immediate ceasefire that guarantees the safety of defenseless Palestinian civilians.”


اليوم السابع: توجيهات رئاسية بالعناية بالأئمة وتطوير برامج التدريب
Seventh Day: Presidential directives to care for imams and develop training programs
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Youm7 publishes in its issue released tomorrow, Tuesday, important details about many current events on the domestic and foreign arenas: Presidential directives to care for imams and develop training programsRead also in the issue released tomorrow:International indicators monitor the leap of universities after 10 years of implementing the national strategy to advance higher education.. A leap in the ranking and number of universities included in international rankings.. Egypt is the most represented African country in the Times World RankingPresidential directives to care for imams and develop training programs.. “Al-Azhar” reviews the “Awqaf” work plan before President Sisi.. and confirms: We aim to continue and enhance the process of forming awarenessThe launch of the second phase of coordination.. 64.63% is the minimum for the scientific department and 56.9% for the literaryWheat stock exceeds 6 months and we aim to reach 9 months.. Minister of Supply: The idea of ​​converting in-kind support to cash is still under studyToday.. “Legislative Committee of Representatives” discusses the draft of the Criminal Procedures LawNew El Alamein Festival celebrates Egypt’s heroes in the Olympics Paris “US State Department”: Cairo and Doha talks are the last chance to end the Gaza war Politicians: New criminal procedure law is an “urgent” necessity to enhance human rights


عوض تاج الدين: مصر لم ترصد أى حالة إصابة للكوليرا ولا شلل الأطفال
Awad Taj El-Din: Egypt has not recorded any cases of cholera or polio
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Prince Nasry wrote: Dr. Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, confirmed that the Egyptian state has not yet detected any case of cholera or any polio activity, because cholera cases have been detected in Sudan and Yemen, and polio in Yemen and the Gaza Strip.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din added during an intervention on the “Today” program broadcast on DMC channel, that Egypt receives incoming cases for treatment from the Gaza Strip, and there are displaced persons and arrivals to Egypt from Sudan, and those who visit Egypt for treatment from Yemen, so we are fully anticipating them.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din pointed out that the state monitors any case coming to it, and that the quarantine in ports, airports and outlets monitors incoming cases, and all children coming from the affected areas, which have cases of polio, are vaccinated, and these cases are followed up.

Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din confirmed that the state is following strict precautionary measures to prevent any disease from reaching it from those coming to it and is preparing for any possibility in this regard.


إعلام فلسطينى: 10 شهداء من عائلة واحدة في قصف استهدف منزلا بمخيم البريج
Palestinian media: 10 martyrs from one family in a bombing that targeted a house in the Bureij camp
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmed Alawi Palestinian media revealed that about 10 people were killed and others were injured from one family in a bombing that targeted a house in Al-Bureij camp, in the central Gaza Strip, according to Cairo News Channel in an urgent news report.
short while ago, a young Palestinian man was killed after being shot in the head with live bullets, and 4 others were injured during clashes with the occupation forces in the city of Dura, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.
Tuesday, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fighters in Jenin are engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces storming the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, with machine guns, coinciding with the occupation forces storming several other cities and towns in the West Bank.


وزير الخارجية عن مقابلة نظيره السعودي: ناقشنا أزمات ليبيا والسودان وغزة
The Foreign Minister about his meeting with his Saudi counterpart: We discussed the crises in Libya, Sudan, and Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Mohamed Sharqawi wrote: Badr Abdel Aati, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs, said that he discussed a number of regional files at length with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan.

“Abdel Aati” added, during a special interview on Cairo News Channel: “We talked about security and stability in the Middle East, the crisis in the Gaza Strip, and the continued Israeli aggression on the Strip.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs continued: “We also talked about the crisis in Libya, the Sudanese crisis, the situation in the Sahel region, and many regional files.”


تفاصيل اقتحام الحاجز الأمني للمؤتمر الوطني للحزب الديمقراطي في شيكاغو.. فيديو
Details of the storming of the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.. Video
Article Keywords: Israel,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Today’s Seventh Day broadcast news coverage presented by Ahmed Al-Tayeb, covering the details of the storming of the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
media reported in the early hours of Tuesday morning that demonstrators had breached the security barrier of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, forcing the police to deploy law enforcement forces to control the situation and delaying the start of the convention by 15 minutes from its scheduled time.
coverage stated that the American police had strengthened their security presence, especially since there was a huge demonstration in Chicago in protest of the US administration’s support for Israel in its aggressive war in the Gaza Strip.
continued that the convention will witness the attendance of public figures and party cadres, headed by President Joe Biden, his deputy Kamala Harris, and former President Barack Obama.


إعلام إسرائيلى: رئيس الأركان ومسؤولون عسكريون يعتزمون الاستقالة بعد اتفاق غزة
Israeli media: Chief of Staff and military officials intend to resign after Gaza agreement
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmed Alawi: Israeli media revealed that the Chief of Staff and military officials intend to resign from their positions as soon as a ceasefire agreement is reached in the Gaza Strip, according to Cairo News Channel in breaking news.
occupation forces continue to launch hundreds of raids, artillery shelling, and carry out crimes throughout the Gaza Strip, committing bloody massacres against civilians, and carrying out horrific crimes in the areas of incursion, amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation as a result of the siege and the displacement of more than 90% of the population.
Israeli occupation aircraft destroyed entire residential squares in the Gaza Strip, as part of the comprehensive destruction policy pursued by the occupation in its ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip.


استشهاد فلسطينى برصاصة فى الرأس وإصابة 4 آخرين فى الضفة الغربية المحتلة
A Palestinian was killed by a bullet to the head and 4 others were injured in the occupied West Bank
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ahmad AlawiA young Palestinian man was martyred after being shot in the head with live ammunition, and four others were injured during clashes with the occupation forces in the city of Dura, south of Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Today, Tuesday, the fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin are engaged in fierce clashes with the occupation forces storming the town of Jaba, south of Jenin, with machine guns, coinciding with the occupation forces storming several other cities and towns in the West Bank.


محمد العرابى: تقديم المساعدات الإنسانية جزء من سياسة مصر الخارجية
Mohamed El-Araby: Providing humanitarian aid is part of Egypt’s foreign policy
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasry wrote: Ambassador Mohamed El-Araby, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, confirmed that Egypt was one of the active countries during the spread of the Corona virus in its foreign policy in providing medical and other assistance, as recognized by all countries of the world.

Mohamed El-Araby added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that the situation in Gaza proved that Egypt was a pioneer in providing assistance in the field of humanitarian work to the sector, and it also made efforts to confront natural disasters, whether in Sudan or other countries, and always sends urgent aid to affected countries and reaches many places in the world in this regard.

Mohamed El-Araby pointed out that Egypt is known for providing humanitarian aid in disasters and developing human and professional capabilities for many countries, whether in Africa or Arab countries, as part of its foreign policy.

Ahmed El-Araby confirmed that since the first day of the aggression on Gaza, the Egyptian state has followed unconventional means to send aid to the Palestinian people.


خبير: جهود مصر مستمرة لوقف نزيف الدم الفلسطينى والمعاناة الإنسانية بغزة
Expert: Egypt’s efforts continue to stop Palestinian bloodshed and humanitarian suffering in Gaza
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasry wrote: Dr. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed, an expert in international relations, spoke about the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip and the goals of Blinken’s visit to the region, saying: “Blinken considers this visit to be the last and best opportunity, because the region is at a crossroads, either there is stability and an agreement is reached to stop this war and exchange prisoners, detainees and hostages, or the conflict expands in the region.” Ahmed Sayed Ahmed added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that the Egyptian state has repeatedly warned against the expansion of the conflict in the region, and stressed that as long as the aggression on Gaza continues, it invades the environment of violence and conflict in the region, and from here Egypt has made every effort that has not stopped for a moment. Ahmed Sayed Ahmed explained that these Egyptian efforts are ongoing to stop the Palestinian bloodshed and human suffering, and have worked to prevent the region from slipping to the brink of the abyss, and from here came Egypt’s contacts with partners in Qatar and America in order to reach a consensus formula and resolve the outstanding issues.


خبير فلسطينى: الطفولة فى قطاع غزة تعانى من انتشار الأمراض والشلل
Palestinian expert: Children in the Gaza Strip suffer from the spread of diseases and paralysis
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Prince Nasri wrote: Dr. Maher Al-Safi, the Palestinian political analyst, said that what is happening in the Gaza Strip is a genocide in the full sense of the word and is comprehensive for the Gaza Strip. This region suffers from diseases and epidemics, and there are more than 17,000 orphaned children, and thousands of martyrs who reached 40,000 and 15,000 under the rubble of their homes that were bombed over their heads by the Israeli occupation. Maher Al-Safi added, during an intervention on Extra News Channel, that childhood in the Gaza Strip suffers from the spread of diseases and widespread paralysis if the World Health Centers do not intervene and find a solution to these diseases and epidemics. Maher Al-Safi explained that there are diseases spreading due to the medical waste, projectiles and bombs that Israel drops on the Gaza Strip, stressing that the Israeli occupier forces the population to flee every time and the area of ​​the Gaza Strip has shrunk to only 11 kilometers, and the occupation forces are bombing these areas continuously.


أكسيوس عن مسئولين إسرائيليين: نتنياهو رفض الاتفاق مع فريق التفاوض
Axios quoting Israeli officials: Netanyahu rejected the agreement with the negotiating team
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Written by Mohamed SharqawiCairo News Channel reported in a breaking news that Axios quoted Israeli officials as saying that Netanyahu refused to give the negotiating team enough space to reach an agreement, and they confirmed that Netanyahu received a warning from Galant and the negotiators against delaying the agreement until all his demands were met, and members of the negotiating delegation asked Netanyahu for room to maneuver in order to reach an agreement, but he rebuked them.
occupation forces continue to launch hundreds of raids and artillery shelling and commit crimes in various parts of the Gaza Strip, commit bloody massacres against civilians, and commit horrific crimes in the areas of penetration, amid a catastrophic humanitarian situation as a result of the siege and the displacement of more than 90% of the population.
Israeli occupation aircraft destroyed entire residential blocks in the Gaza Strip, as part of the comprehensive destruction policy pursued by the occupation in its ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.
of martyrs and wounded have not yet been recovered from under the rubble; Due to the continued bombing and the dangerous conditions on the ground, in light of the stifling siege on the Strip and the strict restrictions on the entry of fuel and urgent vital aid to alleviate the catastrophic humanitarian conditions.


حرب غزة.. مؤشرات ودلالات زيارة بلينكن التاسعة
Gaza War: Indicators and Implications of Blinken’s Ninth Visit
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Israel is his ninth visit to the region since the outbreak of the Israeli war on Gaza. In my opinion, Blinken’s visit will not bring anything new, because simply the United States is still only looking for support for Israel and there is no real pressure.


