Israel Middle East Overview Report

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intended to provide general information only. Full disclaimer below.)
مندوب لبنان في الأمم المتحدة: ما جرى يرقى إلى جريمة حرب …
Lebanon’s UN envoy: What happened amounts to a war crime…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
A number of Lebanese were killed, and hundreds of Hezbollah members and civilians were injured. Hezbollah said that on Tuesday afternoon, a number of messaging devices known as "pagers" exploded, and "these explosions, the causes of which are still unknown, have led to the martyrdom of a girl and two brothers"

أبرز المعلومات حول البيجر الذي انفجر ببعض عناصر "حزب …
The most important information about the pager that exploded with some members of the "Hezbollah" party…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Hundreds of Hezbollah members and Lebanese civilians arrived at hospitals with various injuries due to the explosion of their pagers. Sources close to the Lebanese resistance and the official news agency said that the explosions were the result of an Israeli breach. By searching through the wreckage of some of the devices that exploded, and published by some social media users, "Arabi21" was able to reach the type that some of the party members had, which is the Rugged Pager AR924, from Taiwanese "Apollo Gold", but it cannot be confirmed that all of the devices that exploded are of the same model.

تقارير إسرائيلية تكشف عن نوع المادة التي فجرت أجهزة …
Israeli reports reveal the type of material that detonated the devices…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Hebrew media reported that the type of sensitive material used to detonate the pagers in Lebanon is the highly sensitive material "PETN" Hezbollah officially accused the occupying state of being responsible for the repercussions of the attack that targeted the communication devices.

حزب الله يحمل الاحتلال المسؤولية الكاملة عن العدوان الذي …
Hezbollah holds the occupation fully responsible for the aggression that…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
has officially accused the occupying state of being responsible for the repercussions of the attack. A senior Hezbollah official told Reuters that Hassan Nasrallah, the party’s secretary-general, was “fine and unharmed” Earlier on Tuesday, 8 martyrs were killed and hundreds of members of the Lebanese Hezbollah and civilians were injured.

حشود أردنية تشيع الشهيد ماهر الجازي بمسقط رأسه في معان (شاهد)
Jordanian crowds bid farewell to martyr Maher Al-Jazzy in his hometown of Ma’an (Watch)
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Show related news Funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation in Ma’an #Jordan — Al Jazeera Mubasher (@ajmubasher) September 17, 2024 Large crowds of Jordanians participated in the funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi Al-Huwaitat, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation that resulted in the killing of three Israeli employees of the crossing between Jordan and occupied Palestine, which is controlled by the Israeli occupation. The martyr’s family announced on Tuesday morning that they had received his body. Kasab Al-Jazi, the martyr’s brother, told "Arabi21" that the funeral prayer will be held at noon in the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque in the town of Al-Hussainiya in the Ma’an Governorate (south). Since the news of the arrival of Al-Jazi’s body and his funeral at noon in his hometown of Al-Hussainiya (172 km south of the capital, Amman), Jordanians flocked to the town to participate in the prayers and funeral procession. Before the prayer, the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque was filled with mourners, where the martyr’s body was placed wrapped With the Jordanian flag at the front of the mosque. The time before the noon prayer was filled with speeches and chants. After the funeral prayer, the mourners raced to carry the body on its way to the town cemetery, where the martyr was buried.

من صبرا وشاتيلا إلى غزّة: عقيدة إبادة وغريزة انتقام لا تنطفئ
From Sabra and Shatila to Gaza: A doctrine of genocide and an inextinguishable instinct for revenge
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Show related news Funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation in Ma’an #Jordan — Al Jazeera Mubasher (@ajmubasher) September 17, 2024 Large crowds of Jordanians participated in the funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi Al-Huwaitat, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation that resulted in the killing of three Israeli employees of the crossing between Jordan and occupied Palestine, which is controlled by the Israeli occupation. The martyr’s family announced on Tuesday morning that they had received his body. Kasab Al-Jazi, the martyr’s brother, told "Arabi21" that the funeral prayer will be held at noon in the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque in the town of Al-Hussainiya in the Ma’an Governorate (south). Since the news of the arrival of Al-Jazi’s body and his funeral at noon in his hometown of Al-Hussainiya (172 km south of the capital, Amman), Jordanians flocked to the town to participate in the prayers and funeral procession. Before the prayer, the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque was filled with mourners, where the martyr’s body was placed wrapped With the Jordanian flag at the front of the mosque. The time before the noon prayer was filled with speeches and chants. After the funeral prayer, the mourners raced to carry the body on its way to the town cemetery, where the martyr was buried.

