Israel Middle East Overview Report

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إسرائيل تفاخر "بالانجازات".. قدراتٌ أكبر لم نستخدمها بعد
Israel boasts of "achievements"… greater capabilities that we have not yet used
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A new phase Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Wednesday that "the center of gravity is shifting northward, through the transfer of resources and forces," indicating that the Israeli army is in the midst of a new phase of the war, while he and the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, Herzi Halevi, hinted that Israel carried out the bombings in Lebanon yesterday and today.
Many CapabilitiesAccording to a statement issued by the Israeli army, "Halevy conducted an assessment of the situation in the Northern Command today, Wednesday, and approved the attack and defense plans for the northern front."
One of the sources said that a large number of wireless communication devices were stored in Hezbollah warehouses, as they were intended for use only during the war with Israel.
This development comes in light of the state of maximum alert in the ranks of the Israeli army, and the readiness to escalate confrontations with Hezbollah, following the operation to blow up communication devices belonging to Hezbollah elements.
As part of this step, the 98th Division will move from the responsibility of the Southern Command of the Israeli army to the Northern Command, which, according to the Israeli Army Radio, is witnessing the highest levels of readiness and alert.

حزب الله "يحيّد" الدولة ويحقق منفرداً في كارثة الـPagers
Hezbollah "neutralizes" the state and investigates the Pagers disaster alone
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The massacre of "Pagers" caused panic and terror among citizens in various Lebanese regions, and a state of shock and confusion among Hezbollah, after thousands of devices suddenly exploded in the hands of Hezbollah members.
For this reason, Hezbollah will undertake these investigations itself and they will be confidential, in order to avoid revealing any information related to the methods of receiving weapons from abroad and so on.
Informed sources indicate that this shipment was received by Iran and transferred to Beirut.
The sources add that the number of devices received by Hezbollah is 5,000 devices, and this shipment arrived between February and March 2024, and was distributed to Hezbollah members in Lebanon and Syria, and they began using this device last July.
Thus, after Hezbollah stopped using mobile phones, it resorted to its internal system and after hacking the latter, it used Pagers devices.

"الحزب" المجروح خائف ومخيف: التضامن لياقة وصواب سياسي
The wounded "party" is afraid and frightening: Solidarity is fitness and political correctness
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
In the midst of collective "trauma", there is no longer room for political discussion, let alone disagreement, questioning and criticism? Yesterday, September 17 was added to the many "trauma" dates in the bloody Lebanese calendar.
It is one of Hezbollah’s practices resulting from its "superiority" and its power to impose on the Lebanese what it deems appropriate, ignoring the interests of Lebanon and all the Lebanese.
For months, the party has been treasonous and threatening those who criticize this war, and question its usefulness, prospects, and balance of power in it, while its audience analyzes "the blood of traitors and Zionists within."
A former MP and Hezbollah official did not hesitate to threaten, last week, to assassinate any president of the republic elected without the party’s approval.
However, in a move that is not obvious, Lebanon "embraced" the party’s members who carry pagers, within the acceptable human limit, and the innocents who fell alongside them.

دعوات دولية للتحقيق: لبنان بحالة طوارئ أمنية وإغاثية
International calls for investigation: Lebanon in a state of security and relief emergency
Article Keywords: Zionist
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Al-Abyad pointed out that "the injuries were concentrated in the face and hands, and there are still critical injuries, while the injured underwent surgery, most of them in the eyes."

The cultural advisor at the Iranian embassy in Lebanon, Kamil Baqer, indicated that he "visited the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani.

The team of specialized Iranian doctors that arrived in Lebanon to aid the wounded Lebanese will remain alongside the Lebanese medical staff as long as necessary."

This comes at a time when the French Foreign Ministry urged its citizens not to travel to Lebanon and called on those of them inside Lebanon to exercise caution.

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, also indicated in a statement "condemning the terrorist act of the Zionist entity, as an example of mass killing."

لبنان في حداد.. ومساعدات عربية ودولية بعد "مجزرة البايجرز"
Lebanon in mourning…and Arab and international aid after the "Pagers massacre"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Most of these people were killed as a result of the explosion of communications devices, while the rest were killed in airstrikes carried out by the Israeli army on southern Lebanon.

The Jordanian Petra News Agency reported that "a C130 aid plane belonging to the Jordanian Air Force left towards the Republic of Lebanon."

It indicated that "the plane sent by the Jordanian Armed Forces in coordination with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization carries food, medical and relief supplies.

He pointed out that "after the arrival of medical aid from Iraq, Jordan and international organizations expressed their readiness to support Lebanon on the health level."

The Prime Minister thanked the Iraqi President for his "affection," stressing that "Lebanon appreciates Iraq’s continued support for it," and he also thanked him for sending a medical team and a shipment of medical aid to Lebanon this morning to support relief efforts.

تفاصيل جديدة تتكشف.. تفجير "البايجر" ضربة افتتاحية لحرب شاملة؟
New details emerge: Is the Pager bombing the opening salvo in a full-scale war?
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Planting ExplosivesThe report added that "Israel tampered with these devices and planted small amounts of explosives inside each device before shipping them to Lebanon."
The source indicated that "three thousand pagers exploded when they received an encrypted message that activated the explosive materials simultaneously."
Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard indicated that Amani’s injuries were more serious than initially reported, and he will be transferred to Tehran for treatment, according to the American newspaper.
The Taiwanese CompanyAfter the data spoke about "the pagers (pagers) that exploded were manufactured by the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo."
A former Israeli official familiar with the operation said that the Israeli intelligence services planned to use the booby-trapped pagers that they were able to "plant" in Hezbollah’s ranks as a surprise opening strike in a comprehensive war to try to paralyze Hezbollah.

"مجزرة" الـPagers: لبنان ساحة حرب ودعوات للتضامن الوطني
Pagers’ "Massacre": Lebanon a Battlefield and Calls for National Solidarity
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
They suddenly realized that they were in the "limbo" of the confrontations, and here they are today, swaying towards the most horrific hellish scenario, regardless of its different names.
What is even more horrifying is the vile method adopted by Israel in its operation called in the media "Below the Belt", which is its ability to turn all of Lebanon into an unseen battlefield.
She pointed out that "the emergency and relief centers in the Bekaa and the North have raised their readiness to respond to any emergency and contribute to what the current field conditions require."
Amidst raising the state of alert to its maximum, on both sides of the fighting – Hezbollah and the Israeli government – where the latter is holding political, security and military meetings to discuss the repercussions of the strike it dealt on Tuesday to Hezbollah, its effects and the possibilities of the party’s response, which was exposed to a huge shock, following this attack.
Berri offered his "deepest condolences, patience and solace to the families of the martyrs, praying to God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded. Our destiny is resistance and steadfastness, and one of the two good things is victory or martyrdom."

عملية "تحت الحزام" الإسرائيلية: أجهزة "البايجر" فُخخت في إيران؟
Israeli Operation "Below the Belt": Pagers booby-trapped in Iran?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
"Below the Belt" is how Israeli media referred to the name of the security operation carried out by the Israelis against Hezbollah, by hacking the party’s communication devices.

Israeli Channel 14 said that Hezbollah imported these devices some time ago through an Iranian company called "Telerim".
It quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the damaged pagers were from a new shipment that the party received in recent days.

Reuters quoted a senior Hezbollah official as saying that the party’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was not harmed in the explosions of the communication devices.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the security company "Lubeck International" as saying that the cause of the explosion of the communication devices was most likely malware.

"تفجيرات البايجرز": شركات طيران عالمية تعلق رحلاتها إلى إسرائيل
‘Baggers Bombings’: Global Airlines Suspend Flights to Israel
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
According to Israeli media, Air France has cancelled its flights between Paris and Tel Aviv for 48 hours.

Lufthansa Group also announced that it will suspend all flights to and from Tel Aviv and Tehran.

The company explained in a statement that its flights will bypass Israeli and Iranian airspace until September 19, due to the escalation of security concerns in the region.

Swiss International Air Lines and Brussels Airlines have also decided to postpone their flights to Israel for the next 48 hours.

In a statement, Hezbollah held Israel "fully responsible" for the explosions that left more than 3,000 injured and a number of victims yesterday, vowing that "the enemy will receive its just retribution."