حماس تنعى مرافقين لهنية استشهدوا في مجزرة مخيم الشاطئ (شاهد)
Hamas mourns Haniyeh’s companions who were martyred in the Al-Shati Camp massacre (watch)
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Israeli occupation army committed a heinous massacre in the Shati refugee camp, targeting a group of Palestinians, which led to the martyrdom of 9 people. Hamas mourned “a group of companions of the martyr Ismail Haniyeh and workers in his office, who were martyred in the massacre”


اشتباكات في جنين وطوباس.. وكتائب شهداء الأقصى توجه
Clashes in Jenin and Tubas.. and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades direct…
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
A young Palestinian man was killed after being shot in the head with live ammunition, and 4 others were injured, during clashes with the occupation forces in the city of Dura, south of Hebron. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the Far’a Camp Battalion in Tubas also warned the security services affiliated with the Palestinian Authority against continuing to dismantle their explosive devices.


منصة إكس تغلق حساب الإعلامي المصري باسم يوسف.. حملة منظمة
X platform closes the account of Egyptian media figure Bassem Youssef… “an organized campaign”
Article Keywords: Israeli
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
pic.twitter.com/SizUlaFCfe August 19, 2024Show related newsYoussef is known for his stances against the genocide in Gaza, as he appeared several times on American and British media outlets to refute the occupation’s arguments and the Israeli narrative of events.
said in a long post on his account on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter): “I want to share with you my experience appearing on foreign programs in the past period and about things we must be aware of when discussing what is happening now in Gaza.”
continued, addressing his followers: “If you watch my dialogues, you will see that I am trying to get out of these side discussions and focus on one thing: Israel, Israel, Israel.
discuss this as an American citizen who pays taxes and has the right to hold his government and his representatives in Congress accountable for their responsibility in what is happening.”
X platform suddenly closed the account of the Egyptian media figure Bassem Youssef, who is followed by more than 11 million followers. Activists on social media reported that an organization called “Stop Anti-Semitism” launched a campaign against Youssef, choosing him as the alleged anti-Semitic personality of the week. It contacted countries and places where Youssef works, including theaters and organizers, before closing his account on the platform.


آليات الاحتلال تتوغل قرب خيام النازحين في مواصي رفح..
Occupation forces advance near the tents of the displaced in Mawasi Rafah…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
The Israeli occupation forces penetrated, at dawn on Tuesday, near the tents of the displaced in the Al-Shakoush area in the Mawasi of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip. Media outlets reported that five displaced persons were injured by the occupation forces’ fire on the outskirts of the town of Al-Qarara, northwest of Khan Yunis. The occupation army’s artillery targeted the Hamad residential city and its surroundings. The bloody bombing operations carried out by Israeli occupation aircraft continued in various parts of theGaza Strip.


لقاء فجر أزمة“.. إسكتلندا تعلق اتصالاتها مع
“A meeting that sparked a crisis”… Scotland suspends contacts with…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
The Scottish government has announced it will halt contacts with senior Israeli diplomats in the UK until “real progress” is made towards peace in the Gaza Strip. Foreign Affairs Minister Angus Robertson spoke about the criticism he faced over his meeting with the Israeli deputy ambassador to London.


ملامح مواجهة شاملة: روسيا وإيران في صراع متصاعد مع الغرب
Features of a comprehensive confrontation: Russia and Iran in an escalating conflict with the West…
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Moscow has a sensitivity to its western borders, as they are the source of all major challenges. The prevailing belief is that Israel cannot invade Ukraine without prior coordination with the U.S.


هكذا تآكلت استراتيجية الاحتلال خلال العقود الأخيرة درجة
This is how the occupation strategy has eroded over the past decades to a degree…
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Palestinians,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
But after 10 months of genocidal warfare against Palestinians in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank, the initial sympathy has been lost.

But the Israeli military assumed that Egypt was in a weak position to confront Israel.

Its exit led to the first intifada, a sign of the Palestinians’ refusal to leave their homeland or submit to Israeli subjugation.

Of course, this also requires lobby groups like AIPAC to reconsider their role in leading Israel to its current predicament.

Instead, Israel and its supporters in the United States are doubling down on their efforts, a recipe for endless trouble, if not disaster.”


أمريكا تشتري الوقت
America is buying time…
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Palestinians,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
But after 10 months of genocidal warfare against Palestinians in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank, the initial sympathy has been lost.

But the Israeli military assumed that Egypt was in a weak position to confront Israel.

Its exit led to the first intifada, a sign of the Palestinians’ refusal to leave their homeland or submit to Israeli subjugation.

Of course, this also requires lobby groups like AIPAC to reconsider their role in leading Israel to its current predicament.

Instead, Israel and its supporters in the United States are doubling down on their efforts, a recipe for endless trouble, if not disaster.”


نتنياهو يعطل الاتفاق“.. حماس: ما يفعله الأمريكيون هو
“Netanyahu is obstructing the agreement.” Hamas: What the Americans are doing is…
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
leader Osama Hamdan said that “the movement agreed to the proposal presented by Biden, but the US administration failed to convince Netanyahu of it” Hamdan added: “The agreement must include 5 specific points, including stopping the aggression, withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, and reconstruction”


بلينكن يضغط على الوسطاء لإقناع حماس بالعودة للمفاوضات
Blinken presses mediators to persuade Hamas to return to negotiations…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is seeking to pressure mediators to persuade Hamas to return to the negotiating table. Blinken had previously said on Monday evening that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to the proposal presented by Washington.


قصف إسرائيلي على البقاع وبعلبك في لبنان.. وحزب الله يصعد
Israeli bombing of the Bekaa and Baalbek in Lebanon… and Hezbollah escalates…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is seeking to pressure mediators to persuade Hamas to return to the negotiating table. Blinken had previously said on Monday evening that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to the proposal presented by Washington.


تعرف على تاريخ العمليات الاستشهادية في فلسطين من
Learn about the history of “martyrdom operations” in Palestine from…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is seeking to pressure mediators to persuade Hamas to return to the negotiating table. Blinken had previously said on Monday evening that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to the proposal presented by Washington.


حياة الماعز فيلم هندي أغضب السعودية
The Life of the Goat is an Indian film that angered Saudi Arabia…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is seeking to pressure mediators to persuade Hamas to return to the negotiating table. Blinken had previously said on Monday evening that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to the proposal presented by Washington.


حملة سعودية إسرائيلية تستهدف إسماعيل هنية وأبناءه
Saudi-Israeli campaign targets Ismail Haniyeh and his sons…
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Show related news🔴Erdogan seized Ismail Haniyeh’s wealth and refuses to hand it over to his sonsIsraeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: This week, a conflict erupted between Erdogan and the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, who demanded three billion dollars in Turkish bank accounts in their father’s name.
refused to release the money.
pic.twitter.com/aIRIinpagw Muhammad .. (Abu Abdul Aziz) .. (@cr7_50_) August 17, 2024″A miracle that is repeated annually”Yesterday, Erdogan received the sons of the deceased Ismail Haniyeh .. They are the same ones who died a few months ago 👏🏻As is the custom of the extremist Hamas, they passed the play of their death on the superficial, naive and ignorant with the help of the Brotherhood and the extremist electronic committees.
pic.twitter.com/CVuqvilTXR Rafe Al-Omari (@RaF3mri) August 11, 2024 The martyrs are not buried by the corrupt Brotherhood. They remain walking with the people like Muhammad Al-Durrah 😂 Abu Wael Al-Janoubi 🇸🇦 (@abwwayl43720536) August 11, 2024 One of the miracles of the Caliph of Muslims.
brings the dead to greet them.


جدل عبر مواقع التواصل بعد مطالبة تبون بفتح حدود مصر مع غزة
Controversy on social media after Tebboune demands opening Egypt’s borders with Gaza
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Show related news🔴Erdogan seized Ismail Haniyeh’s wealth and refuses to hand it over to his sonsIsraeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: This week, a conflict erupted between Erdogan and the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, who demanded three billion dollars in Turkish bank accounts in their father’s name.
refused to release the money.
pic.twitter.com/aIRIinpagw Muhammad .. (Abu Abdul Aziz) .. (@cr7_50_) August 17, 2024″A miracle that is repeated annually”Yesterday, Erdogan received the sons of the deceased Ismail Haniyeh .. They are the same ones who died a few months ago 👏🏻As is the custom of the extremist Hamas, they passed the play of their death on the superficial, naive and ignorant with the help of the Brotherhood and the extremist electronic committees.
pic.twitter.com/CVuqvilTXR Rafe Al-Omari (@RaF3mri) August 11, 2024 The martyrs are not buried by the corrupt Brotherhood. They remain walking with the people like Muhammad Al-Durrah 😂 Abu Wael Al-Janoubi 🇸🇦 (@abwwayl43720536) August 11, 2024 One of the miracles of the Caliph of Muslims.
brings the dead to greet them.


عباس بن فرناس في البرلمان التركي
Abbas “Ibn Firnas” in the Turkish Parliament…
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Show related news🔴Erdogan seized Ismail Haniyeh’s wealth and refuses to hand it over to his sonsIsraeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: This week, a conflict erupted between Erdogan and the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, who demanded three billion dollars in Turkish bank accounts in their father’s name.
refused to release the money.
pic.twitter.com/aIRIinpagw Muhammad .. (Abu Abdul Aziz) .. (@cr7_50_) August 17, 2024″A miracle that is repeated annually”Yesterday, Erdogan received the sons of the deceased Ismail Haniyeh .. They are the same ones who died a few months ago 👏🏻As is the custom of the extremist Hamas, they passed the play of their death on the superficial, naive and ignorant with the help of the Brotherhood and the extremist electronic committees.
pic.twitter.com/CVuqvilTXR Rafe Al-Omari (@RaF3mri) August 11, 2024 The martyrs are not buried by the corrupt Brotherhood. They remain walking with the people like Muhammad Al-Durrah 😂 Abu Wael Al-Janoubi 🇸🇦 (@abwwayl43720536) August 11, 2024 One of the miracles of the Caliph of Muslims.
brings the dead to greet them.


الهشك بشك في الجامعات المصرية.. من المسؤول؟!
“Hishk Bishk” in Egyptian universities… Who is responsible?!
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Show related news🔴Erdogan seized Ismail Haniyeh’s wealth and refuses to hand it over to his sonsIsraeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: This week, a conflict erupted between Erdogan and the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, who demanded three billion dollars in Turkish bank accounts in their father’s name.
refused to release the money.
pic.twitter.com/aIRIinpagw Muhammad .. (Abu Abdul Aziz) .. (@cr7_50_) August 17, 2024″A miracle that is repeated annually”Yesterday, Erdogan received the sons of the deceased Ismail Haniyeh .. They are the same ones who died a few months ago 👏🏻As is the custom of the extremist Hamas, they passed the play of their death on the superficial, naive and ignorant with the help of the Brotherhood and the extremist electronic committees.
pic.twitter.com/CVuqvilTXR Rafe Al-Omari (@RaF3mri) August 11, 2024 The martyrs are not buried by the corrupt Brotherhood. They remain walking with the people like Muhammad Al-Durrah 😂 Abu Wael Al-Janoubi 🇸🇦 (@abwwayl43720536) August 11, 2024 One of the miracles of the Caliph of Muslims.
brings the dead to greet them.