الاستفراد الصهيوني بغزة على مرأى من حليفها وعربها …
Zionist monopolization of Gaza in front of its ally and Arabs…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Show related news Funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation in Ma’an #Jordan — Al Jazeera Mubasher (@ajmubasher) September 17, 2024 Large crowds of Jordanians participated in the funeral of martyr Maher Al-Jazi Al-Huwaitat, perpetrator of the Karameh crossing operation that resulted in the killing of three Israeli employees of the crossing between Jordan and occupied Palestine, which is controlled by the Israeli occupation. The martyr’s family announced on Tuesday morning that they had received his body. Kasab Al-Jazi, the martyr’s brother, told "Arabi21" that the funeral prayer will be held at noon in the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque in the town of Al-Hussainiya in the Ma’an Governorate (south). Since the news of the arrival of Al-Jazi’s body and his funeral at noon in his hometown of Al-Hussainiya (172 km south of the capital, Amman), Jordanians flocked to the town to participate in the prayers and funeral procession. Before the prayer, the Grand Al-Hussainiya Mosque was filled with mourners, where the martyr’s body was placed wrapped With the Jordanian flag at the front of the mosque. The time before the noon prayer was filled with speeches and chants. After the funeral prayer, the mourners raced to carry the body on its way to the town cemetery, where the martyr was buried.

العرب في "مصيدة" الانتخابات الأمريكية …
Arabs in the "trap" of the American elections…
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
American hegemony in the Middle East is based on three pillars: an absolute commitment to support Israel in all circumstances and situations, an alliance with the Gulf oil industry, and chronic hostility to Iran.

Despite the huge investment in resources, recruitment, and propaganda, the issue of terrorism and jihadism has not risen to the level of becoming a fixed fourth pillar of American hegemony in the Middle East.
While the issue of terrorism and jihadism has completely disappeared, as expected. This “absence” does not mean any strategic change in the American approach to the Middle East and the Gulf region after the upcoming elections, whoever wins. On the contrary, continuity will be the main driver.
President Biden tried to build on the “Abraham Accords” that he inherited from his predecessor Trump by dragging Saudi Arabia into it, but he failed for reasons stronger than himself. Harris will continue to try with all her might, despite the fact that Trump is the author of the aforementioned agreements.
The intelligence assistance continues, making the United States a major partner in the war of extermination on Gaza.

باحثان: على أمريكا التخلي عن التطبيع بين "إسرائيل" …
Two researchers: America must abandon normalization between "Israel"…
Article Keywords: Israel, Palestinian
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Under the terms of the proposed deal, Saudi Arabia would formally recognize Israel in exchange for Israel’s commitment to establishing an independent Palestinian state.

Some Israelis are militant and extremist and might also try to sabotage such a deal. “Even the normalization deals Israel has already signed appear to be on shaky ground,” the article noted.

But these are almost meaningless concessions: Military ties are not the main source of Beijing’s growing influence in Saudi Arabia or the broader Middle East.

In theory, the deal would provide the United States with some marginal military advantages when it comes to containing Iran.

To end the war in Gaza, for example, the United States would need to put greater and more direct pressure on Israel.

إيدز المؤسسات.. الأسباب وإمكانية التعافي …
Institutional AIDS: Causes and Possibility of Recovery…
Article Keywords: Israel, Palestinian
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Under the terms of the proposed deal, Saudi Arabia would formally recognize Israel in exchange for Israel’s commitment to establishing an independent Palestinian state.

Some Israelis are militant and extremist and might also try to sabotage such a deal. “Even the normalization deals Israel has already signed appear to be on shaky ground,” the article noted.

But these are almost meaningless concessions: Military ties are not the main source of Beijing’s growing influence in Saudi Arabia or the broader Middle East.

In theory, the deal would provide the United States with some marginal military advantages when it comes to containing Iran.

To end the war in Gaza, for example, the United States would need to put greater and more direct pressure on Israel.

بين "حياة الماعز" و"ولاد رزق": من ترك بصمته أكثر؟ …
Between "Goat’s Life" and "Welad Rizk": Who left his mark more? …
Article Keywords: Israel, Palestinian
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Under the terms of the proposed deal, Saudi Arabia would formally recognize Israel in exchange for Israel’s commitment to establishing an independent Palestinian state.

Some Israelis are militant and extremist and might also try to sabotage such a deal. “Even the normalization deals Israel has already signed appear to be on shaky ground,” the article noted.