إسرائيل تتهم سوريا ببناء مشروع نووي سري.. بدعم إيراني
Israel accuses Syria of building a secret nuclear project…with Iranian support
Article Keywords: Israeli, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency, Moshe Edri, accused the Syrian regime of building a facility to produce radioactive plutonium in Deir Ezzor, with the support of Iran.

He accused the Syrian regime of not fulfilling its international obligations regarding nuclear safeguards for more than a decade, while he did not clarify whether the project was new in Deir Ezzor, or the same one that Israel bombed in 2007.

Following the visit, Grossi revealed that his meeting with the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, achieved tangible steps regarding the resumption of investigations into the Al-Kibar nuclear reactor in Deir Ezzor.

In 2018, the Israeli army claimed responsibility for an airstrike targeting a facility in eastern Syria, suspected of containing a nuclear reactor that the Syrian regime was secretly developing in cooperation with North Korea.

Israel said that the reactor was under construction with the help of North Korea, and was only months away from being operational.

تفجير "البايجرز": مقدمة لرد ورد على الرد.. يشعل حرباً
The "Pagers" bombing: Introduction to a response and a response to the response.. ignites a war
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
However, the operation did not lead to a fundamental strategic change in the region, but it may pave the way for a future open confrontation.

An operation that does not return the settlers. Israeli analysts indicate that Hezbollah may respond with missile attacks or drones, which could herald an escalation that could develop into a full-scale war.

He considered that "this integration between intelligence and digital penetration constitutes a weapon in itself, and Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors must be wary of it."

Escalation of the confrontationIn turn, Ronen Bergman, an intelligence analyst for Yedioth Ahronoth, quoted a senior officer in the Israeli army, saying that "Hezbollah is in a state of shock, fear and humiliation.
Bergman said that "the operation was completely successful and left Hezbollah in a state of shock."

بلينكن: الاتفاق على 15 بنداً.. باتفاق وقف إطلاق النار
Blinken: Agreement on 15 items… in the ceasefire agreement
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Strategic DialogueBlinken indicated in a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel Aati that 15 of the 18 items in the proposed ceasefire agreement had been agreed upon, but the remaining issues needed to be resolved, considering that the solution lies in political will more than anything else.
During his previous visit to Cairo on August 20, Blinken said that Israel "accepted a proposal to bridge the gap of differences that hinder the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of prisoners," calling on Hamas to do the same.
The meeting also touched on developments in the regional scene, where Sisi stressed Egypt’s rejection of attempts to escalate the conflict and expand its scope regionally, pointing out the need for all parties to exercise responsibility.
According to a statement by the US Embassy in Cairo, Blinken’s visit to Egypt will continue until September 19.
Blinken’s current visit is his tenth to the region since the start of the war on Gaza on October 7.

Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Strategic DialogueBlinken indicated in a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel Aati that 15 of the 18 items in the proposed ceasefire agreement had been agreed upon, but the remaining issues needed to be resolved, considering that the solution lies in political will more than anything else.
During his previous visit to Cairo on August 20, Blinken said that Israel "accepted a proposal to bridge the gap of differences that hinder the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of prisoners," calling on Hamas to do the same.
The meeting also touched on developments in the regional scene, where Sisi stressed Egypt’s rejection of attempts to escalate the conflict and expand its scope regionally, pointing out the need for all parties to exercise responsibility.
According to a statement by the US Embassy in Cairo, Blinken’s visit to Egypt will continue until September 19.
Blinken’s current visit is his tenth to the region since the start of the war on Gaza on October 7.

الياس خوري السوري
Elias Khoury the Syrian
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Anyone who follows the concerns of the late Elias Khoury will confirm that the effort he made in following up on the Syrian issue is almost equal to his interest in the Palestinian issue and the Lebanese issue.

He took violence to its extreme in the face of a peaceful popular revolution, and pushed Syrian society into the abyss of civil war.

He wrote in 2013: "Hezbollah elements who are fighting alongside the Syrian regime and its thugs are today committing the fundamental fatal mistake in their history.
The Lebanese militias that are participating with the Syrian regime in suppressing the Syrian people must learn a lesson before it is too late."

Syrians, you are alone, you are alone, do not believe anyone.

تفجيرات الخيال العلمي: تضامن لبناني وذاكرة انفجار المرفأ
Sci-Fi Bombings: Lebanese Solidarity and the Memory of the Port Explosion
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A year after the start of the war that deepened the internal division against Hezbollah, the Lebanese found themselves united on a human level in the face of the scale of the Israeli crime, which was reflected in the positions witnessed on social media.

We see nothing but a world being disfigured and its fingers flying off.

For the first time since the start of the war on October 7, the "quality" of the attack was the event, rather than the importance of the targeted party figures.

This means that the Lebanese state did not prevent the Lebanese from the tragedy of the ammonium nitrate explosion in the port, nor did its diplomacy succeed in removing the specter of a comprehensive war from Lebanon.

This was evident in the call by the party’s most prominent opponents, political activists, for a humanitarian response to the disaster on the basis of "postponing" scoring points against Hezbollah, because now is the time to "donate blood."

عدوان "البايجر": سردية لبنانية مضبوطة…قاومَت غواية "الإثارة"
The "Pager" Aggression: A Precise Lebanese Narrative…Resisting the Temptation of "Excitement"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The channel focused on leaving the air open for the picture only from in front of the hospitals, and scenes of the wounded, without any voice messages that were out of place or relied on random analysis.

It was satisfied with the correspondents’ messages, only when they had official information, especially official statements from the Ministry of Health, and hospital appeals.

It seemed striking that “LBC” called the victims “martyrs,” while before that it had relied on phrases such as “Hezbollah casualties due to Israeli bombing or attack.” Although the suburb was the main scene of the attack, the media event was not there.

Beirut’s hospitals were the center of attraction, which gave the media an opportunity to move more comfortably, relieved of the security restrictions imposed by the party on the ground in such cases.
The Prime Minister and senior politicians offered their condolences, so it was natural for the cameras to follow them. Thus, the Lebanese channels focused on the live broadcast from the mourning tent of the son of MP Ali Ammar, who was martyred in the aggression, especially with the visit of Prime Minister Najib Mikati to offer his condolences.

إسرائيل تفجر لاسلكيات "حزب الله": بوابة لتغيير شكل المعركة؟
Israel blows up Hezbollah’s radios: A gateway to changing the shape of the battle?
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
This information raises questions about the relationship between the suggestion of stormy disagreements within the Israeli cabinet, the claim of changing Galant, and the incident of the explosion of Hezbollah’s communications devices.

The correspondent said that the data indicates that the explosion of communications devices began first in the southern suburb of Beirut, then simultaneous explosions followed to include the devices of Hezbollah members and leaders present in other Lebanese regions, all the way to Syria.

He added that the incident came after official and unofficial Israeli voices rose in recent days, calling for a change in the scene on the northern front.

The Makan field correspondent pointed to a signal accompanied by a strange sound emanating from Hezbollah’s wireless devices, along with a rapid rise in their temperature, which led to a sudden explosion in the targeted communications devices.
The Makan correspondent went on to say that the incident came after Israel exhausted all its military means to "deter Hezbollah" without result.

إسرائيل تفاخر "بالانجازات".. قدراتٌ أكبر لم نستخدمها بعد
Israel boasts of "achievements"… greater capabilities that we have not yet used
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A new phase Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Wednesday that "the center of gravity is shifting northward, through the transfer of resources and forces," indicating that the Israeli army is in the midst of a new phase of the war, while he and the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, Herzi Halevi, hinted that Israel carried out the bombings in Lebanon yesterday and today.
Many CapabilitiesAccording to a statement issued by the Israeli army, "Halevy conducted an assessment of the situation in the Northern Command today, Wednesday, and approved the attack and defense plans for the northern front."
One of the sources said that a large number of wireless communication devices were stored in Hezbollah warehouses, as they were intended for use only during the war with Israel.
This development comes in light of the state of maximum alert in the ranks of the Israeli army, and the readiness to escalate confrontations with Hezbollah, following the operation to blow up communication devices belonging to Hezbollah elements.
As part of this step, the 98th Division will move from the responsibility of the Southern Command of the Israeli army to the Northern Command, which, according to the Israeli Army Radio, is witnessing the highest levels of readiness and alert.

