Israel Middle East Overview Report

Featuring translated Arabic language reports on Israel. Focusing on the Israel-Arab conflict and regional dynamics. Coverage includes geopolitical influences from the United States, Russia, China, and other key global players.
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أكرم القصاص يكتب: عملية "البيجر".. تل أبيب وطهران وحرب الاختراقات والتجسس
Akram Al-Qassas writes: Operation "Pager"… Tel Aviv, Tehran, and the war of penetrations and espionage
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
The September 17 operation in Lebanon included the explosion of thousands of pagers that were carried by leaders of the party south of Beirut. In Syria, hundreds of Hezbollah members were seriously injured, estimated at 1,500 wounded and 5 or more dead. It is clear that Benjamin Netanyahu insists on opening multiple fronts for war.

العالم هذا الصباح.. ولى العهد السعودى: لن نقيم علاقات مع إسرائيل دون قيام دولة فلسطينية.. الكرملين: روسيا تدرس الأسباب وراء تفجير أجهزة البيجر فى لبنان.. برى يبحث مع ميقاتى تطورات الأوضاع السياسية وال
The world this morning.. Saudi Crown Prince: We will not establish relations with Israel without the establishment of a Palestinian state.. The Kremlin: Russia is studying the reasons behind the explosion of pagers in Lebanon.. Berri discusses with Mikati the developments of the political situation and
Article Keywords: Israel, Palestinian, Jerusalem
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Agencies Pager and walkie-talkie explosions for the second day in Lebanon raise the international community’s fears of an escalation that threatens a regional war in the Middle East, and many institutions are demanding an investigation to determine how Israel carried out these attacks that injured thousands of citizens in Lebanon and Syria and killed dozens so far.
Russian President Vladimir PutinGuterres: The explosion of "pager" devices in Lebanon paves the way for military escalation in the regionThe Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, confirmed on Wednesday that the explosion of "pager" devices in Lebanon constitutes a prelude to a dangerous escalation in the Middle East, and everything must be done to avoid it.
It is noteworthy that "pager" devices exploded in different parts of Lebanon yesterday, Tuesday, and up to 2.8 thousand people were injured, and 12 died.
The recent explosions of "pager" devices in Lebanon raised several questions about the company that manufactured these devices, which forced the Taiwanese company to respond in a statement.
He added that the Kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel without the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

النائب أيمن محسب يطالب بإزالة العراقيل أمام دخول المساعدات لقطاع غزة
MP Ayman Mahsab calls for removing obstacles to aid entering the Gaza Strip
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Egypt)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-19)
Deputy of the Arab Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives stressed the importance of stopping the Israeli escalation in the region. Egypt pays great attention to Lebanon’s security, stability and sovereignty, and will not accept any attempts to undermine this sovereignty.


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