But these are almost meaningless concessions: Military ties are not the main source of Beijing’s growing influence in Saudi Arabia or the broader Middle East.

In theory, the deal would provide the United States with some marginal military advantages when it comes to containing Iran.

To end the war in Gaza, for example, the United States would need to put greater and more direct pressure on Israel.

تضامن عربي ودولي مع لبنان بعد العدوان الإسرائيلي.. عدة …
Arab and international solidarity with Lebanon after the Israeli aggression.. Several…
Article Keywords: Houthi, Hamas
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Hamas and the Houthi group expressed their solidarity with Lebanon through phone calls, statements and publications. The Lebanese News Agency reported that the Lebanese Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Health received two phone calls from their Iranian counterparts.

واشنطن تعلق على تفجيرات أجهزة الاتصال في لبنان.. "لا …
Washington comments on the explosions of communication devices in Lebanon.. "No…"
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The US State Department said, "We are collecting information about the explosions of communications devices in Lebanon, and Washington is not involved in the matter" The Pentagon said that there is no "change in the status of US forces in the Middle East" The Lebanese government and Hezbollah held the occupying state responsible for the wave of wireless communication device explosions.

إذاعة جيش الاحتلال تكشف الدافع وراء عملية تفجير أجهزة …
The occupation army radio reveals the motive behind the operation to blow up the devices…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Army Radio said that if Tel Aviv was behind the bombing of pager communication devices in Lebanon, it was responding to Hezbollah’s plan to target a former security figure. Earlier, the Israeli internal security service (Shin Bet) announced on Tuesday that it had thwarted a plan by the Lebanese Hezbollah group to assassinate a former senior defense official.

مفوض "الأونروا" يدعو للتجهز لـ"الأسوأ" في لبنان على وقع …
UNRWA Commissioner Calls for Preparing for the “Worst” in Lebanon as…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Palestine, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), called on Tuesday for raising the readiness for a possible Israeli war on Lebanon. Dozens of members of the Lebanese Hezbollah were injured when their wireless communication devices were exploded in Lebanon.

إصابة سفير طهران لدى بيروت خلال انفجارات أجهزة الاتصالات …
Tehran’s ambassador to Beirut injured in communications device explosions…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Show related news The Iranian Mehr News Agency reported on Tuesday that Mojtaba Amani, Tehran’s ambassador to Lebanon, was injured after an "Israeli cyber attack" that targeted a wireless communication device "pager". The Iranian agency indicated that the Iranian ambassador to Beirut was injured "in the explosion of a pager device as a result of an Israeli cyber attack targeting Lebanon and Syria". For its part, the Iranian Fars News Agency said that "the Iranian ambassador to Beirut suffered superficial injuries and was transferred to the hospital" to receive medical care. Earlier on Tuesday, dozens of members of the Lebanese Hezbollah were injured when their wireless communication devices were exploded in Lebanon. The Lebanese Ministry of Health said that a large number of injured people are flocking to hospitals and that the injuries were caused by the explosion of wireless devices, calling on citizens to go to hospitals to donate blood to the injured. The Associated Press quoted a Lebanese official as saying that "it is believed that targeting the communication devices is the result of an Israeli attack", while Iranian media reported that "the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon was injured as a result of an Israeli cyber attack targeting Lebanon and Syria".

الدوحة تؤكد مواصلتها العمل على التوصل لاتفاق إطلاق نار …
Doha confirms its continued work to reach a ceasefire agreement…
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman: Efforts to reach a truce in the Gaza Strip are still ongoing. Spokesman declined to comment on any new proposals made to Israel or Hamas. Hamas said its delegation met with Qatari and Egyptian mediators in Doha to discuss a truce.

إصابات في صفوف عناصر حزب الله في دمشق وريفيها جراء …
Hezbollah members injured in Damascus and its countryside due to…
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman: Efforts to reach a truce in the Gaza Strip are still ongoing. Spokesman declined to comment on any new proposals made to Israel or Hamas. Hamas said its delegation met with Qatari and Egyptian mediators in Doha to discuss a truce.

حزب الله يتعهد بـ"مواصلة عملياته".. و"رفع حالة التأهب" في إسرائيل
Hezbollah vows to "continue its operations" and "raise the state of alert" in Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
CNN reported on Tuesday that the bombing of thousands of Hezbollah pagers in Lebanon was carried out by "two parties in Israel," despite Israel’s silence on the attacks so far.

The American network reported that the targeting of Hezbollah members throughout Lebanon was "the result of a joint operation between the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad) and the army."

