Productivity Score Quiz-Backup Do you have a knack for getting things done? These 15 questions will tell. 1. I start each day with a list of what I intend to complete each day. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 2. I proactively look for ways to improve the way I work, and complete other tasks. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 3. I organize my day around my energy levels and motivation to take advantage of natural highs and lows. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 4. I can easily maintain my focus on one task at a time for a significant period of time. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 5. I spend a lot of time looking for documents or information I have already gathered or to locate missing things. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 6. I do my best to multitask. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 7. I utilize the time of other people to help get the things done. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 8. I delay tasks that are difficult or unpleasant until the last minute - or until the issue disappears on its own. Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often None 9. How many emails are on your inbox right now? 0 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 100 I Don't Know None 10. How many loads of laundry need to be done in your home right now? 0 to 3 Days 4 to 6 Days 1 Week Probably 2 weeks or more None 11. How many meals worth of dishes are waiting to be done in your home right now? 0 to 2 Days 2 to 3 Days More than 3 Probably 1 week or more None 12. How do you track a thought/idea/task that comes to your mind? I do not get any important thoughts/ideas/tasks in my head. I have a great memory. I remember my thoughts very well. If I am at my work desk I note it down. If not, I try to keep it in memory. I keep track of all my important thoughts/ideas on my phone/notebook irrespective of where I am. None 13. I delay tasks beyond what is reasonable. Very Seldom or Not True of Me Seldom True of Me Sometimes True of Me Often True of Me Very often True or True of Me None 14. I often regret not getting to tasks sooner. Very Seldom or Not True of Me Seldom True of Me Sometimes True of Me Often True of Me Very often True or True of Me None 15. If there is something I should do, I get to it before attending to lesser tasks. Very Seldom or Not True of Me Seldom True of Me Sometimes True of Me Often True of Me Very often True or True of Me None First Name Email Posted in .