حزب الله "يحيّد" الدولة ويحقق منفرداً في كارثة الـPagers
Hezbollah "neutralizes" the state and investigates the Pagers disaster alone
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The massacre of "Pagers" caused panic and terror among citizens in various Lebanese regions, and a state of shock and confusion among Hezbollah, after thousands of devices suddenly exploded in the hands of Hezbollah members.
For this reason, Hezbollah will undertake these investigations itself and they will be confidential, in order to avoid revealing any information related to the methods of receiving weapons from abroad and so on.
Informed sources indicate that this shipment was received by Iran and transferred to Beirut.
The sources add that the number of devices received by Hezbollah is 5,000 devices, and this shipment arrived between February and March 2024, and was distributed to Hezbollah members in Lebanon and Syria, and they began using this device last July.
Thus, after Hezbollah stopped using mobile phones, it resorted to its internal system and after hacking the latter, it used Pagers devices.

"الحزب" المجروح خائف ومخيف: التضامن لياقة وصواب سياسي
The wounded "party" is afraid and frightening: Solidarity is fitness and political correctness
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
In the midst of collective "trauma", there is no longer room for political discussion, let alone disagreement, questioning and criticism? Yesterday, September 17 was added to the many "trauma" dates in the bloody Lebanese calendar.
It is one of Hezbollah’s practices resulting from its "superiority" and its power to impose on the Lebanese what it deems appropriate, ignoring the interests of Lebanon and all the Lebanese.
For months, the party has been treasonous and threatening those who criticize this war, and question its usefulness, prospects, and balance of power in it, while its audience analyzes "the blood of traitors and Zionists within."
A former MP and Hezbollah official did not hesitate to threaten, last week, to assassinate any president of the republic elected without the party’s approval.
However, in a move that is not obvious, Lebanon "embraced" the party’s members who carry pagers, within the acceptable human limit, and the innocents who fell alongside them.

دعوات دولية للتحقيق: لبنان بحالة طوارئ أمنية وإغاثية
International calls for investigation: Lebanon in a state of security and relief emergency
Article Keywords: Zionist
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Al-Abyad pointed out that "the injuries were concentrated in the face and hands, and there are still critical injuries, while the injured underwent surgery, most of them in the eyes."

The cultural advisor at the Iranian embassy in Lebanon, Kamil Baqer, indicated that he "visited the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani.

The team of specialized Iranian doctors that arrived in Lebanon to aid the wounded Lebanese will remain alongside the Lebanese medical staff as long as necessary."

This comes at a time when the French Foreign Ministry urged its citizens not to travel to Lebanon and called on those of them inside Lebanon to exercise caution.

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, also indicated in a statement "condemning the terrorist act of the Zionist entity, as an example of mass killing."

لبنان في حداد.. ومساعدات عربية ودولية بعد "مجزرة البايجرز"
Lebanon in mourning…and Arab and international aid after the "Pagers massacre"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Most of these people were killed as a result of the explosion of communications devices, while the rest were killed in airstrikes carried out by the Israeli army on southern Lebanon.

The Jordanian Petra News Agency reported that "a C130 aid plane belonging to the Jordanian Air Force left towards the Republic of Lebanon."

It indicated that "the plane sent by the Jordanian Armed Forces in coordination with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization carries food, medical and relief supplies.

He pointed out that "after the arrival of medical aid from Iraq, Jordan and international organizations expressed their readiness to support Lebanon on the health level."

The Prime Minister thanked the Iraqi President for his "affection," stressing that "Lebanon appreciates Iraq’s continued support for it," and he also thanked him for sending a medical team and a shipment of medical aid to Lebanon this morning to support relief efforts.

تفاصيل جديدة تتكشف.. تفجير "البايجر" ضربة افتتاحية لحرب شاملة؟
New details emerge: Is the Pager bombing the opening salvo in a full-scale war?
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Planting ExplosivesThe report added that "Israel tampered with these devices and planted small amounts of explosives inside each device before shipping them to Lebanon."
The source indicated that "three thousand pagers exploded when they received an encrypted message that activated the explosive materials simultaneously."
Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard indicated that Amani’s injuries were more serious than initially reported, and he will be transferred to Tehran for treatment, according to the American newspaper.
The Taiwanese CompanyAfter the data spoke about "the pagers (pagers) that exploded were manufactured by the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo."
A former Israeli official familiar with the operation said that the Israeli intelligence services planned to use the booby-trapped pagers that they were able to "plant" in Hezbollah’s ranks as a surprise opening strike in a comprehensive war to try to paralyze Hezbollah.

"مجزرة" الـPagers: لبنان ساحة حرب ودعوات للتضامن الوطني
Pagers’ "Massacre": Lebanon a Battlefield and Calls for National Solidarity
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
They suddenly realized that they were in the "limbo" of the confrontations, and here they are today, swaying towards the most horrific hellish scenario, regardless of its different names.
What is even more horrifying is the vile method adopted by Israel in its operation called in the media "Below the Belt", which is its ability to turn all of Lebanon into an unseen battlefield.
She pointed out that "the emergency and relief centers in the Bekaa and the North have raised their readiness to respond to any emergency and contribute to what the current field conditions require."
Amidst raising the state of alert to its maximum, on both sides of the fighting – Hezbollah and the Israeli government – where the latter is holding political, security and military meetings to discuss the repercussions of the strike it dealt on Tuesday to Hezbollah, its effects and the possibilities of the party’s response, which was exposed to a huge shock, following this attack.
Berri offered his "deepest condolences, patience and solace to the families of the martyrs, praying to God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded. Our destiny is resistance and steadfastness, and one of the two good things is victory or martyrdom."

عملية "تحت الحزام" الإسرائيلية: أجهزة "البايجر" فُخخت في إيران؟
Israeli Operation "Below the Belt": Pagers booby-trapped in Iran?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
"Below the Belt" is how Israeli media referred to the name of the security operation carried out by the Israelis against Hezbollah, by hacking the party’s communication devices.

Israeli Channel 14 said that Hezbollah imported these devices some time ago through an Iranian company called "Telerim".
It quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the damaged pagers were from a new shipment that the party received in recent days.

Reuters quoted a senior Hezbollah official as saying that the party’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was not harmed in the explosions of the communication devices.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the security company "Lubeck International" as saying that the cause of the explosion of the communication devices was most likely malware.

"تفجيرات البايجرز": شركات طيران عالمية تعلق رحلاتها إلى إسرائيل
‘Baggers Bombings’: Global Airlines Suspend Flights to Israel
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
According to Israeli media, Air France has cancelled its flights between Paris and Tel Aviv for 48 hours.

Lufthansa Group also announced that it will suspend all flights to and from Tel Aviv and Tehran.

The company explained in a statement that its flights will bypass Israeli and Iranian airspace until September 19, due to the escalation of security concerns in the region.

Swiss International Air Lines and Brussels Airlines have also decided to postpone their flights to Israel for the next 48 hours.

In a statement, Hezbollah held Israel "fully responsible" for the explosions that left more than 3,000 injured and a number of victims yesterday, vowing that "the enemy will receive its just retribution."

إسرائيل تتهم سوريا ببناء مشروع نووي سري.. بدعم إيراني
Israel accuses Syria of building a secret nuclear project…with Iranian support
Article Keywords: Israeli, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency, Moshe Edri, accused the Syrian regime of building a facility to produce radioactive plutonium in Deir Ezzor, with the support of Iran.

He accused the Syrian regime of not fulfilling its international obligations regarding nuclear safeguards for more than a decade, while he did not clarify whether the project was new in Deir Ezzor, or the same one that Israel bombed in 2007.

Following the visit, Grossi revealed that his meeting with the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, achieved tangible steps regarding the resumption of investigations into the Al-Kibar nuclear reactor in Deir Ezzor.

In 2018, the Israeli army claimed responsibility for an airstrike targeting a facility in eastern Syria, suspected of containing a nuclear reactor that the Syrian regime was secretly developing in cooperation with North Korea.

Israel said that the reactor was under construction with the help of North Korea, and was only months away from being operational.