بلينكن في المنطقة.. هل من جديد؟
Blinken in the region… anything new?
Article Keywords: Israel
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Show related news🔴Erdogan seized Ismail Haniyeh’s wealth and refuses to hand it over to his sonsIsraeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said: This week, a conflict erupted between Erdogan and the sons of Ismail Haniyeh, who demanded three billion dollars in Turkish bank accounts in their father’s name.
refused to release the money.
pic.twitter.com/aIRIinpagw Muhammad .. (Abu Abdul Aziz) .. (@cr7_50_) August 17, 2024″A miracle that is repeated annually”Yesterday, Erdogan received the sons of the deceased Ismail Haniyeh .. They are the same ones who died a few months ago 👏🏻As is the custom of the extremist Hamas, they passed the play of their death on the superficial, naive and ignorant with the help of the Brotherhood and the extremist electronic committees.
pic.twitter.com/CVuqvilTXR Rafe Al-Omari (@RaF3mri) August 11, 2024 The martyrs are not buried by the corrupt Brotherhood. They remain walking with the people like Muhammad Al-Durrah 😂 Abu Wael Al-Janoubi 🇸🇦 (@abwwayl43720536) August 11, 2024 One of the miracles of the Caliph of Muslims.
brings the dead to greet them.


كيف يمكن للفلسطينيين تجاوز المحنة الراهنة؟
How can Palestinians overcome the current ordeal?
Article Keywords: Israel,  Palestine,  Palestinian,  Palestinians,  Hamas
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
In this context, both Israel and the United States play a pivotal role in shaping and directing the course of events.

Due to their great influence, their interests are intertwined with the developments of the conflict, making ending the war a complex process that requires the intervention and understanding of all parties involved.

It is also necessary to form a national negotiating team that enjoys broad consensus and is capable of managing direct negotiations with Israel.

The goal of these negotiations must be to end the current war and reach an agreement for a long-term calm that guarantees the Palestinians their basic rights and provides them with the security and stability they currently lack. Consideration must also be given to restructuring the Palestine Liberation Organization to include all Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

National reconciliation and the comprehensive and effective reconstruction of Palestinian institutions may be the only way out of the current crisis, but success in achieving these goals requires the courage of the Palestinian Authority and working for the greater interest of the Palestinian people.


الشمال السوري المحرر بين الأمل واليأس
Liberated northern Syria between hope and despair…
Article Keywords: Zionist
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The author says the case with Iran and the recent Zionist humiliation it was subjected to. He says the government and supporters of the Syrian regime are busy with supporting and assisting it. The majority in the liberated north of Syria seems optimistic and confident of victory.


كاتب يهودي يعرض على هاريس حلا للخروج من مأزق دعم الاحتلال
Jewish writer offers Harris a solution to get out of the “impasse” of supporting the occupation
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Kamala Harris, the US Vice President and Democratic candidate for the presidential elections, can get out of the “impasse’ of the Joe Biden administration’s support for the Israeli occupation. The American Jewish writer and journalist, Peter Beinart, said in an article published in the New York Times, “Harris can change Biden’s policy toward Israel by simply adhering to the law.


موقع عبري يتحدث عن طلب من السلطة لتنسيق زيارة عباس إلى غزة
Hebrew website talks about a request from the Authority to coordinate Abbas’ visit to Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
A Hebrew website reported on Monday that the Palestinian Authority had submitted a request to the Israeli occupation government to coordinate the visit. The decision to allow Abbas to enter the Gaza Strip is in the hands of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not issued any response so far.


شرطة الاحتلال العسكرية تداهم قاعدة لاستجواب جنود بخصوص 7 أكتوبر
Israeli military police raid base to question soldiers over October 7
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
A number of Israeli military police officers raided a battalion in Otniel, to interrogate a number of occupation soldiers regarding the Al-Aqsa flood attack on the 7th of last October. The police raided the battalion, while settlers near the military base demonstrated in protest against the way the occupation soldiers were treated by the military police.


مجازر في فلسطين والسودان
Massacres in Palestine and Sudan…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
A number of Israeli military police officers raided a battalion in Otniel, to interrogate a number of occupation soldiers regarding the Al-Aqsa flood attack on the 7th of last October. The police raided the battalion, while settlers near the military base demonstrated in protest against the way the occupation soldiers were treated by the military police.


نمو التبادل التجاري بين الاحتلال ودول عربية.. الإمارات
Growth of trade exchange between the occupation and Arab countries.. the Emirates…
Article Keywords: Israel,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Trade between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Egypt was up, Year-over-Year, in June. Trade between the occupation and the Emirates reached $271.9 million last June, an increase of 5 percent compared to the same month of the previous year. The volume of trade exchange between Morocco and the occupation reached $8.5 million in June of this year.


قصف متواصل على قطاع غزة وترقب
Continuous bombing of the Gaza Strip and anticipation…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Occupation,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The occupation forces continue to commit the crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip, for the 318th consecutive day, amid anticipation of what will happen to the ceasefire efforts in light of the intransigence of the Israeli occupation. The occupation aircraft carried out violent raids at night on large areas of the Gaza Strip, in light of the continued incursion into the northwestern outskirts of Khan Yunis. The occupation warplanes launched a raid at dawn today on the northeast of the Nuseirat refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip, while the occupation artillery renewed the artillery shelling in the vicinity of Hamad City, north of Khan Yunis.. coinciding with the intensive flight of reconnaissance aircraft in the skies of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip. On the other hand, a state of anticipation prevails regarding the results of the efforts made by the mediators to push for a ceasefire in Gaza, especially with the arrival of an Israeli delegation to Cairo on Sunday, to complete the negotiations that were held in Doha over the past two days, Friday and Saturday. Hopes of reaching an agreement are diminishing, in light of the intransigence of the Israeli occupation government, and the addition of new conditions by its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that may hinder the signing of any agreement, especially with regard to the continued Occupation forces in the “Netzarim” axis, south of Gaza, and the “Philadelphi” axis on the border with Egypt.


جيش الاحتلال يستدعي جنودا معفيين من الخدمة بسبب نقص في القوات
The occupation army summons soldiers exempted from service due to a shortage of forces
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Israeli occupation army began calling up reserve fighters who were exempted from service in recent years. The decision comes amid difficulties in recruiting religious Haredim. Religious people make up about 13 percent of the population of the occupation state.


ناشطون يهاجمون محمد رمضان بسبب إعلان لـكوكاكولا (شاهد)
Activists attack Mohamed Ramadan because of a Coca-Cola advertisement (witness)…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Israeli occupation army began calling up reserve fighters who were exempted from service in recent years. The decision comes amid difficulties in recruiting religious Haredim. Religious people make up about 13 percent of the population of the occupation state.


قصف دموي في قطاع غزة.. وانفجارات ضخمة بخانيونس ورفح (شاهد)
Bloody bombing in the Gaza Strip.. and huge explosions in Khan Younis and Rafah (watch)
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Israeli occupation army committed a horrific massacre in the Al-Shati camp, targeting a group of Palestinians, which led to the martyrdom of 9 people. Medical sources confirmed that Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis received 18 martyrs today, Monday, a number of whom were rescued from the city of Rafah, which has been subjected to a ground invasion by the occupation army for the fourth consecutive month. The occupation forces’ artillery shelling extended to the northwestern areas of the Nuseirat camp.


تظاهرات حاشدة بولايات أمريكية تحت شعار لا قنبلة أخرى
Mass demonstrations in US states under the slogan “No more bomb”…
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
https://t.co/i5OrPQd7Be pic.twitter.com/hQaJqVIsfY BREAKING: Hundreds of protestors are marching through Boston Common to the Massachusetts State House.
🚫💣🚫🗳️ pic.twitter.com/nZumIswX87 August 19, 2024Joining thousands across the country who are demanding an arms embargo on weapons to Israel.
message is crystal clear: STOP the genocide and cut off U.S. arms to Israel immediately!
August 18, 2024Masses of protesters marched through the streets of Dearborn, Michigan, yesterday, denouncing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.
United StatesMasses of protesters marched through the streets of Dearborn, Michigan, yesterday, denouncing the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.


مقتل ضابط وإصابة 6 جنود بقصف طائرة للاحتلال موقعهم جنوب
An officer was killed and 6 soldiers were injured when an occupation aircraft bombed their position south of…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
occupation army announced the killing of an officer and the injury of 6 other soldiers after a warplane bombed them in the southern Gaza Strip. In contrast, the Palestinian resistance announced more than once that the Israeli warplanes were targeting Israeli soldiers for fear of their capture by the resistance.


رايتس ووتش“: الهجوم الإسرائيلي على الحديدة في اليمن
Human Rights Watch: The Israeli attack on Hodeidah in Yemen…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Israeli occupation launched air strikes on oil storage facilities in the port of Hodeidah, western Yemen, on July 20. Human Rights Watch said that the attacks are presumed to have caused disproportionate damage to civilians and civilian objects. The organization noted that “the Hodesidah port is very important for delivering food’


القسام تستهدف 5 آليات غرب رفح.. ومشاهد من معارك
Al-Qassam targets 5 vehicles west of Rafah…and scenes from the battles…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, announced today, Monday, that it targeted five Israeli military vehicles west of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip. The new targeting comes after the leaders of the occupation army announced the elimination of the Rafah Brigade.


هذا ما بحثه بلينكن مع نتنياهو في لقائهما.. واجتماع كبير
This is what Blinken discussed with Netanyahu in their meeting… and a big meeting…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday. The three-hour meeting was part of efforts to advance the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip and conclude a prisoner exchange deal.


كاتب بريطاني: قصة الطفلة هند تكشف استراتيجية إسرائيل
British writer: The story of the child Hind reveals the strategy of “Israel”…
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.arabi21.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
They were trying to flee the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City when the Israeli army opened fire on the car, killing everyone inside except Hind and her 15-year-old cousin Layan.

At one point, she told the operator that it was getting dark and she was scared. After hours of waiting for permission, the Ministry of Health negotiated safe access for an ambulance with the Israeli authorities.

The paramedics arrived at around 6 p.m. and were shot on arrival.

That’s why every crime must be reexamined to be properly understood.

So if you have any doubts, remember the horrific final moments of Hind Rajab, the five-year-old girl with the charming smile.


أزمة الاقتصاد الإسرائيلي بالأرقام: ملامح انهيار وسط دعوات للإغلاق
Israel’s economic crisis in numbers: Signs of collapse amid calls for lockdown
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Israeli Economy Deteriorates**: The Israeli economy is suffering from a sharp deterioration with Fitch downgrading its credit rating to “A”, rising inflation, falling GDP growth, and a rising budget deficit.
with Netanyahu’s government is growing, putting the Israeli economy in front of the challenges of the costs of the aggression on Gaza and its repercussions on the one hand, and internal crises on the other.
Israeli economy scares investors. On Monday, there were increasing demands to shut down the economy for a whole week to force Netanyahu to accept a deal to return Israeli detainees held by Hamas.
Israeli economy contracted in the second quarter of 2024, according to data released Monday by the Central Bureau of Statistics, published by the Globes website.
the exception of 2020, when the Covid pandemic struck and the Israeli economy contracted by 2.5%, the last time the economy contracted was in 2009, in the wake of the global financial crisis.


