Israel Middle East Overview Report

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هيئة البث العبرية تتحدث عن تنسيق بين الاحتلال وواشنطن في …
The Hebrew Broadcasting Authority talks about coordination between the occupation and Washington in…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
and Lebanon are now closer than ever to a third Lebanon war, Israeli authority says. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the United States "was not aware of these bombings and was not involved in them"

هدف تفجيرات لبنان إقناع حزب الله بوقف إسناد غزة …
The aim of the Lebanon bombings is to convince Hezbollah to stop supporting Gaza…
Article Keywords: Hamas, Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
blew up thousands of personal radios used by Hezbollah members in Lebanon, sources say. U.S. website "Axios" quoted informed sources as saying that "the goal of the Lebanon bombings is to convince Hezbollah to separate from Hamas and not support Gaza"

المقاومة الإسلامية في العراق تستهدف "موقعا حيويا" في …
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq targets a "vital site" in…
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced that its fighters targeted an occupation target in the occupied city of Haifa on Tuesday evening using a drone. Israeli media reported that the occupation’s air defenses were trying to intercept an air target near the border with Jordan.


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