تفجير "البايجرز": مقدمة لرد ورد على الرد.. يشعل حرباً
The "Pagers" bombing: Introduction to a response and a response to the response.. ignites a war
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
However, the operation did not lead to a fundamental strategic change in the region, but it may pave the way for a future open confrontation.

An operation that does not return the settlers. Israeli analysts indicate that Hezbollah may respond with missile attacks or drones, which could herald an escalation that could develop into a full-scale war.

He considered that "this integration between intelligence and digital penetration constitutes a weapon in itself, and Hezbollah and its Iranian sponsors must be wary of it."

Escalation of the confrontationIn turn, Ronen Bergman, an intelligence analyst for Yedioth Ahronoth, quoted a senior officer in the Israeli army, saying that "Hezbollah is in a state of shock, fear and humiliation.
Bergman said that "the operation was completely successful and left Hezbollah in a state of shock."

بلينكن: الاتفاق على 15 بنداً.. باتفاق وقف إطلاق النار
Blinken: Agreement on 15 items… in the ceasefire agreement
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Strategic DialogueBlinken indicated in a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel Aati that 15 of the 18 items in the proposed ceasefire agreement had been agreed upon, but the remaining issues needed to be resolved, considering that the solution lies in political will more than anything else.
During his previous visit to Cairo on August 20, Blinken said that Israel "accepted a proposal to bridge the gap of differences that hinder the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of prisoners," calling on Hamas to do the same.
The meeting also touched on developments in the regional scene, where Sisi stressed Egypt’s rejection of attempts to escalate the conflict and expand its scope regionally, pointing out the need for all parties to exercise responsibility.
According to a statement by the US Embassy in Cairo, Blinken’s visit to Egypt will continue until September 19.
Blinken’s current visit is his tenth to the region since the start of the war on Gaza on October 7.

Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Strategic DialogueBlinken indicated in a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel Aati that 15 of the 18 items in the proposed ceasefire agreement had been agreed upon, but the remaining issues needed to be resolved, considering that the solution lies in political will more than anything else.
During his previous visit to Cairo on August 20, Blinken said that Israel "accepted a proposal to bridge the gap of differences that hinder the ceasefire in Gaza and the release of prisoners," calling on Hamas to do the same.
The meeting also touched on developments in the regional scene, where Sisi stressed Egypt’s rejection of attempts to escalate the conflict and expand its scope regionally, pointing out the need for all parties to exercise responsibility.
According to a statement by the US Embassy in Cairo, Blinken’s visit to Egypt will continue until September 19.
Blinken’s current visit is his tenth to the region since the start of the war on Gaza on October 7.

الياس خوري السوري
Elias Khoury the Syrian
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Anyone who follows the concerns of the late Elias Khoury will confirm that the effort he made in following up on the Syrian issue is almost equal to his interest in the Palestinian issue and the Lebanese issue.

He took violence to its extreme in the face of a peaceful popular revolution, and pushed Syrian society into the abyss of civil war.

He wrote in 2013: "Hezbollah elements who are fighting alongside the Syrian regime and its thugs are today committing the fundamental fatal mistake in their history.
The Lebanese militias that are participating with the Syrian regime in suppressing the Syrian people must learn a lesson before it is too late."

Syrians, you are alone, you are alone, do not believe anyone.

تفجيرات الخيال العلمي: تضامن لبناني وذاكرة انفجار المرفأ
Sci-Fi Bombings: Lebanese Solidarity and the Memory of the Port Explosion
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A year after the start of the war that deepened the internal division against Hezbollah, the Lebanese found themselves united on a human level in the face of the scale of the Israeli crime, which was reflected in the positions witnessed on social media.

We see nothing but a world being disfigured and its fingers flying off.

For the first time since the start of the war on October 7, the "quality" of the attack was the event, rather than the importance of the targeted party figures.

This means that the Lebanese state did not prevent the Lebanese from the tragedy of the ammonium nitrate explosion in the port, nor did its diplomacy succeed in removing the specter of a comprehensive war from Lebanon.

This was evident in the call by the party’s most prominent opponents, political activists, for a humanitarian response to the disaster on the basis of "postponing" scoring points against Hezbollah, because now is the time to "donate blood."

بن سلمان: العلاقة مع إسرائيل مشروطة بقيام دولة فلسطينية
Bin Salman: The relationship with Israel is conditional on the establishment of a Palestinian state
Article Keywords: Jerusalem, Israeli, Palestinian, Israel
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
He added that Saudi Arabia will not stop its tireless efforts to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and that it will not establish any diplomatic relations with Israel without that.
Previous condemnation The Israeli Knesset had previously voted in favor of a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state. This resolution was submitted by the opposition right-wing "Official Right" party, and 68 members of parliament voted in favor of it and 9 out of 120 members of parliament voted against it.
Following this decision, the Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed at the time "the Kingdom’s rejection and condemnation in the strongest terms of the Israeli Knesset’s adoption of a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state."
The Kingdom stressed that "these ongoing and hostile practices against Islamic sanctities, international systems and resolutions, express the aggressive approach of the Israeli occupation authorities."
Blinken indicated in a press conference about two weeks ago that the agreement would first require a ceasefire in Gaza, in addition to Israeli approval of a "credible path toward the establishment of a Palestinian state."

إسرائيل تعمل على خطة لمنع "تهريب الأسلحة" من الأردن
Israel working on plan to prevent ‘arms smuggling’ from Jordan
Article Keywords: Palestinian, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Technological means and deployment of forcesThe plan includes several stages, starting with the use of hundreds of technological means to monitor the border, such as radars and cameras along the exposed border between Eilat in the south, and the Syrian Hama (near Tiberias) in the north.

It also includes the deployment of forces to provide a "rapid response" to deal with attempts at infiltration or smuggling, in addition to strengthening and developing the security barrier along the border.

The Israeli army is also planning to establish a new military division known as the "Eastern Division", which will be primarily responsible for monitoring the area, against the backdrop of "the escalation in arms smuggling operations via Jordan to Palestinian organizations in the West Bank."

The newspaper said that the army admits that for every successful thwarted operation, there are three to five successful smuggling operations from Jordan.

It said that "Iran has been able to exploit the tension in the region to expand its influence in arms smuggling operations to the West Bank."

دمشق: جرحى من حزب الله جراء انفجار أجهزتهم اللاسلكية
Damascus: Hezbollah members injured as their wireless devices explode
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Radio explosionThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that a number of Hezbollah members arrived at hospitals in Damascus and its countryside due to injuries they sustained after the communication devices they were carrying exploded.

"Al Jazeera Mubasher" quoted its correspondent confirming that several injuries occurred in the capital Damascus due to the explosion of radio devices in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood, west of the capital Damascus.

In turn, "Ahrar Houran Gathering" reported that 5 Hezbollah members were injured and taken to the Al-Sanamayn Military Hospital, north of Daraa.

According to the "Voice of the Capital" website, a radio device exploded on a Hezbollah member while he was inside a car in the Al-Mouwasat tunnel, near the Kafr Sousa roundabout in Damascus, adding that several injuries as a result of the explosion were transferred to hospitals.

Serious injuries

حزب الله "يحيّد" الدولة ويحقق منفرداً في كارثة الـPagers
Hezbollah "neutralizes" the state and investigates the Pagers disaster alone
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The massacre of "Pagers" caused panic and terror among citizens in various Lebanese regions, and a state of shock and confusion among Hezbollah, after thousands of devices suddenly exploded in the hands of Hezbollah members.
For this reason, Hezbollah will undertake these investigations itself and they will be confidential, in order to avoid revealing any information related to the methods of receiving weapons from abroad and so on.
Informed sources indicate that this shipment was received by Iran and transferred to Beirut.
The sources add that the number of devices received by Hezbollah is 5,000 devices, and this shipment arrived between February and March 2024, and was distributed to Hezbollah members in Lebanon and Syria, and they began using this device last July.
Thus, after Hezbollah stopped using mobile phones, it resorted to its internal system and after hacking the latter, it used Pagers devices.