نفقات سفر نتنياهو تثير الجدل: 6.2 ملايين دولار في عام
Netanyahu’s travel expenses spark controversy: $6.2 million in a year
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
The cost of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s travel has sparked controversy, as he spent $6.275 million on foreign trips in 2023, despite the economic crisis following the Gaza war.
Netanyahu’s trips included visits to Paris, Rome, Berlin, London, and the United States, with his trip to Rome costing $500,000 and to the United States $3.3 million.
cost of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s travel over the past year has sparked controversy, especially in light of the economic crisis facing the occupation following the war on Gaza.
comparison, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spent about $4.8 million on trips in 2021 and 2022, according to Channel 12.
last month, the prime minister has been able to use a private jet, the Israeli version of Air Force One, instead of renting a plane from an airline.


تدمير قوارب الرزق في غزة خسائر الصيادين تتجاوز 60 مليون دولار
Destruction of livelihood boats in Gaza… Fishermen’s losses exceed 60 million dollars
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Palestine,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Destruction of the fishing sector in Gaza:** Since October 7, 2023, the fishing sector has suffered financial losses exceeding $60 million, as the occupation forces systematically destroyed fishermen’s ports and boats, which led to a complete halt in fishing operations.
losses of fishermen in the Gaza Strip continue, in light of the Israeli occupation’s deliberate destruction of livelihood boats, to exceed about $60 million since the beginning of the ongoing aggression since October 7, 2023.
destruction of the fishing sector affects the sources of income of Palestinian fishermen who have been affected since before the war on Gaza, mainly as a result of repeated Israeli targeting during their work and the arrests that targeted them.
Oslo Agreement concluded between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Israeli occupation in 1993 stipulated that Palestinian fishermen are allowed to fish up to a distance of 22 nautical miles, which the Israeli occupation did not abide by.
to estimates by government agencies in Gaza, the Israeli occupation destroyed nearly 70% of the civilian infrastructure, homes, schools and hospitals, in addition to bulldozing dozens of kilometers of roads.


شركات طيران علقت رحلاتها بسبب التوترات في المنطقة
Airlines have suspended flights due to tensions in the region.
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
The escalation of tensions due to the Israeli war of extermination on the Gaza Strip has cast its shadow over global airlines, as the region is witnessing the threat of a large-scale war between Israel on the one hand and Iran and its allies, most notably the Lebanese Hezbollah, on the other hand, which has prompted some airlines to suspend their flights to the region or avoid certain airspace. The following are some airlines that have made changes to their services to and from the region:


تطورات الحرب على غزة منذ 7 أكتوبر
Developments in the war on Gaza since October 7
Article Keywords: Israel,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The war on Gaza began on October 7, 2023 after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance, and continues to this day with violent raids and daily massacres targeting civilians.
Despite months of war, the countries of the world have not moved to condemn Israel’s crimes or demand that it stop the war, with the exception of South Africa, which forced Israel to appear before the International Court of Justice.
occupation began a fierce war on the Gaza Strip that is still ongoing to this day immediately after the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance in the so-called “Gaza Envelope” area.
daily events of the war on Gaza are similar, with violent raids that do not exclude any area in the besieged Strip for many years.
the first moment of “Al-Aqsa Flood” and the beginning of the occupation’s aggression on the Strip, “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” has been following the developments of the war on Gaza day by day and around the clock.


دعم عربي لإسرائيل وخذلان لأهل غزة
Arab support for Israel and betrayal of the people of Gaza
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
**Israel’s aggression on Gaza and the support of Arab regimes**: Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has continued its aggression on Gaza, committing massacres and a siege against civilians, while some Arab regimes secretly support Israel with food supplies.
a report by the Abraham Accords Peace Institute, a pro-Israel organization based in the United States, it praised the strength of commercial support from some Arab countries for Israel since the beginning of the war on Gaza.
to the report, Egypt’s exports to Israel have increased by 168%, and Israel’s imports from Morocco have doubled by more than 200% since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza.
these losses could have dissuaded Netanyahu from continuing to destroy Gaza and kill civilians if it were not for the support of irresponsible Arab governments in providing alternative food.
reveal the extent to which food security within Israel has been damaged by the war, and the possibility of it stopping if it were not for the support of those irresponsible Arab governments.


حماس تتمسك باتفاق 2 يوليو: بماذا يختلف عن العرض الحالي؟
Hamas sticks to July 2 agreement: How is it different from the current offer?
Article Keywords: Israel,  Palestinian,  Gaza,  Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Netanyahu’s conditions complicate negotiations**: Netanyahu returns the Gaza ceasefire negotiations to the starting point by setting new conditions and rejecting Hamas’s proposals, which prolongs the negotiations.
**Hamas’s fixed position**: Hamas submitted its response to the ceasefire proposal on July 2, and insists on its position despite its flexibility in accepting a deal in three stages.
**Hamas’ basic demands**: include stopping the war, the withdrawal of the occupation, the return of the displaced, a prisoner exchange deal, and the reconstruction of Gaza, and calls on mediators to pressure Israel to abide by the agreements.

Suhail al-Hindi: The July 2 proposal represents the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistanceIn the same context, Suhail al-Hindi, a member of the Hamas political bureau, confirmed to “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” that the movement adheres to the July 2 proposal, which represents “the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistance,” stressing that “Hamas” and the resistance forces are working hard to stop the crazy war and stop the bloodshed, so “we have shown great flexibility to reach an agreement.” Al-Madhoun stated that Hamas is adhering to what it agreed to on July 2 because it “meets the minimum demands of the Palestinian people, so it is adhering to it and preferring it,” noting that “this proposal is based on Biden’s vision and the UN resolution calling for a ceasefire, and what was agreed upon previously.”


حرب غزة في يومها الـ319 | غارات على مناطق عدة وشهداء بقصف سيارة برفح
The Gaza War on its 319th day Raids on several areas and martyrs from the bombing of a car in Rafah
Article Keywords: Israel,  Palestinian,  Gaza,  Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Netanyahu’s conditions complicate negotiations**: Netanyahu returns the Gaza ceasefire negotiations to the starting point by setting new conditions and rejecting Hamas’s proposals, which prolongs the negotiations.
**Hamas’s fixed position**: Hamas submitted its response to the ceasefire proposal on July 2, and insists on its position despite its flexibility in accepting a deal in three stages.
**Hamas’ basic demands**: include stopping the war, the withdrawal of the occupation, the return of the displaced, a prisoner exchange deal, and the reconstruction of Gaza, and calls on mediators to pressure Israel to abide by the agreements.

Suhail al-Hindi: The July 2 proposal represents the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistanceIn the same context, Suhail al-Hindi, a member of the Hamas political bureau, confirmed to “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” that the movement adheres to the July 2 proposal, which represents “the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistance,” stressing that “Hamas” and the resistance forces are working hard to stop the crazy war and stop the bloodshed, so “we have shown great flexibility to reach an agreement.” Al-Madhoun stated that Hamas is adhering to what it agreed to on July 2 because it “meets the minimum demands of the Palestinian people, so it is adhering to it and preferring it,” noting that “this proposal is based on Biden’s vision and the UN resolution calling for a ceasefire, and what was agreed upon previously.”


تطورات جبهة لبنان | إصابات في غارات إسرائيلية على البقاع والمنصوري
Developments on the Lebanese Front | Casualties in Israeli raids on the Bekaa and Mansouri
Article Keywords: Israel,  Palestinian,  Gaza,  Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Netanyahu’s conditions complicate negotiations**: Netanyahu returns the Gaza ceasefire negotiations to the starting point by setting new conditions and rejecting Hamas’s proposals, which prolongs the negotiations.
**Hamas’s fixed position**: Hamas submitted its response to the ceasefire proposal on July 2, and insists on its position despite its flexibility in accepting a deal in three stages.
**Hamas’ basic demands**: include stopping the war, the withdrawal of the occupation, the return of the displaced, a prisoner exchange deal, and the reconstruction of Gaza, and calls on mediators to pressure Israel to abide by the agreements.

Suhail al-Hindi: The July 2 proposal represents the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistanceIn the same context, Suhail al-Hindi, a member of the Hamas political bureau, confirmed to “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” that the movement adheres to the July 2 proposal, which represents “the minimum demands of the Palestinian people and the resistance,” stressing that “Hamas” and the resistance forces are working hard to stop the crazy war and stop the bloodshed, so “we have shown great flexibility to reach an agreement.” Al-Madhoun stated that Hamas is adhering to what it agreed to on July 2 because it “meets the minimum demands of the Palestinian people, so it is adhering to it and preferring it,” noting that “this proposal is based on Biden’s vision and the UN resolution calling for a ceasefire, and what was agreed upon previously.”


بايدن مهاجماً ترامب في مؤتمر الحزب الديمقراطي: فاشل ومجرم مدان
Biden attacks Trump at Democratic convention: A loser and a convicted criminal
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Biden attacked Trump, describing him as a “failure and a convicted criminal,” and called for the election of Kamala Harris to protect democracy.
Biden pointed to Trump’s failure to modernize infrastructure and the 30% increase in crime rates during his term, warning of threats of political violence.
Biden confirmed his support for Harris, praising the decision to choose her as his vice president, and called for an end to the war in Gaza, referring to the rightful point of view of the protesters.
President Joe Biden attacked Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying that he lies and puts his interests before America’s interests, describing him as a “failure and a convicted criminal.”
the demonstrators protesting the ongoing war on Gaza in front of the Democratic National Convention headquarters, Biden said that “they have a right point,” adding: “These protesters in the street have a point.


المقترح الأميركي الجديد لغزة: مرحلة واحدة من 40 يوماً
The new US proposal for Gaza: one phase of 40 days
Article Keywords: Israel,  occupation,  Gaza,  Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives in Cairo to resume ceasefire talks in Gaza, trying to bridge the gap between the occupation and Hamas through Egyptian pressure.
The new US proposal includes a 40-day truce, with US bets on it turning into a permanent ceasefire, without clear conditions for completing the stages.
Israel expressed its readiness to rebuild the southern Gaza Strip, while it is limited to caravans in the northern Gaza Strip, raising concerns about plans to evacuate the area.
Al-Jadeed” learned that the new US proposal for Gaza revolves around a single phase of a 40-day ceasefire, amid US bets that any truce will turn into a permanent ceasefire.
new US proposal for GazaIt appeared from the ongoing negotiations that the US administration wants a truce more than a final agreement on a ceasefire, but on the other hand, the bet seems that after the war stops for 40 days, it will be difficult for it to resume, which opens the way later to complete the rest of the conditions previously set by the resistance, related to reconstruction and humanitarian relief.


الذكاء الاصطناعي أداة إسرائيلية للقتل في غزة
Artificial Intelligence: An Israeli Tool for Killing in Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Jerusalem,  Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**Artificial Intelligence in Wars**: The Israeli occupation used artificial intelligence in the Battle of Sword of Jerusalem 2021, and its use has expanded in conflicts such as Russia and Ukraine, facilitating surveillance and intelligence gathering.

In Gaza, artificial intelligence enhances the punishment and mass killing of Palestinians.