The network did not reveal further details about Israel’s connection to the bombings.

Hezbollah (designated a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries) held Israel responsible for the bombings, while the latter did not comment on what happened.

The New York Times quoted unnamed officials, including Americans, as saying that "Israel tampered with the pagers before they arrived in Lebanon, by planting a small amount of explosives inside each one."

تفجيرات "البيجر".. أرقام "غير دقيقة" للضحايا وجراحات عيون شبه متواصلة
Pager bombings: “inaccurate” numbers of victims and almost continuous eye surgeries
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The National News Agency reported on Tuesday evening that the minister denied "inaccurate information", indicating that he did not provide it to any media outlet.
Baghdad confirmed that it will send a plane to Beirut loaded with aid for the injured, according to local media.
The Lebanese Hezbollah party held Israel responsible for the explosions, while the latter did not comment on what happened.
A source close to Hezbollah told Agence France-Presse on Tuesday, requesting anonymity, that the devices that exploded "arrived via a shipment recently imported by Hezbollah containing a thousand devices" and that it appears that they "were hacked from the source".
For its part, the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo" said on Wednesday that the exploding pagers were not manufactured by it, but by another company called "BAC" that has a license to use its trademark.

حزب الله يتعهد بـ"مواصلة عملياته".. و"رفع حالة التأهب" في إسرائيل
Hezbollah vows to "continue its operations" and "raise the state of alert" in Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Palestinian
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on Wednesday morning, on a quick visit during which he will discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement.

This is Blinken’s tenth visit to the region since the war between Israel and Hamas began about a year ago.

Washington has doubled its efforts to reach a truce agreement, with the approach of the US presidential elections scheduled for November 5, and the end of President Joe Biden’s term early next year.

The US administration fears that the approaching end of Biden’s term will dissipate the chances of reaching an agreement and increase the risk of the war expanding, according to the French agency.

Egypt, along with the United States and Qatar, plays a key role in the ongoing mediation to stop the war between Israel and Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist movement in the United States and other countries.

حزب الله يتعهد بـ"مواصلة عملياته".. و"رفع حالة التأهب" في إسرائيل
Hezbollah vows to "continue its operations" and "raise the state of alert" in Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
CNN reported on Tuesday that the bombing of thousands of Hezbollah pagers in Lebanon was carried out by "two parties in Israel," despite Israel’s silence on the attacks so far.

The American network reported that the targeting of Hezbollah members throughout Lebanon was "the result of a joint operation between the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad) and the army."

The network did not reveal further details about Israel’s connection to the bombings.

Hezbollah (designated a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries) held Israel responsible for the bombings, while the latter did not comment on what happened.

The New York Times quoted unnamed officials, including Americans, as saying that "Israel tampered with the pagers before they arrived in Lebanon, by planting a small amount of explosives inside each one."

تفجيرات "البيجر".. أرقام "غير دقيقة" للضحايا وجراحات عيون شبه متواصلة
Pager bombings: “inaccurate” numbers of victims and almost continuous eye surgeries
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The National News Agency reported on Tuesday evening that the minister denied "inaccurate information", indicating that he did not provide it to any media outlet.
Baghdad confirmed that it will send a plane to Beirut loaded with aid for the injured, according to local media.
The Lebanese Hezbollah party held Israel responsible for the explosions, while the latter did not comment on what happened.
A source close to Hezbollah told Agence France-Presse on Tuesday, requesting anonymity, that the devices that exploded "arrived via a shipment recently imported by Hezbollah containing a thousand devices" and that it appears that they "were hacked from the source".
For its part, the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo" said on Wednesday that the exploding pagers were not manufactured by it, but by another company called "BAC" that has a license to use its trademark.

حزب الله يتعهد بـ"مواصلة عملياته".. و"رفع حالة التأهب" في إسرائيل
Hezbollah vows to "continue its operations" and "raise the state of alert" in Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Palestinian
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on Wednesday morning, on a quick visit during which he will discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement.

This is Blinken’s tenth visit to the region since the war between Israel and Hamas began about a year ago.

Washington has doubled its efforts to reach a truce agreement, with the approach of the US presidential elections scheduled for November 5, and the end of President Joe Biden’s term early next year.

The US administration fears that the approaching end of Biden’s term will dissipate the chances of reaching an agreement and increase the risk of the war expanding, according to the French agency.

Egypt, along with the United States and Qatar, plays a key role in the ongoing mediation to stop the war between Israel and Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist movement in the United States and other countries.


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