الولايات المتحدة تنفي مشاركتها بتفجيرات لبنان.. "لن نقدم …
The United States denies its participation in the Lebanon bombings.. "We will not provide…"
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
US National Security Council’s Strategic Policy Coordinator, John Kirby, said that the United States was not involved in the attacks. Kirby explained that reaching a ceasefire in Gaza is the best way forward, and Washington will continue its efforts to achieve that. On Wednesday, the Lebanese Ministry of Health said that 14 martyrs and more than 450 people were injured in explosions in wireless communication devices.

استراتيجية الاستنزاف وتوسيع الحرب …
Strategy of attrition and expansion of the war…
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
and Hamas, along with Ansar Allah and Iran behind them, realize that a direct regional confrontation would not be in their interest.

The balance of power is clearly tilted in favor of the United States, and therefore the axis of resistance is relying on a “strategy of attrition” instead of seeking a decisive confrontation. The axis of resistance does not seek a major confrontation but rather a prolongation of the conflict, which will weaken Israel politically and militarily.

In the end, North Vietnam succeeded in expelling American forces despite the large gap in military capabilities. The same idea is repeated here; Israel realizes that a war of attrition is not in its interest.

This support, along with long-term attrition, ultimately led to the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from Afghanistan despite its enormous power. But, as we know, wars of attrition are not without a price.

The losses in the ranks of the axis of resistance will be great, both in terms of martyrs and the destruction of infrastructure, as we have witnessed in all wars that relied on this strategy.

الكابينت يفوض نتنياهو وغالانت باتخاذ الإجراءات في …
The cabinet authorizes Netanyahu and Galant to take action in…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Security cabinet authorized Netanyahu and Galant to take defensive and offensive measures against the Lebanese Hezbollah. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant stressed: "We are at the beginning of a new phase in the war, and this requires courage, determination and perseverance from us"

وزير الخارجية اللبنانية: لا نستطيع التحدث مع حزب الله.. …
Lebanese Foreign Minister: We cannot talk to Hezbollah…
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hezbollah, Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Show related news A senior Hezbollah official told Reuters that the party’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, was “fine and unharmed” in the explosions. A Hezbollah statement said: “After examining all the facts, current data and available information about the sinful attack that took place this afternoon, we hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression, which also targeted civilians and led to the deaths of a number of martyrs and the injury of a large number of others.” He added: “Our martyrs and wounded are the symbol of our jihad and sacrifices on the road to Jerusalem, a victory for our honorable people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and continuous field support. Our position of victory, support and backing for the valiant Palestinian resistance will remain a source of pride for us in this world and the hereafter.” The Lebanese Health Ministry said that 14 martyrs and more than 450 wounded were killed in explosions in wireless communications devices on Wednesday. Several new limited explosions were reported in a number of Areas in the Lebanese capital Beirut and several areas, in an incident believed to be related to the occupation forces’ bombing of hundreds of “pager” devices used by Hezbollah, on Tuesday, which led to the injury of about 4,000 people. Eyewitnesses in the southern suburb of the capital Beirut said that limited explosions were detected in several places, resulting in injuries among the Lebanese.

تقارير إسرائيلية تكشف عن نوع المادة التي فجرت أجهزة …
Israeli reports reveal the type of material that detonated the devices…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Hebrew media reported that the type of sensitive material used to detonate the pagers in Lebanon is the highly sensitive material "PETN" Hezbollah officially accused the occupying state of being responsible for the repercussions of the attack that targeted the communication devices.

ما هي أجهزة الـ"بيجر" وهل يمكن اختراقها وتفجيرها؟.. …
What are pagers and can they be hacked and detonated?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Hebrew media reported that the type of sensitive material used to detonate the pagers in Lebanon is the highly sensitive material "PETN" Hezbollah officially accused the occupying state of being responsible for the repercussions of the attack that targeted the communication devices.

الإسلاميون والقوميون والسابع من أكتوبر: مرحلة جديدة من …
Islamists, Nationalists and October 7: A New Phase of…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Hebrew media reported that the type of sensitive material used to detonate the pagers in Lebanon is the highly sensitive material "PETN" Hezbollah officially accused the occupying state of being responsible for the repercussions of the attack that targeted the communication devices.

العرب في "مصيدة" الانتخابات الأمريكية …
Arabs in the "trap" of the American elections…
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
American hegemony in the Middle East is based on three pillars: an absolute commitment to support Israel in all circumstances and situations, an alliance with the Gulf oil industry, and chronic hostility to Iran.

Despite the huge investment in resources, recruitment, and propaganda, the issue of terrorism and jihadism has not risen to the level of becoming a fixed fourth pillar of American hegemony in the Middle East.
While the issue of terrorism and jihadism has completely disappeared, as expected. This “absence” does not mean any strategic change in the American approach to the Middle East and the Gulf region after the upcoming elections, whoever wins. On the contrary, continuity will be the main driver.
President Biden tried to build on the “Abraham Accords” that he inherited from his predecessor Trump by dragging Saudi Arabia into it, but he failed for reasons stronger than himself. Harris will continue to try with all her might, despite the fact that Trump is the author of the aforementioned agreements.
The intelligence assistance continues, making the United States a major partner in the war of extermination on Gaza.

مسؤول أممي يدعو للتحقيق في تفجيرات لبنان.. اجتماع طارئ …
UN official calls for investigation into Lebanon bombings.. Emergency meeting…
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Show related news A few moments ago.. An explosion of wireless devices (walkie talkies), car radios and fingerprint devices in Lebanon, and the initial toll so far is more than 100 injured.
——What is happening!
After the pager last night.. A few moments ago.. An explosion of wireless devices (walkie talkies), car radios and fingerprint devices in Lebanon, and the initial toll so far is more than 100 injured.——What is happening! September 18, 2024Communications devices, vehicle batteries, motor and scooter batteries, solar energy batteries, time attendance confirmation device batteries, computers, mobile phones, shavers, "lithium batteries" exploded.
"The fear and terror these attacks have spread is horrific," Turk said in a press statement. On Wednesday, the Lebanese capital Beirut and other areas witnessed new explosions of communications devices believed to be used by Hezbollah fighters and other civilian and service devices across the country, which have so far resulted in nine martyrs and more than 300 injured in the toll of the new explosions that targeted wireless devices. "In these extremely turbulent times," Turk called on all influential countries in the region and beyond to take immediate measures to avoid the conflict expanding further, saying: "The region has witnessed enough daily horrors and suffering."

استشهد قبل 57 عاما.. جنازة عسكرية لمجند مصري وجدت جثته …
He was martyred 57 years ago.. A military funeral for an Egyptian soldier whose body was found…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Fawzi Muhammad Abd al-Mawla Abu Shouk’s remains were found in central Sinai last July. The soldier was martyred during the events of the 1967 war, most likely during the random withdrawal of Egyptian soldiers after the Israeli attack on Sinai on June 5, 1967. The family announced that the funeral ceremony will be held tomorrow, Thursday, in front of the Sanani Mosque in the al-Dakhila area in Alexandria.

الخارجية المصرية: حماس فصيل فلسطيني وطني التزم بالاتفاق والتفاهمات
Egyptian Foreign Ministry: Hamas is a national Palestinian faction that has committed to the agreement and understandings
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Foreign Minister Badr Abdel Aati confirmed that Egypt deals with Hamas as a national Palestinian faction. He said that "reaching an agreement to stop the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and exchange prisoners between the two sides is a top priority"

ارتفاع حصيلة قتلى انفجارات الأربعاء في لبنان
Death toll rises in Wednesday’s explosions in Lebanon
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Mobile radios used by the Hezbollah militant group exploded Wednesday in southern Lebanon, a day after similar explosions occurred Tuesday in the group’s pagers.
A Hezbollah official said the incident represented the biggest security breach in the group’s history, according to the same agency.
announced Wednesday that it would continue to support Hamas in Gaza by targeting the Israeli army.
Counterfeit devicesHezbollah has resorted to using pagers and other low-tech communication devices in an attempt to avoid Israeli surveillance of mobile phones.
But an official at the American branch of the company (Icom America) said Wednesday that the radios that exploded in Lebanon appeared to be counterfeit products and were not made by "Icom".