**Misinformation and Propaganda**: After Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa 2021, the occupation used artificial intelligence to fabricate misleading information against Palestinians, such as accusing them of killing children.

Artificial intelligence was an important tool in the hands of the occupation and its supporters to fabricate misleading information and spread it in line with the Israeli narrative online.

The occupation also used artificial intelligence technologies in its attempts to uncover and map the network of tunnels owned by Hamas underground, in order to destroy them.


لمى غوشة صحافية وأم تحت الإقامة الجبرية
Lama Ghosheh… Journalist and mother under house arrest
Article Keywords: Palestinian
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Lama Abbas is a Palestinian artist. He created a series of paintings called “Freedom Stone” The paintings were created to show the effects of house arrest on a person.


أهالي غزة يخسرون أوزانهم بفعل العدوان نزوح وجوع وحرمان
Gazans lose weight due to aggression… displacement, hunger and deprivation
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Ayoub Al-Haiqi, from the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City, was forced to move to the center of the Strip. He lost about 30 kilograms of his weight as a result of the harsh effects of the Israeli aggression.

Children receive food in Jabalia camp (Omar Al-Qataa/AFP) Al-Zainati confirms to “Al-Araby Al-Jadeed” that he is not happy with his weight loss, although he had repeatedly tried to lose weight before the war.

He adds: “Everything in this war was forced. We were forced to lose our loved ones, to leave our homes, and we were forced to starve and deprive. We were even forced to lose weight in an unhealthy way.” Nutritionist Hassan Al-Safadi explains to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that “the weight loss of a large percentage of the people of the Gaza Strip during the war is due to reasons related to changing daily diets, as well as the deteriorating psychological state resulting from stress, anxiety and fear. Al-Safadi explains that the greatest impact of the aggression is the state of mass starvation pursued by the occupation forces by preventing the entry of food supplies, in addition to destroying agricultural lands, and bulldozing and destroying crops along the eastern strip of the Strip, which provided the food basket. With the prevention of the entry of food supplies rich in vitamins and proteins, the bodies no longer obtain the required nutrients.”


عائلة فلسطينية تناضل لحماية أرضها: قرار الحكومة الإسرائيلية باطل
Palestinian family fights to protect their land: Israeli government decision is invalid
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
In an ongoing struggle over endowment properties in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, the Khalidi family won on Friday evening and reclaimed their property in the Bab al-Silsila neighborhood adjacent to Al-Aqsa Mosque.

This came after settlers broke the keys to the property and seized it under the protection of the Israeli occupation police on Thursday.

The occupation police refused to vacate the property based on


مظاهرات من أجل غزة تسبق المؤتمر الوطني الديمقراطي في شيكاغو
Protests for Gaza Ahead of Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Hours before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, about 1,000 demonstrators participated in a march demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza and an end to American support for Israel. The demonstrations and march lasted for more than five full hours, starting in the Michigan Avenue area, in front of former President Donald Trump’s hotel in Chicago, which he described more than once as a “war zone and worse than Afghanistan.” Demonstrators raised slogans demanding that he not be elected, but the entire demonstration was against the Democrats who have flocked to the city over the past few days to participate in the party’s national convention, which begins Monday and will continue until next Thursday.


اليوم العالمي للعمل الإنساني.. منظمات توزع طروداً غذائية شمالي غزة
World Humanitarian Day.. Organizations distribute food parcels in northern Gaza
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
It is difficult to secure anything easily in the Gaza Strip.

Getting a meal, a loaf of bread or a little water requires hours of waiting.

Hours in which everyone, young and old, participate.

Standing under the sun


العامل الوطني ملاذاّ لمعالجة أزماتنا المستعصية
The national factor is a haven to address our intractable crises
Article Keywords: Palestinian
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
This is in addition to the alarming numbers regarding those suffering from mental illnesses of various names.

As is the case with the Lebanese and Syrian crises, there is no tangible data that promises the possibility of resolving the Iraqi crisis by restoring Iraqi sovereignty and national consensus in favor of all Iraqis without any discrimination or exception.

The Yemeni crisis also seems to have no prospects and is impossible to resolve if the currently ineffective treatments used continue in the future.

The Palestinian issue has its own specificity, and addressing it in depth requires greater effort and a wider space to address it from its various aspects, which is what we have done repeatedly and will continue to do in the future.

At the same time, it is anticipating the reality of Iranian expansion in the countries and societies of the region, and its orientation towards vital waterways in it.


دعم عربي لإسرائيل وخذلان لأهل غزة
Arab support for Israel and betrayal of the people of Gaza
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
**Israel’s aggression on Gaza and the support of Arab regimes**: Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army has continued its aggression on Gaza, committing massacres and a siege against civilians, while some Arab regimes secretly support Israel with food supplies.
a report by the Abraham Accords Peace Institute, a pro-Israel organization based in the United States, it praised the strength of commercial support from some Arab countries for Israel since the beginning of the war on Gaza.
to the report, Egypt’s exports to Israel have increased by 168%, and Israel’s imports from Morocco have doubled by more than 200% since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza.
these losses could have dissuaded Netanyahu from continuing to destroy Gaza and kill civilians if it were not for the support of irresponsible Arab governments in providing alternative food.
reveal the extent to which food security within Israel has been damaged by the war, and the possibility of it stopping if it were not for the support of those irresponsible Arab governments.


العدوان الإسرائيلي وتدمير النظام الاجتماعي في غزّة
The Israeli aggression and the destruction of the social order in Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The extent of the ambiguity surrounding the concept of civilian casualties, a concept that is mentioned in the Israeli and Western press, and is even mentioned again by international institutions and bodies, is clear.
the concept of civilian casualties was intended to refer to female and child victims who constituted the majority of the total victims, while males are counted outside that equation.
following the Israeli military campaign on the Gaza Strip realizes how the occupation is working to destroy the social system, by working to achieve several goals that undermine the ability of the social system in Gaza to continue.
Gaza Strip is the most densely populated area in the world; according to United Nations reports, it has reached 30,000 people per square kilometer. The following table provides data on the social structure of the population of the Gaza Strip and the results of the aggression on the Strip, as stated in international and Palestinian reports.
to recent international reports, the Gaza Strip is the most densely populated area in the world; According to United Nations reports, the population density reached 30,000 people per square kilometer in some camps and cities in the northern Gaza Strip.


مؤسسات فلسطينية في اليوم العالمي للعمل الإنساني: أوقفوا حرب غزة
Palestinian organizations on World Humanitarian Day: Stop the Gaza War
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Bisan Shaaban, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl from Gaza City, became the sole survivor in her family after her home was bombed in April. Although Bisan was rescued, she still suffers from a disability in her leg, and she carries one wish in her heart: to see her family, even if only one last time.


كيف حولت إسرائيل مخيمات في الضفة الغربية إلى غزة مصغرة“؟
How did Israel turn West Bank camps into a “mini Gaza”?
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza,  West Bank
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Most residents of the camps in the northern West Bank agree that they are now living in a “mini Gaza”.

House demolitions and infrastructure destruction continue almost daily, and the Israeli air force’s bombing of resistance fighters in homes and cars is the first choice for killing the Israeli occupation army, leading to an increase in the number of civilian martyrs, especially children.

While refugees in the camps in the northern West Bank see that the eyes of the world are directed towards the Gaza Strip, giving Israel a free hand to carry out more brutal operations in the Palestinian camps, and that all the threats issued by officials in the occupation government are actually being implemented in the camps in the northern West Bank, not just threats, they nevertheless stress that there is no alternative but to resist and persevere in the camps despite the misery of life there.


مئات الفلسطينيين في الداخل المحتل يتبرعون من أجل غزة
Hundreds of Palestinians inside the occupied territories donate for Gaza
Article Keywords: Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Bisan Shaaban, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl from Gaza City, became the sole survivor in her family after her home was bombed in April. Although Bisan was rescued, she still suffers from a disability in her leg, and she carries one wish in her heart: to see her family, even if only one last time.


اشتباكات بتظاهرة تطالب مؤتمر الحزب الديمقراطي بوقف الحرب على غزة
Clashes at a demonstration demanding that the Democratic Party conference stop the war on Gaza
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Clashes erupted between police and protesters in Chicago during a demonstration calling for an end to the war on Gaza, and at least four protesters were arrested and the “538” Park was evacuated.
More than 15,000 protesters marched through the streets of Chicago, demanding an end to the war on Gaza, and dozens breached the security fence surrounding the headquarters of the Democratic National Convention.
Protesters raised signs calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza and an end to funding for Israel, and criticized Vice President Kamala Harris.
erupted between police and protesters in Chicago during a demonstration calling for the Democratic National Convention to end the war on Gaza, while police arrested at least four protesters and evacuated the “538” Park overlooking the United Center, the main hall that hosts the Democratic National Convention events.
protesters are demanding that the Democratic National Convention and presidential candidate Kamala Harris cease fire in Gaza and stop arming Israel.


جيش الاحتلال يعلن مقتل أحد ضباطه جراء قصف خاطئ جنوبي غزة
The occupation army announces the death of one of its officers as a result of an “erroneous” shelling in southern Gaza
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
An Israeli officer was killed and six soldiers were injured in a mistaken bombing of a building in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, when a bomb dropped by an Israeli warplane fell on a nearby building.
Since the beginning of the war, the death toll of the Israeli army has reached 693 officers and soldiers, including 28 by friendly fire, and 4,346 soldiers were injured.

An Israeli officer was killed and six soldiers were injured in a “mistaken” bombing of a building they were inside in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.
the dead were 28 officers and soldiers who were killed by friendly fire at the hands of their colleagues in the Israeli army.
to the same data, 4,346 Israeli officers and soldiers have been injured since the beginning of the war, including 2,227 since the start of the ground invasion, 71 of whom were injured by friendly fire.


مطالبات بالتحقيق في عنف الشرطة الألمانية ضد رافضي الحرب على غزة
Calls for investigation into German police violence against Gaza war opponents
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Palestine,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Amnesty International called for an independent investigation into German police violence against pro-Palestine protesters in Berlin on August 17, expressing concern about videos showing the violence.
International called on Monday for an “independent investigation into German police violence” against protesters who participated in a pro-Palestine demonstration that took place in the capital, Berlin, on August 17.
organization’s branch in Germany expressed, in a post on the “X” platform, “deep concern” about the videos showing police violence against demonstrators.
on social media showed the German police using violence against those who participated in a demonstration in solidarity with Palestine and denouncing the continuation of the Israeli war on Gaza in the Kreuzberg area of ​​the German capital, Berlin.
June 16, German police arrested several demonstrators participating in a demonstration in support of Palestine and denouncing the war on Gaza in the capital, Berlin.


الحوثيون يعيدون للأمم المتحدة مكتب مفوضيتها لحقوق الإنسان بصنعاء
Houthis return UN Human Rights Office in Sana’a
Article Keywords: Houthi
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Houthis handed over the office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana’a after storming it, while the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is deeply concerned about the safety of the arbitrarily detained employees.
Houthis in Yemen handed over the office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the capital, Sana’a, on Monday, after storming it a week ago, according to the United Nations, while its Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, “remains deeply concerned about the safety of the arbitrarily detained employees.”
to a statement by Guterres’s spokesman, published by the United Nations News website, “Guterres strongly condemned the recent storming of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana’a by the Houthis.”
August 13, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, announced that “the de facto authorities affiliated with the Houthi group stormed the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sana’a, and forcibly seized documents and property.”
considered this to be “inconsistent with the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.”