مسؤولان أميركيان: إسرائيل أعلمت واشنطن بالهجوم في لبنان بعد وقوعه
Two US officials: Israel informed Washington of the attack in Lebanon after it happened
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israel
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
The Washington Post quoted US officials on Wednesday as saying that Israel informed the United States of its attack in Lebanon after it was launched, although Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for it.
The newspaper quoted the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, as saying that Israel did not discuss the details of the attack with Washington before it happened, and that it informed it through intelligence channels.
It is worth noting that Hezbollah is being subjected to an unprecedented attack that witnessed the killing of at least 20 people and the wounding of more than 450 others after the explosion of wireless communication devices carried by Hezbollah members.
responded with a devastating bombing campaign and a ground attack on Gaza, which resulted in the deaths of at least 41,272 people, according to the Hamas-affiliated Health Ministry.
The United Nations confirms that the majority of the dead were women and children.

ارتفاع حصيلة قتلى انفجارات الأربعاء في لبنان
Death toll rises in Wednesday’s explosions in Lebanon
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Mobile radios used by the Hezbollah militant group exploded Wednesday in southern Lebanon, a day after similar explosions occurred Tuesday in the group’s pagers.
A Hezbollah official said the incident represented the biggest security breach in the group’s history, according to the same agency.
announced Wednesday that it would continue to support Hamas in Gaza by targeting the Israeli army.
Counterfeit devicesHezbollah has resorted to using pagers and other low-tech communication devices in an attempt to avoid Israeli surveillance of mobile phones.
But an official at the American branch of the company (Icom America) said Wednesday that the radios that exploded in Lebanon appeared to be counterfeit products and were not made by "Icom".

"آيكوم" تعلق على انفجار أجهزة اتصال لاسلكي في لبنان
ICOM comments on the explosion of wireless communication devices in Lebanon
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A Hezbollah official said the incident represented the largest security breach in the group’s history, according to the same agency.

How did the pager devices explode? The Wall Street Journal reported, according to people familiar with Hezbollah’s investigations, that the initial assessment indicates that the pagers exploded because an explosive device was planted in the new models.

Counterfeit devices Hezbollah has resorted to using pagers and other low-tech communication devices in an attempt to avoid Israeli surveillance of cellphones.

A security source told the agency that Hezbollah bought the radios five months ago, around the same time the group bought the pagers.

But an official at the company’s American branch (Icom America) said on Wednesday that the radios that exploded in Lebanon appear to be counterfeit products and not made by Icom.

تحذير أميركي من أي "تصعيد" بعد انفجارات لبنان
US warns of any "escalation" after Lebanon explosions
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, Israeli
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A Hezbollah official said the incident represented the largest security breach in the group’s history, according to the same agency.

This scenario suggests that Israel was able to access Hezbollah’s supply chain to modify the devices that were delivered, according to the newspaper.
It is noteworthy that Hezbollah announced on Wednesday that it would continue to support Hamas in Gaza by targeting the Israeli army.

Counterfeit devices Hezbollah has resorted to using pagers and other low-tech communication devices in an attempt to avoid Israeli monitoring of cell phones.

But an official at the American branch of the company (Icom America) said on Wednesday that the radios that exploded in Lebanon appear to be counterfeit products and are not made by "Icom".

رئيس الإمارات سيزور واشنطن.. ويبحث مع بايدن ملفات المنطقة
UAE President to visit Washington, discuss regional issues with Biden
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
US President Joe Biden will host his Emirati counterpart, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at the White House on Monday for talks on issues ranging from the war in Gaza and Sudan to the development of controlled artificial intelligence.
White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters that the visit will be the first ever by a Gulf head of state to Washington, adding that Vice President Kamala Harris will meet separately with the UAE president.
Kirby added that discussions will also focus on climate, clean energy and the UAE’s role as a partner in the G7 Global Infrastructure Partnership.
The official Emirates News Agency reported that the UAE president will discuss with Biden ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries in all fields, especially the economy, trade, investment, technology, artificial intelligence, space and renewable energy.
The UAE president will also meet with a number of US officials to discuss prospects for developing UAE-US relations at all levels, according to the agency.

مسؤولان أميركيان: إسرائيل أعلمت واشنطن بالهجوم في لبنان بعد وقوعه
Two US officials: Israel informed Washington of the attack in Lebanon after it happened
Article Keywords: Hamas, Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
As of the time of publication of this report, the death toll has reached 21 people, while more than 3,000 others have been injured, including several Hezbollah militants and the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, according to the Lebanese health authorities.
military commander Fouad Shukr was also killed in an Israeli raid in the southern suburbs of Beirut in July.
Nissan adds that “the intelligence information was already there and there were even expectations about the number of hostages that Hamas might kidnap.”
Nissan explains that “the political officials, not the military ones, did not attach any importance to all these warnings,” adding that “this was a big mistake for which Israel paid the price.”
Security and strategic expert Mohammed Abdul Wahid says that “yesterday’s operation was a very complex intelligence operation, as were the other operations that Israel is believed to be behind before it.”

ما بعد "صدمة الثلاثاء".. مخاوف لبنانية غداة انفجارات "البيجر"
After the "Tuesday Shock"… Lebanese Fears in the Aftermath of the Pager Explosions
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israel
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
At first, Qassem thought the young man had been shot, but he soon realized that the radio he was carrying had exploded.

Qassem described the incident as "extremely terrifying," saying, "No one can imagine that Hezbollah members would be targeted in this way, and the large number of wounded makes us anticipate more bloody and destructive days."

A series of simultaneous explosions hit the pager radios carried by Hezbollah members on Tuesday, killing 12 people, including two children, in addition to 300 others who were critically injured, according to Lebanese Health Minister Firas Abiad.

Despite this, he stressed that if any military development occurred, he would rush to move his children and wife to his relatives’ home in Beirut.

Hezbollah, which is classified as a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries, held Israel responsible for the bombings, while the latter did not comment on what happened.

"ميتا" تحظر وسائل الإعلام الحكومية الروسية على منصاتها
Meta bans Russian state media on its platforms
Article Keywords: Israeli, Hezbollah, Israel
( | American Government)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
In a statement condemning an attack attributed to Israel, the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications said on Wednesday that Israel had blown up Icom V82 devices used by Hezbollah members.

Many countries and organizations condemned the attack attributed to Israel, and international news agencies and American officials confirmed the Israeli Mossad’s connection to it, while Israel did not comment on the matter. — Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) September 18, 2024For its part, an official at the American branch of the Japanese radio manufacturer Icom said on Wednesday that the radios that exploded in Lebanon appeared to be counterfeit products and were not manufactured by Icom.

Novak explained that Icom had introduced the V82 model of two-way radios more than two decades ago, and that its production had been discontinued a long time ago.

What do we know about the device? The types of Icom devices vary according to their uses, customers’ need for them, and even their locations.

البيت الأبيض: من المبكر معرفة مدى تأثير انفجارات أجهزة لبنان على اتفاق غزة
White House: Too early to know how Lebanon device explosions will affect Gaza deal
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Rami Mohieldin John Kirby, the White House strategic communications coordinator, confirmed that it is too early to know the extent to which the explosions of wireless communication devices in Lebanon will affect the Gaza agreement. He continued: We still believe that there is a possible diplomatic path to reduce tensions on the Lebanese border, noting that the United States is engaged in intensive diplomatic efforts to prevent the opening of a second front on the Lebanese border, according to Cairo News Channel in a breaking news.

باختصار.. أهم أخبار العالم والعرب حتى منتصف الليل.. خفض سعر الفائدة بأمريكا.. وألمانيا تعلق تصدير الأسلحة إلى إسرائيل.. وزلزال بالصين.. والأمم المتحدة تنتصر لفلسطين بقرار ضد الاحتلال..وعقوبات أمريكية
In brief.. The most important news in the world and the Arabs until midnight.. Interest rate cut in America.. Germany suspends arms exports to Israel.. Earthquake in China.. The United Nations supports Palestine with a resolution against the occupation.. and American sanctions
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Agencies In order to provide integrated services to our dear readers, "Youm7" offers a service to provide all Arab and international news over the past hours.
The US Federal Reserve decides to reduce interest rates by 0.5% The US Federal Reserve decided to reduce interest rates by 50 basis points to fall from 5.5% to 5.00%.
Germany suspends issuing permits to export military weapons to Israel The German government announced the suspension of issuing permits to export military weapons to Israel, according to Reuters.
18 people injured in a collision between two passenger trains in the Czech Republic The Czech Railways Authority announced that 18 people were injured in a collision between two passenger trains in one of the areas of the capital, Prague.
America imposes sanctions on Iranian officials due to human rights violations The United States imposed sanctions on a number of Iranian officials today, Wednesday, due to what it said were human rights violations.