رسالة من أهالي المحتجزين الإسرائيليين إلى الوسطاء.. ماذا جاء فيها؟
A message from the families of the Israeli detainees to the mediators.. What did it say?
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
The families of the Israeli captives in Gaza appealed to Egypt, Qatar and the United States to continue mediation efforts to conclude a prisoner exchange deal and ceasefire, accusing Netanyahu of wasting opportunities for political reasons.
came in a letter sent by the families of the Israeli captives to the head of Egyptian intelligence Abbas Kamel, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and the Director of the American Central Intelligence Agency William Burns, according to the Hebrew website Walla.
families of the Israeli captives accuse their Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of wasting opportunities to reach a deal “for personal and political considerations, represented by his fear of the collapse of the government coalition under his leadership.”
families of the Israeli captives concluded their letter to the mediators by saying: “If you do this, you will receive broad support from the Israeli public, and we wanted you to know that.”
the end of a visit to Tel Aviv on Monday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that he will visit Qatar and Egypt on Tuesday, to “continue efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza and recover the Israeli captives from the Strip.”


بلينكن: نتنياهو يدعم خطة واشنطن لهدنة بغزة ويدعو حماس للموفقة عليها
Blinken: Netanyahu supports Washington’s plan for a truce in Gaza and calls on Hamas to agree to it
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
**Blinken-Netanyahu talks**: Blinken and Netanyahu discuss prisoner swap, Gaza ceasefire, with Blinken warning this could be “last chance” for agreement.
**Mediation efforts and security concerns**: The US is working with Qatar and Egypt to present a new ceasefire proposal, with measures to deter potential attacks by Iran or Hezbollah.
said, “We look forward to seeing action, action taken against this type of violence and action taken to hold those responsible accountable.”
meeting between Prime Minister Netanyahu and US Secretary of State Blinken has concluded, and the talks were positive and in good spirits,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement.
arrived in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening as part of a new attempt by Washington to reach an agreement that would guarantee a ceasefire in Gaza.


قيادي في حماس ينتقد تصريحات بلينكن ويؤكد مواكبة السنوار للمفاوضات
Hamas leader criticizes Blinken’s statements, confirms Sinwar’s follow-up to negotiations
Article Keywords: Hamas
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
Osama Hamdan, a Hamas leader, criticized Blinken’s statement about Netanyahu’s acceptance of the ceasefire proposal, noting that the paper presented was not what Hamas had agreed to.
Hamdan stressed that Hamas does not need new negotiations, and that the movement’s leader Yahya Sinwar was a partner in making decisions related to the ceasefire.
Blinken announced that Netanyahu will send a delegation to the new negotiations, while Netanyahu seeks to release the largest number of living detainees in Gaza.
also said that the movement’s new leader Yahya Sinwar “was following the negotiation process (regarding the ceasefire agreement in Gaza) and blessed it and was a partner in making decisions related to it.”
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced on Monday that Netanyahu had pledged to send a delegation to the new negotiations scheduled for this week regarding a truce in Gaza.


حراك فلسطيني يمهد لزيارة محمود عباس إلى قطاع غزة
Palestinian movement paves the way for Mahmoud Abbas’s visit to the Gaza Strip
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Palestine,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
**Preparations for Abbas’s visit to Gaza:** The Palestine Liberation Organization informed Israel and the United States of the need to secure the path of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s visit to the Gaza Strip, stressing the unity of the Palestinian territories.
Palestine Liberation Organization informed Israel and the United States of the need to secure the path of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s visit to the Gaza Strip, in a message sent to all countries of the world.
yesterday, Sunday, the Palestinian Authority and leadership have begun political activity to prepare for Abbas and the leadership’s visit to the Gaza Strip, which Abbas announced last Thursday during a speech before the Turkish Parliament.
Ahronoth quoted a statement by an Israeli official in which he confirmed that Israel will not allow Abbas to enter Gaza, and that despite the preparations, the visit of the Palestinian Authority President to Gaza remains out of reach.
had announced in his speech before the Turkish Parliament last Thursday his intention to go with all members of the Palestinian leadership to the Gaza Strip.


إيران: سنرد على اغتيال هنية في الوقت المناسب
Iran: We will respond to Haniyeh’s assassination at the appropriate time
Article Keywords: Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
Iran affirms its right to respond to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh and supports the ceasefire efforts in Gaza, criticizing the American role in the negotiations.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman stresses that the response to the assassination of Haniyeh is not directly related to the ceasefire negotiations, and calls on the international community to support Lebanon.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani confirmed on Monday that his country will respond to the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, “at the appropriate time,” noting that international laws and resolutions guarantee his country the right to respond to the assassination of Haniyeh.
stressed that the ongoing negotiations will clarify the seriousness of the American administration in the ceasefire, considering that “the ball is now in the American court.”
There is no direct connection between the response to the assassination of Haniyeh and the Gaza negotiations Kanaani stressed that his country will respond to the assassination of Haniyeh, “but it does not seek escalation and war in the region,” noting that it will not hesitate to employ all its capabilities and potentials in defending its interests.


اسكتلندا: لن نعقد اجتماعات مع إسرائيل حتى تحقيق تقدم في مفاوضات غزة
Scotland: We will not hold meetings with Israel until progress is achieved in Gaza negotiations
Article Keywords: Israel,  Israeli,  Palestinian,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
**The Scottish government has suspended meetings with Israeli ambassadors until progress is made in Gaza peace talks, following criticism of a previous meeting between the Foreign Affairs Minister and the Israeli deputy ambassador.
**Robertson explains that the meeting was an opportunity to express Scotland’s position on the ceasefire, but was misunderstood as normalisation of relations, and confirms that further calls will be rejected until real progress is made towards peace.
**Scotland supports an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, the cessation of British arms shipments to Israel, and the recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state within a two-state solution.
stressed that his government will not accept further calls from Israel until there is “real progress” towards peace.
stressed that “the Scottish government does not support any normalisation of its relations with the Israeli government during this period.”


الانتخابات الجزائرية: فلسطين حاضرة في دعايات وخطابات المرشحين
Algerian elections: Palestine present in candidates’ campaigns and speeches
Article Keywords: Palestinian
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Palestinian issue is a major focus in the Algerian elections. Three candidates agree on supporting the resistance and the rights of the Palestinian people. The election halls were decorated with Palestinian flags and the keffiyeh.


4 دوافع وراء دعم الغرب العدوان على غزة الصامدة.. فتّش عن الاقتصاد
4 motives behind the West’s support for the aggression against steadfast Gaza.. Look for the economy
Article Keywords: Israeli,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The drums of regional war are once again reverberating across the Middle East as the West supports the aggression against steadfast Gaza.

The United States has also provided large foreign aid packages to countries that have signed peace agreements with Israel, such as Egypt and Jordan.
countries are not only supporting the Israeli government in its aggression against Gaza economically and politically, but also militarily.
goal has been to ensure that it can maintain stable prices for petroleum products in global oil markets.
says that the goal of the United States is to prevent any hostile power from controlling a region of great importance to our interests, and thus to strengthen the barriers to the re-emergence of a global threat to the interests of the United States and our allies.


الاحتلال دمّر 70% من المنشآت: محاولة قضاء على الرياضة الفلسطينية
The occupation destroyed 70% of the facilities: an attempt to eliminate Palestinian sports
Article Keywords: occupation,  Palestinian,  Gaza,  West Bank
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-20)
**The occupation’s targeting of Palestinian sports**: 361 athletes were martyred and 57 sports facilities were destroyed since October 2022, leading to a complete paralysis in Palestinian sports.
**Destruction of sports facilities**: The occupation destroyed many clubs and stadiums, prompting the Palestinian Football Association to demand that FIFA and the International Olympic Committee take an urgent position.
**Targeting players and sports challenges**: Direct targeting of players and disruption of sports stability means, despite this, the Palestinian national team achieved historic achievements and participated with the largest sports delegation in the Paris 2024 Olympics.
to the latest statement of the Palestinian Football Association, 12 Palestinian athletes from the West Bank are in occupation prisons, while the number of sports prisoners from the Gaza Strip cannot be counted at the present time, according to the same statement.
head of the Palestinian Football Association, Jibril Rajoub, stressed in a press conference held last Thursday: “For us, sports are a means of struggle, a platform to impose our presence, confirm the justice of our cause, and our ability to persevere. We seek to conquer the world through our various national teams, men and women.”


إعادة التفكير بالحدود“: كتاب ومعرض فني
Rethinking Borders: Book and Art Exhibition
Article Keywords: Palestinian
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
In the book “Borders: Rethinking Borders”, researcher Lina Al Khatib highlights the role of contemporary Arab art in transcending geographical and political borders, as explained by articles by students and professors at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
The exhibition at SOAS in London, in collaboration with the Barjeel Art Foundation, explores the impact of barriers on artistic expression, and raises questions about the artist’s ability to transcend these borders.
The exhibition includes works by prominent artists such as Kamal Boullata, Laila Shawwa, Zaha Hadid, and Latif Al Ani, and includes articles by professors and researchers specializing in art and history.
the digital book “Borders: Rethinking Borders”, researcher Lina Al Khatib points out in her introduction that the borders that the Arab world has broken have always been through contemporary art that is not bound by the geography and place to which the artist belongs, as explained by articles by a number of students and professors at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and she talks about the political and social context of Arab art.
borders that the Arab world has always broken have always been through contemporary art. It includes works by the late Palestinian critic, historian and visual artist Kamal Boullata (1942-2019), Palestinian artist Laila Shawa (1940-2022), Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid (1950-2016), and Iraqi photographer Latif Al-Ani (1932-2021).


منازل أهل غزة مقابرهم لا مدافن في الشمال والاحتلال يعبث بالجثامين
Gaza’s homes are their graves… no cemeteries in the north and the occupation tampering with the bodies
Article Keywords: Israeli,  occupation,  Gaza
(www.alaraby.co.uk | Qatar from UK)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-19)
The Civil Defense in Gaza revealed that 2,210 bodies had disappeared and 1,760 bodies had evaporated due to the Israeli occupation army’s use of internationally banned weapons, which forced residents to bury their relatives in sandy areas or inside homes.
The ongoing Israeli aggression has changed traditional burial customs, as some have buried their relatives without a funeral to protect them, and the occupation has targeted cemeteries, which has forced people to bury their relatives in the streets or homes.
Many were martyred while searching for food or escaping the bombing, which forced their relatives to bury them in or near their homes, which has increased the sorrow and suffering.

I buried her in the space between our house and our neighbors’ house, and placed stones on the grave, hoping to return to bury her in one of the large cemeteries.

After that, he thought about burying her in the eastern cemetery of Gaza City, but the military operation on the neighborhoods of Shuja’iyya, Tuffah, and Daraj prevented him from doing so.


Some title

Headline in SOURCE LANG
Headline in English
Article Keywords: word1,word2word3
www.www.cnn.com | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (Aug 18, 2024)
– **Hamas’ statements on the negotiations and the results of the Doha meetings**: Hamas confirmed that the results of the Doha meetings do not include commitment to the July 2 agreement, stressing its adherence to the demands of the Palestinian people, and that the Israeli occupation is obstructing the negotiations with new conditions.
– **Hamas’ position on the American proposal and international mediation**: Hamas believes that the American proposal is in line with the conditions of the occupation, and calls on mediators to pressure Israel to implement the agreement, ensure the cessation of aggression, withdrawal from Gaza, and exchange of prisoners.
– **Details of the negotiations and the joint statement**: Despite the seriousness of the negotiations supported by Qatar and Egypt, they have not achieved much progress.

Netanyahu prevents the withdrawal of forces from the Philadelphi corridor, and Hamas rejects any truce that does not meet its demands.

This proposal is based on the points of agreement achieved during the past week, and fills the remaining gaps in a way that allows for the rapid implementation of the agreement.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/2akdjnon




إصابة 3 أشخاص خلال اقتحام الاحتلال للمنطقة الشرقية من نابلس بالضفة الغربية
3 people injured during the occupation’s storming of the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank
Article Keywords: Israeli, occupation, Palestinian, Gaza, West Bank
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-15)
Muhammad JamalThe Palestinian Red Crescent announced today, Thursday, that 3 people were injured during the occupation forces’ storming of the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank, according to Cairo News Network.
media reported that the Israeli occupation artillery targeted the Sabra neighborhood south of Gaza City, according to Cairo News.
Israeli occupation forces stormed the southern area of ​​the city of Hebron in the southern West Bank today, according to Cairo News.
clashes took place with the Israeli occupation forces storming the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank, and the Cairo News correspondent said that the occupation forces are firing heavily in conjunction with the storming of Nablus in the West Bank.
occupation forces also blew up residential blocks in the town of Al-Qarara in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/2yok8ztw


إصابة 3 أشخاص خلال اقتحام الاحتلال للمنطقة الشرقية من نابلس بالضفة الغربية
3 people injured during the occupation’s storming of the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank
Article Keywords: Israeli, occupation, Palestinian, Gaza, West Bank
(www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-15)
Muhammad JamalThe Palestinian Red Crescent announced today, Thursday, that 3 people were injured during the occupation forces’ storming of the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank, according to Cairo News Network.
media reported that the Israeli occupation artillery targeted the Sabra neighborhood south of Gaza City, according to Cairo News.
Israeli occupation forces stormed the southern area of ​​the city of Hebron in the southern West Bank today, according to Cairo News.
clashes took place with the Israeli occupation forces storming the eastern area of ​​Nablus in the West Bank, and the Cairo News correspondent said that the occupation forces are firing heavily in conjunction with the storming of Nablus in the West Bank.
occupation forces also blew up residential blocks in the town of Al-Qarara in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/2636kd8c



وسط توتر متزايد.. عباس يلتقي إردوغان في أنقرة
Amid growing tension, Abbas meets Erdogan in Ankara
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Hamas,  (www.alhurra.com | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara on Wednesday, a day after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

Abbas will meet Erdogan at 15:30 GMT at the presidential palace, according to the Turkish president’s schedule.
the United States, the European Union and Israel classify Hamas as a terrorist organization, Erdogan considers it a “liberation movement.”

In July, Erdogan criticized Abbas for not responding to his invitation to visit Turkey.
scheduled his visit to Ankara after his meeting with Putin in Moscow on Tuesday.


شهداء وجرحى فى قصف عدة مناطق بغزة.. الاحتلال يقتحم البيرة ويداهم محلات.. رئيس فلسطين يدعو لدعم عضوية بلاده كاملة بالأمم المتحدة وتحمل الجهات الدولية مسؤولياتها لوقف الجرائم.. واتخاذ إجراءات صارمة ضد إ
Martyrs and wounded in the bombing of several areas in Gaza.. The occupation forces storm Al-Bireh and raid shops.. The President of Palestine calls for supporting his country’s full membership in the United Nations and for international bodies to bear their responsibilities to stop crimes.. and to take strict measures against I
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israeli, occupation, Palestinian, Palestinians, Gaza,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Written by: Israa Ahmed FouadAt least 20 Palestinians have been killed and others injured since dawn on Wednesday, as a result of the Israeli occupation’s bombing of several areas in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian News Agency, WAFA.
the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, 7 Palestinians were killed and others were injured, as a result of the occupation’s bombing of a house belonging to the Abu Nada family.
Palestinians were also killed and others were injured in an occupation raid that targeted a house in the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip, while two citizens were killed and others were injured as a result of targeting a residential apartment in the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip.
occupation artillery shelled the western and northern areas of Rafah city, and the Sabra and Zeitoun neighborhoods in Gaza City.
Israeli occupation forces also stormed the city of Al-Bireh today, Wednesday.


محمود عباس“: واشنطن تتواصل مع السلطة بشكل متكرر بشأن وقف إطلاق النار بغزة
Mahmoud Abbas: Washington communicates with the Authority repeatedly regarding the ceasefire in Gaza
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Palestinian, Gaza,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
MOSCOW (AP) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday that officials in Washington are in frequent contact with the Palestinian Authority, commenting on the ongoing discussion in the UN Security Council regarding a ceasefire in Gaza.

Abbas added in an interview with the Russian “TASS” agency, after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Security Council has put forward a resolution for a ceasefire to vote on it three times since October 7.

This resolution is necessary from the legal and humanitarian perspectives, but the United States opposed the ceasefire because it uses its veto power every time.

He continued: “The United Nations has failed, due to pressure from the United States, in its mission to guarantee the rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Earlier today, the Russian Deputy Representative to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyansky, accused the United States of preventing and obstructing “any move” in favor of a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and that it has taken the UN Security Council as a “hostage.”


مفوض الأونروا: 625 ألف طفل فى غزة خسروا عاما دراسيا
UNRWA Commissioner: 625,000 children in Gaza lost a school year
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Palestine, Gaza,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
New York Ramallah (A.Sh.A) The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, said that 625,000 children in Gaza lost an academic year, including 300,000 UNRWA students.
warned that “the longer children remain out of school, the harder it will be for them to make up for their learning losses.
added: “We must return them to learning as soon as possible, to mitigate the severity of the damage they have suffered.”
pointed out that “UNRWA has resumed learning activities in Gaza and is working to expand them to include more children.”
stressed that “education is a basic human right, and children’s ability to access quality education should not be compromised.”


إيطاليا تعتزم اقتراح مشروع لإعادة إعمار غزة إنسانيا وسياسيا
Italy intends to propose a project to rebuild Gaza, humanely and politically
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Palestinian,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Rome (MENA) Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani announced that he will propose to the G7 a project not only for humanitarian reconstruction in Gaza, but also for political and economic reconstruction in the Strip, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings next September.
Italian Foreign Minister explained in a statement today, Wednesday that Italy is ready to send a military unit to work in the transitional phase, which must be managed by the United Nations, towards the birth of a Palestinian state, and the unification of the Strip and the West Bank.
Italian Minister said, “Our interlocutor can only be the Palestinian National Authority, not Hamas.”
pointed out that the Italian government received a request from the US administration to use the Carabinieri (Italian gendarmerie) to train an appropriate Palestinian security force.


بالوثائق.. نيويورك تايمز تكشف تعنت إسرائيل فى مفاوضات وقف إطلاق النار بغزة
With documents.. “New York Times” reveals Israel’s intransigence in the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Israeli, Palestinians, Gaza, Hamas,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Written by: Nihal Abu Al-SaudDocuments revealed by the New York Times showed that Israel was “less flexible” in the recent ceasefire talks in Gaza and that it presented five new demands to the mediators.
in secret, Netanyahu added new conditions to Israel’s demands, additions that his negotiators fear have placed additional obstacles to reaching an agreement.
other conditions, the latest document presented to the mediators shortly before a summit held in Rome on July 28 showed less flexibility regarding allowing displaced Palestinians to return to their homes in northern Gaza once the fighting stops.
members of the Israeli negotiating team fear that the new additions will jeopardize the deal, according to two senior officials who spoke to the newspaper, while the newspaper said that it reviewed the documents and confirmed their authenticity with officials from Israel and other parties involved in the negotiations.
to the newspaper, Netanyahu suggested in recent weeks that it was reasonable for Israel to seek to prevent Hamas from rebuilding its military strongholds in northern Gaza and said that Hamas was not prepared to allow any mechanism to verify and prevent the passage of munitions into the northern Gaza Strip, and it is doing so because it wants to recover and rebuild.


معضلة القهر ومعادلة المئة.. غزة أمام سؤال النضال البصير وأجوبة الاحتلال العمياء
The dilemma of oppression and the equation of one hundred.. Gaza faces the question of insightful struggle and the blind answers of the occupation
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Gaza,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
He wanted to turn Gaza into an example, and the representative function here required excessive violence, the representation of land and people, and that the truce after it should not carry any shadows of the old balances.
set three seemingly impossible goals for his war: eliminating Hamas, recovering prisoners without concessions, or ensuring that Gaza would no longer be a platform for threats.
spokesman announced on his Telegram channel that a number of resistance members had opened fire on prisoners in two separate incidents.
Likud leader is attached to the edges of the war, whether it was limited to Gaza or whether he succeeded in extending it north from Lebanon to Iran, and “Hamas” is tangled in the tail of the Shiite axis, while he evaluates the Gazan blood equation according to the direct benefit and what flows into his political assets.
demonstrations have diminished, Netanyahu is rising in the opinion polls, and everyone fears a regional war: the more it looms on the horizon, the more brutal Israel becomes, and the more it postpones, the platforms of oppositionists flourish, and the fountains of blood in Gaza do not stop.


مصر وفلسطين والسياسة فى مواجهة مناورات نتنياهو!
Egypt, Palestine, and politics in the face of Netanyahu’s maneuvers!
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Palestinian,  (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Egypt has sought with the United States and Qatar to reach an agreement to cease fire and end the suffering of the people of Gaza. The U.S. has remained inconsistent with a discourse that talks about calling on Israel to take the necessary measures to protect Palestinian civilians.


مستوطنون يقتحمون المسجد الأقصى.. والاحتلال يفرض قيودا على دخول المصلين
Settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque… and the occupation imposes restrictions on the entry of worshipers
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israeli, occupation, Jerusalem, Palestinian, (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Ramallah (A.Sh.A) Extremist settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday, under the protection of the occupation police, and performed Talmudic rituals. The Palestinian News Agency reported that settlers stormed the mosque in successive groups, while the occupation police turned the Old City of Jerusalem into a military barracks, and deployed hundreds of its members, especially at the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It also tightened its military measures at the gates of the Old City, and imposed restrictions on the entry of worshipers. In a related context, the Israeli occupation forces demolished four homes, a tent, and two facilities in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. Local sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces stormed the “Umm Al-Khair” gathering in Masafer Yatta, and demolished four homes, a tent, and two “caravan” facilities with bulldozers, displacing 30 people. The demolition operations also included the destruction of water networks, tanks, and solar energy units.