البيت الأبيض يرفض التعليق على هجمات لبنان أو من يقف خلفها
White House declines to comment on Lebanon attacks or who is behind them
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Ramy MohieddinCairo News Channel reported in a breaking news that the White House refuses to comment on the attacks in Lebanon or who is behind them, stressing that it does not want to see any escalation of any kind. John Kirby, the White House strategic communications coordinator, confirmed that it is too early to know the extent of the impact of the wireless communication device explosions in Lebanon on the Gaza agreement.

الزمالك يستقر على موعد السفر إلى السعودية استعدادا للسوبر الأفريقى
Zamalek settles on travel date to Saudi Arabia in preparation for African Super Cup
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Written by Hossam El-Hajj Zamalek’s technical staff has decided on the date of travel to Saudi Arabia in preparation for the African Super Cup match against Al-Ahly scheduled for September 27 in Saudi Arabia.
The Portuguese Jose Gomez, the technical director of the first football team at Zamalek Club, decided to travel to Saudi Arabia three days before the match in order to give his players enough rest and get into the atmosphere of the match before the anticipated match against Al-Ahly.
The African Super Cup between Al-Ahly and Zamalek scheduled for September 27 will witness the first appearance of the new deals of the White Castle that the club contracted with during the current summer transfer period, in order to strengthen the team’s ranks.
Zamalek Club contracted with 5 players in the summer Mercato, namely, the Palestinian Omar Farag, the Moroccan Mahmoud Ben Taig, the Polish Konrad Michalak, the Senegalese Sidi Ndiaye, and Mohamed Hamdy, in order to provide an addition to the White team in the new season.
It is expected that Jose Gomez, the technical director of the first football team at Zamalek Club, will rely on the new deals in the African Super Cup against Al-Ahly, to strengthen the team’s ranks, so that the match will witness the first appearance of the new players.

رئيس البرلمان اللبنانى يبحث مع ميقاتى تطورات الاوضاع السياسية والميدانية
Lebanese Parliament Speaker discusses political and field developments with Mikati
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
A. Sh. Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri discussed with Prime Minister Najib Mikati, at the second presidency headquarters in Ain al-Tineh, on Wednesday, the developments of the political and field situation, especially after the Israeli aggression that targeted Lebanon yesterday afternoon and led to the death of a number of martyrs and more than 2,800 wounded.
The Lebanese National News Agency quoted Mikati as saying: "It is natural in these circumstances that I consult with Speaker Nabih Berri about the current situation. We spoke and discussed all matters."
In a separate context, the Minister of Defense in the caretaker government, Maurice Slim, discussed with the Norwegian Ambassador, Hilde Haraldstad, the situation and developments in Lebanon and the region, as well as bilateral relations between the two countries.
During the meeting, the Minister of National Defense condemned the blatant Israeli terrorist attack on Lebanon with the Pager bombings, and considered it "a war crime in a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law that the Israeli killing machine is persistent in violating."
He stressed that "what our country is being subjected to requires the highest levels of solidarity and cooperation to confront major challenges and dangers."

إدارة على طريقة الثور الهائج.. نظرية نتنياهو فى إثارة الغبار وخلط أوراق العدو والصديق
Management in the style of a raging bull.. Netanyahu’s theory of stirring up dust and mixing the cards of enemy and friend
Article Keywords: Zionist
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Netanyahu is scattering dust in every direction, and when he sends a delegation to negotiate a truce, he is preparing for a new phase of the war, and if he is strict in talking about Philadelphia, he may be preparing to spread his arms in southern Lebanon.

He went to Madrid during Yitzhak Shamir’s term, and Netanyahu played the role of the spokesman for the Zionist side in the workshop that led to the agreement later.

By mind and background, Netanyahu was able to jump between them, as if he were a veteran of the three pens.

Netanyahu wants the Lebanese front to remain hot, so he does not keep it under the ceilings of the implicitly agreed upon clash.

The axis has practically abandoned the slogan of "unity of arenas"; but Netanyahu has achieved it in the daily practice of the Flood War, but in a complex meaning: unifying it in the beginning and separating it in the outcomes.

موجة جديدة من التفجيرات للأجهزة اللاسلكية "بيجر" لأعضاء حزب الله فى بيروت
New wave of Hezbollah pager bombings in Beirut
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
AgenciesSources reported a new wave of explosions of "pager" wireless devices used by Hezbollah members in the southern suburb of Beirut.

The sources added that the explosions occurred in Rawdat al-Shahidayn in the suburb and the Ruwais area.
A witness from Reuters said that at least one explosion was heard in the southern suburb of Beirut.

Al-Abyad indicated that there are 200 cases in intensive care, and also indicated that several countries have contacted Lebanon and the Iraqi shipment that arrived consists of medicines, supplies and medical teams, and we have also received an offer to evacuate patients to Iraq.

Al-Abyad received calls of solidarity from his Egyptian, Syrian, Iranian and Iraqi counterparts, and his Iraqi counterpart informed him that a plane will arrive in Beirut loaded with medical aid for the injured.

البيت الأبيض: من المبكر معرفة مدى تأثير انفجارات أجهزة لبنان على اتفاق غزة
White House: Too early to know how Lebanon device explosions will affect Gaza deal
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Rami Mohieldin John Kirby, the White House strategic communications coordinator, confirmed that it is too early to know the extent to which the explosions of wireless communication devices in Lebanon will affect the Gaza agreement. He continued: We still believe that there is a possible diplomatic path to reduce tensions on the Lebanese border, noting that the United States is engaged in intensive diplomatic efforts to prevent the opening of a second front on the Lebanese border, according to Cairo News Channel in a breaking news.

باختصار.. أهم أخبار العالم والعرب حتى منتصف الليل.. خفض سعر الفائدة بأمريكا.. وألمانيا تعلق تصدير الأسلحة إلى إسرائيل.. وزلزال بالصين.. والأمم المتحدة تنتصر لفلسطين بقرار ضد الاحتلال..وعقوبات أمريكية
In brief.. The most important news in the world and the Arabs until midnight.. Interest rate cut in America.. Germany suspends arms exports to Israel.. Earthquake in China.. The United Nations supports Palestine with a resolution against the occupation.. and American sanctions
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Agencies In order to provide integrated services to our dear readers, "Youm7" offers a service to provide all Arab and international news over the past hours.
The US Federal Reserve decides to reduce interest rates by 0.5% The US Federal Reserve decided to reduce interest rates by 50 basis points to fall from 5.5% to 5.00%.
Germany suspends issuing permits to export military weapons to Israel The German government announced the suspension of issuing permits to export military weapons to Israel, according to Reuters.
18 people injured in a collision between two passenger trains in the Czech Republic The Czech Railways Authority announced that 18 people were injured in a collision between two passenger trains in one of the areas of the capital, Prague.
America imposes sanctions on Iranian officials due to human rights violations The United States imposed sanctions on a number of Iranian officials today, Wednesday, due to what it said were human rights violations.

البيت الأبيض يرفض التعليق على هجمات لبنان أو من يقف خلفها
White House declines to comment on Lebanon attacks or who is behind them
Article Keywords: Gaza
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Ramy MohieddinCairo News Channel reported in a breaking news that the White House refuses to comment on the attacks in Lebanon or who is behind them, stressing that it does not want to see any escalation of any kind. John Kirby, the White House strategic communications coordinator, confirmed that it is too early to know the extent of the impact of the wireless communication device explosions in Lebanon on the Gaza agreement.