مستوطنون يقتحمون المسجد الأقصى.. والاحتلال يفرض قيودا على دخول المصلين
Settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque… and the occupation imposes restrictions on the entry of worshipers
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israeli, occupation, Jerusalem, Palestinian, (www.youm7.com | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Ramallah (A.Sh.A) Extremist settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem on Wednesday, under the protection of the occupation police, and performed Talmudic rituals. The Palestinian News Agency reported that settlers stormed the mosque in successive groups, while the occupation police turned the Old City of Jerusalem into a military barracks, and deployed hundreds of its members, especially at the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It also tightened its military measures at the gates of the Old City, and imposed restrictions on the entry of worshipers. In a related context, the Israeli occupation forces demolished four homes, a tent, and two facilities in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron. Local sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces stormed the “Umm Al-Khair” gathering in Masafer Yatta, and demolished four homes, a tent, and two “caravan” facilities with bulldozers, displacing 30 people. The demolition operations also included the destruction of water networks, tanks, and solar energy units.



حماس ترفض حضور مفاوضات وقف إطلاق النار.. وتكشف عن مطالبها
Hamas refuses to attend ceasefire negotiations… and reveals its demands
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, occupation, Hamas, (www.royanews.tv)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
Ahmed Abdel Hadi, Hamas’s representative in Lebanon, confirmed to CBS News that the movement’s delegation will not attend the renewed round of ceasefire negotiations with Israel on Thursday, noting that Hamas has not received assurances that Israel will commit to negotiating based on a previous proposal dating back to July 2.

Haniyeh led the Hamas delegation in the ceasefire negotiations.

“Therefore, we will not participate in the August 15 talks, and we will return to the starting point,” Abdel Hadi added.

He explained that Hamas is ready to meet with mediators after Thursday’s talks in Qatar if the occupation provides a “serious response,” according to a diplomat familiar with the talks.

“We are serious about reaching an agreement because our responsibility towards our people is to stop the massacres and the war of famine that the occupation is committing against our people,” Abdel Hadi said.


5 شهداء في عدوان “إسرائيلي” على طوباس.. والاحتلال يعلن بدء عملية عسكرية بالضفة الغربية
5 martyrs in an “Israeli” aggression on Tubas.. and the occupation announces the start of a military operation in the West Bank
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israeli, occupation, Palestinian, (www.royanews.tv)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-14)
The occupation forces detained the bodies of the 5 martyrs. The spokesman for the Israeli occupation army announced the launch of a military operation in the Tubas and Tamoun areas in the Jordan Valley.
occupation army added that its forces are continuing the military operation in the city of Tubas in the West Bank, noting that a number of people were arrested and weapons were confiscated during the operation.
the operation, the occupation army assassinated the resistance fighter and freed prisoner Fayez Daraghmeh “Abu Amer”, and two others were injured in Tubas and Tamoun in the West Bank.
correspondent reported that an Israeli occupation drone targeted a group of Palestinian youths in the town of Tamoun, south of Tubas in the West Bank.
correspondent added that the occupation forces are detaining the bodies of 5 martyrs, 4 of whom were killed in the town of Tamoun and one martyr in the city of Tubas.



وسط إجراءات مشددة.. مئات اليهود يدخلون باحات الحرم القدسي
Amidst strict measures, hundreds of Jews enter the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israeli, occupation, Palestinian, (https://alhurra.com)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-13)
Alhurra’s correspondent in Tel Aviv reported that about 1,200 Jews entered the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday, on the occasion of the so-called “Day of the Destruction of the Temple”.

According to the Islamic Endowments Department in Al-Aqsa Mosque, 1,200 Jews entered the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque through 12 groups, and the correspondent indicated that the area around the mosque “is witnessing strict measures”.

Alhurra’s correspondent revealed that the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and his colleague, the Minister of the Negev and Galilee, Yitzhak Wasserlauf, both of whom are from the “Jewish Greatness” party, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In turn, the Palestinian News Agency “Wafa” explained that hundreds stormed the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday morning, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police. pic.twitter.com/BUzGGB3RpM Shila Freid🇮🇱 (@shilofreid) August 13, 2024 The Endowments added that the Israeli forces “obstructed the entry of worshipers into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and deployed large forces at its gates in order to facilitate the storming operations.”
Negative: 38.27% | Neutral: 58.29% | Positive: 3.44%


“فوضى”.. ليبرمان ينتقد الحكومة الإسرائيلية بعد “خفض التصنيف الائتماني لإسرائيل”
“Chaos”… Lieberman criticizes the Israeli government after “lowering Israel’s credit rating”
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Israeli, Gaza, Hamas, (https://alhurra.com)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-13)
Former Israeli Finance Minister and Yisrael Beiteinu Party leader Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday attacked the Israeli government after Fitch Ratings downgraded Israel’s credit rating by one notch from “A+” to “A”.

In a post on his X account, Lieberman said: “In addition to the military failure, the Israeli government has led us to an unprecedented economic failure.”

He added: “This government is leading us to complete economic chaos, and it is time for another leadership, a responsible and professional leadership.”

On Monday, Fitch Ratings downgraded Israel’s credit rating by one notch from “A+” to “A”, warning that its war against Hamas in Gaza could continue until 2025 and weigh on the country’s economic activity.

Fitch Ratings kept its outlook for Israel at negative.
Negative: 80.78% | Neutral: 18.18% | Positive: 1.04%


بلينكن ونظيره التركي يناقشان “عودة حماس للمفاوضات”
Blinken and his Turkish counterpart discuss “Hamas’ return to negotiations”
ARTICLE KEYWORDS: Israel, Gaza, Hamas, (https://alhurra.com)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-08-13)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed with his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan, the importance of Hamas returning to negotiations scheduled for August 15 to achieve an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and secure the release of all hostages, the US State Department said in a statement on Tuesday.

In a phone call with his Turkish counterpart, Blinken expressed his gratitude for Turkey’s partnership and its support for the joint statement issued by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar urging the parties to resume peace talks.

On Thursday, the leaders of the United States, Qatar, and Egypt called on Israel and Hamas to resume negotiations in either Doha or Cairo to overcome differences over the ceasefire agreement.

In a joint statement, the mediators urged the parties to the conflict to resume talks on August 15 “to close all remaining gaps and begin implementing the agreement without further delay.”

Blinken expressed his support for Turkey’s mediation efforts between Ethiopia and Somalia, according to the US State Department statement.
Negative: 2.11% | Neutral: 68.38% | Positive: 29.51%


4 Easy Excel and Google Sheets Features to Help Your Mmall Business

Excel and Google Sheets are versatile tools that can greatly enhance productivity for small businesses. Here are four easy-to-use features in both platforms that can help streamline your business operations:

1. Formulas and Functions

Excel and Google Sheets:

  • Basic Formulas:
    • Examples: SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT
    • Benefits: Quickly perform calculations such as totals, averages, and counts to analyze your business data. For instance, use SUM to total monthly sales or AVERAGE to calculate the average daily revenue.
  • Advanced Functions:
    • Examples: VLOOKUP (Excel), VLOOKUP (Google Sheets), IF
    • Benefits: Automate data retrieval and decision-making. Use VLOOKUP to find information across large datasets or IF to apply conditional logic for dynamic calculations.

2. Conditional Formatting

Excel and Google Sheets:

  • Applying Conditional Formatting:
    • Steps: Select your data range, go to Format > Conditional Formatting.
    • Benefits: Highlight important data trends and outliers visually. For example, highlight cells with sales figures above a certain threshold or use color scales to show performance metrics.

3. Data Validation

Excel and Google Sheets:

  • Setting Up Data Validation:
    • Steps: Select the cells where you want to apply validation, go to Data > Data Validation.
    • Benefits: Ensure data accuracy and consistency by restricting the type of data that can be entered into cells. For instance, create drop-down lists for predefined categories or limit entries to specific date ranges.

4. Charts and Graphs

Excel and Google Sheets:

  • Creating Charts:
    • Steps: Select your data range, go to Insert > Chart.
    • Benefits: Visually represent data to identify trends, patterns, and outliers. Charts and graphs make it easier to present data in an understandable format during meetings or reports.


By utilizing these simple yet powerful features in Excel and Google Sheets, small businesses can improve data management, enhance decision-making, and increase overall efficiency. Whether you are tracking sales, managing inventory, or analyzing financial performance, these tools offer practical solutions to support your business operations.

5 ways to Automate Your Small Business Tasks

Automating tasks in your small business can save time, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. Here are five ways to automate your small business tasks:

1. Automate Marketing Efforts

Email Marketing Automation:

  • Tools: Mailchimp, Constant Contact, HubSpot
  • Benefits: Automate email campaigns, segment audiences, and track engagement. You can set up drip campaigns, welcome emails, and follow-ups without manual intervention.

Social Media Scheduling:

  • Tools: Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social
  • Benefits: Schedule posts in advance across multiple social media platforms. Automate responses to common inquiries and analyze engagement metrics to optimize future content.

2. Automate Financial Tasks

Accounting and Invoicing:

  • Tools: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero
  • Benefits: Automate invoicing, track expenses, and manage payroll. These tools can sync with your bank accounts to provide real-time financial insights and automate recurring billing.

Expense Tracking:

  • Tools: Expensify, Zoho Expense, Receipt Bank
  • Benefits: Automatically scan receipts, categorize expenses, and generate expense reports. Integrate with your accounting software to streamline financial management.

3. Automate Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM Systems:

  • Tools: Salesforce, Zoho CRM, Pipedrive
  • Benefits: Automate lead capture, follow-ups, and customer interactions. CRM systems can segment customers, set reminders for follow-ups, and provide insights into customer behavior.


  • Tools: Drift, Intercom, Chatfuel
  • Benefits: Implement chatbots on your website to handle customer inquiries 24/7. Chatbots can provide instant responses to common questions, collect customer information, and even process orders.

4. Automate Project Management

Project Management Software:

  • Tools: Trello, Asana, Monday.com
  • Benefits: Automate task assignments, set deadlines, and track progress. These tools allow team members to collaborate in real-time, receive automatic updates, and ensure that projects stay on schedule.

Workflow Automation:

  • Tools: Zapier, Integromat, Microsoft Power Automate
  • Benefits: Create automated workflows between different apps and services. For example, automatically save email attachments to cloud storage or send alerts to your project management tool when new tasks are created.

5. Automate Customer Support

Help Desk Software:

  • Tools: Zendesk, Freshdesk, Help Scout
  • Benefits: Automate ticket creation, routing, and responses. Help desk software can categorize and prioritize customer issues, provide automated responses for common queries, and track resolution times.

Knowledge Base:

  • Tools: Confluence, Document360, Guru
  • Benefits: Create a self-service knowledge base for customers to find answers independently. Automate the organization and updating of FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and product manuals.


By automating these aspects of your small business, you can free up valuable time to focus on growth and strategy. Investing in the right tools and software can enhance efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive your business success.