الزمالك يستقر على موعد السفر إلى السعودية استعدادا للسوبر الأفريقى
Zamalek settles on travel date to Saudi Arabia in preparation for African Super Cup
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Written by Hossam El-Hajj Zamalek’s technical staff has decided on the date of travel to Saudi Arabia in preparation for the African Super Cup match against Al-Ahly scheduled for September 27 in Saudi Arabia.
The Portuguese Jose Gomez, the technical director of the first football team at Zamalek Club, decided to travel to Saudi Arabia three days before the match in order to give his players enough rest and get into the atmosphere of the match before the anticipated match against Al-Ahly.
The African Super Cup between Al-Ahly and Zamalek scheduled for September 27 will witness the first appearance of the new deals of the White Castle that the club contracted with during the current summer transfer period, in order to strengthen the team’s ranks.
Zamalek Club contracted with 5 players in the summer Mercato, namely, the Palestinian Omar Farag, the Moroccan Mahmoud Ben Taig, the Polish Konrad Michalak, the Senegalese Sidi Ndiaye, and Mohamed Hamdy, in order to provide an addition to the White team in the new season.
It is expected that Jose Gomez, the technical director of the first football team at Zamalek Club, will rely on the new deals in the African Super Cup against Al-Ahly, to strengthen the team’s ranks, so that the match will witness the first appearance of the new players.

رئيس البرلمان اللبنانى يبحث مع ميقاتى تطورات الاوضاع السياسية والميدانية
Lebanese Parliament Speaker discusses political and field developments with Mikati
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
A. Sh. Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri discussed with Prime Minister Najib Mikati, at the second presidency headquarters in Ain al-Tineh, on Wednesday, the developments of the political and field situation, especially after the Israeli aggression that targeted Lebanon yesterday afternoon and led to the death of a number of martyrs and more than 2,800 wounded.
The Lebanese National News Agency quoted Mikati as saying: "It is natural in these circumstances that I consult with Speaker Nabih Berri about the current situation. We spoke and discussed all matters."
In a separate context, the Minister of Defense in the caretaker government, Maurice Slim, discussed with the Norwegian Ambassador, Hilde Haraldstad, the situation and developments in Lebanon and the region, as well as bilateral relations between the two countries.
During the meeting, the Minister of National Defense condemned the blatant Israeli terrorist attack on Lebanon with the Pager bombings, and considered it "a war crime in a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law that the Israeli killing machine is persistent in violating."
He stressed that "what our country is being subjected to requires the highest levels of solidarity and cooperation to confront major challenges and dangers."

إدارة على طريقة الثور الهائج.. نظرية نتنياهو فى إثارة الغبار وخلط أوراق العدو والصديق
Management in the style of a raging bull.. Netanyahu’s theory of stirring up dust and mixing the cards of enemy and friend
Article Keywords: Zionist
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Netanyahu is scattering dust in every direction, and when he sends a delegation to negotiate a truce, he is preparing for a new phase of the war, and if he is strict in talking about Philadelphia, he may be preparing to spread his arms in southern Lebanon.

He went to Madrid during Yitzhak Shamir’s term, and Netanyahu played the role of the spokesman for the Zionist side in the workshop that led to the agreement later.

By mind and background, Netanyahu was able to jump between them, as if he were a veteran of the three pens.

Netanyahu wants the Lebanese front to remain hot, so he does not keep it under the ceilings of the implicitly agreed upon clash.

The axis has practically abandoned the slogan of "unity of arenas"; but Netanyahu has achieved it in the daily practice of the Flood War, but in a complex meaning: unifying it in the beginning and separating it in the outcomes.

الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة تعتمد بأغلبية ساحقة قرارا فلسطينيا يطالب تل أبيب بإنهاء احتلالها
UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopts Palestinian resolution calling on Tel Aviv to end its occupation
Article Keywords: Gaza, Palestinian, Palestine
( | Jordan)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
The State of Palestine submitted the draft resolution for the first time during the tenth emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly on Palestine, after obtaining additional privileges under a previous resolution of the General Assembly.
The draft resolution was also supported by a number of countries, including Jordan, Bahrain, Turkey, Algeria, Djibouti, Sudan, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania.
The resolution demands that "Israel end – without delay – its illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territory within a maximum period of 12 months.
Read also: The occupation forces continue their brutality in Gaza for the 348th day… and intensive talks to cease fire. In the resolution, the General Assembly called on all states to comply with their obligations under international law.
The resolution requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly, within 3 months, a report on the implementation of this resolution.

مراسلة "رؤيا": شهداء وجرحى بانفجار جديد في أجهزة اتصال في لبنان – فيديو وصور
Roya correspondent: Martyrs and wounded in a new explosion in communication devices in Lebanon – video and photos
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Jordan)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Roya’s correspondent reported on Wednesday that an explosion occurred in a number of communication devices in Lebanon, killing 20 people and wounding more than 450 at the time of writing.

She added that more than 30 ambulances from the Lebanese Red Cross participated in treating and evacuating the wounded as a result of multiple explosions in the south, the Bekaa, and the southern suburbs of Beirut.

She pointed out that the army will work to detonate a wireless device in the parking lot of the American University in Beirut, after finding it inside one of the gaps.
For his part, a security source confirmed in statements reported by Reuters that the communication devices that exploded on Wednesday are portable wireless devices and different from pagers, and that Hezbollah bought the portable wireless devices 5 months ago, approximately at the time it bought the pagers.

The Lebanese Civil Defense announced that it had extinguished the fires in 60 homes and shops as a result of the explosion of wireless devices in Nabatieh, south of the country.

وزير الخارجية اللبنانية: لا نستطيع التحدث مع حزب الله.. …
Lebanese Foreign Minister: We cannot talk to Hezbollah…
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hezbollah, Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Show related news A senior Hezbollah official told Reuters that the party’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, was “fine and unharmed” in the explosions. A Hezbollah statement said: “After examining all the facts, current data and available information about the sinful attack that took place this afternoon, we hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression, which also targeted civilians and led to the deaths of a number of martyrs and the injury of a large number of others.” He added: “Our martyrs and wounded are the symbol of our jihad and sacrifices on the road to Jerusalem, a victory for our honorable people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and continuous field support. Our position of victory, support and backing for the valiant Palestinian resistance will remain a source of pride for us in this world and the hereafter.” The Lebanese Health Ministry said that 14 martyrs and more than 450 wounded were killed in explosions in wireless communications devices on Wednesday. Several new limited explosions were reported in a number of Areas in the Lebanese capital Beirut and several areas, in an incident believed to be related to the occupation forces’ bombing of hundreds of “pager” devices used by Hezbollah, on Tuesday, which led to the injury of about 4,000 people. Eyewitnesses in the southern suburb of the capital Beirut said that limited explosions were detected in several places, resulting in injuries among the Lebanese.

الغارديان: حرب التفخيخ التي تشنها إسرائيل: إنها غير …
The Guardian: Israel’s booby-trapping war: It’s not…
Article Keywords: Gaza, Hezbollah, Palestinian, Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Show related news A senior Hezbollah official told Reuters that the party’s secretary-general, Hassan Nasrallah, was “fine and unharmed” in the explosions. A Hezbollah statement said: “After examining all the facts, current data and available information about the sinful attack that took place this afternoon, we hold the Israeli enemy fully responsible for this criminal aggression, which also targeted civilians and led to the deaths of a number of martyrs and the injury of a large number of others.” He added: “Our martyrs and wounded are the symbol of our jihad and sacrifices on the road to Jerusalem, a victory for our honorable people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and continuous field support. Our position of victory, support and backing for the valiant Palestinian resistance will remain a source of pride for us in this world and the hereafter.” The Lebanese Health Ministry said that 14 martyrs and more than 450 wounded were killed in explosions in wireless communications devices on Wednesday. Several new limited explosions were reported in a number of Areas in the Lebanese capital Beirut and several areas, in an incident believed to be related to the occupation forces’ bombing of hundreds of “pager” devices used by Hezbollah, on Tuesday, which led to the injury of about 4,000 people. Eyewitnesses in the southern suburb of the capital Beirut said that limited explosions were detected in several places, resulting in injuries among the Lebanese.

رئيس لجنة الاستخبارات بمجلس الشيوخ الأمريكي: الحرب …
Chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee: The war…
Article Keywords: Israel
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
The Chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, said that "a comprehensive war in Lebanon is not in the interest of Israel or the countries of the region" Warner added that Washington is very concerned about the expansion of the conflict to Lebanon and its transformation into a comprehensive war. The Coordinator for Strategic Policy at the US National Security Council said that the United States was not involved in the attacks that took place in Lebanon yesterday and today.


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