Israel Middle East Overview Report

(This content has been created by AI language models and is
intended to provide general information only. Full disclaimer below.)
لبنان في حداد.. ومساعدات عربية ودولية بعد "مجزرة البايجرز"
Lebanon in mourning…and Arab and international aid after the "Pagers massacre"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Most of these people were killed as a result of the explosion of communications devices, while the rest were killed in airstrikes carried out by the Israeli army on southern Lebanon.

The Jordanian Petra News Agency reported that "a C130 aid plane belonging to the Jordanian Air Force left towards the Republic of Lebanon."

It indicated that "the plane sent by the Jordanian Armed Forces in coordination with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization carries food, medical and relief supplies.

He pointed out that "after the arrival of medical aid from Iraq, Jordan and international organizations expressed their readiness to support Lebanon on the health level."

The Prime Minister thanked the Iraqi President for his "affection," stressing that "Lebanon appreciates Iraq’s continued support for it," and he also thanked him for sending a medical team and a shipment of medical aid to Lebanon this morning to support relief efforts.

تفاصيل جديدة تتكشف.. تفجير "البايجر" ضربة افتتاحية لحرب شاملة؟
New details emerge: Is the Pager bombing the opening salvo in a full-scale war?
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Planting ExplosivesThe report added that "Israel tampered with these devices and planted small amounts of explosives inside each device before shipping them to Lebanon."
The source indicated that "three thousand pagers exploded when they received an encrypted message that activated the explosive materials simultaneously."
Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard indicated that Amani’s injuries were more serious than initially reported, and he will be transferred to Tehran for treatment, according to the American newspaper.
The Taiwanese CompanyAfter the data spoke about "the pagers (pagers) that exploded were manufactured by the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo."
A former Israeli official familiar with the operation said that the Israeli intelligence services planned to use the booby-trapped pagers that they were able to "plant" in Hezbollah’s ranks as a surprise opening strike in a comprehensive war to try to paralyze Hezbollah.

الياس خوري السوري
Elias Khoury the Syrian
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Anyone who follows the concerns of the late Elias Khoury will confirm that the effort he made in following up on the Syrian issue is almost equal to his interest in the Palestinian issue and the Lebanese issue.

He took violence to its extreme in the face of a peaceful popular revolution, and pushed Syrian society into the abyss of civil war.

He wrote in 2013: "Hezbollah elements who are fighting alongside the Syrian regime and its thugs are today committing the fundamental fatal mistake in their history.
The Lebanese militias that are participating with the Syrian regime in suppressing the Syrian people must learn a lesson before it is too late."

Syrians, you are alone, you are alone, do not believe anyone.

العملية الأمنية الأكبر تضرب حزب الله: أفق الحرب مفتوح
The largest security operation strikes Hezbollah: The horizon of war is open
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
and Israeli ReadingsBefore this operation, there were two different readings of the Israeli political and military facts in Lebanon and in Israel.

The Lebanese have their own reading, which continues to rule out war and points to the chances of a political and diplomatic solution, given the escalation of Israeli strikes, without turning into a comprehensive war or a large-scale military operation.

Lebanon also reads the internal Israeli political conflicts, which do not allow the Netanyahu government to make a decision to launch a war.

Before the Jewish New Year, which falls on September 29, or after Netanyahu’s visit to the United Nations and his speech there.

After that, Netanyahu turned the equation upside down, accusing Galant of obstructing and opposing the launch of a military operation against Hezbollah and tried to hold him responsible for his dismissal.

تفجيرات الخيال العلمي: تضامن لبناني وذاكرة انفجار المرفأ
Sci-Fi Bombings: Lebanese Solidarity and the Memory of the Port Explosion
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A year after the start of the war that deepened the internal division against Hezbollah, the Lebanese found themselves united on a human level in the face of the scale of the Israeli crime, which was reflected in the positions witnessed on social media.

We see nothing but a world being disfigured and its fingers flying off.

For the first time since the start of the war on October 7, the "quality" of the attack was the event, rather than the importance of the targeted party figures.

This means that the Lebanese state did not prevent the Lebanese from the tragedy of the ammonium nitrate explosion in the port, nor did its diplomacy succeed in removing the specter of a comprehensive war from Lebanon.

This was evident in the call by the party’s most prominent opponents, political activists, for a humanitarian response to the disaster on the basis of "postponing" scoring points against Hezbollah, because now is the time to "donate blood."

"مجزرة" الـPagers: لبنان ساحة حرب ودعوات للتضامن الوطني
Pagers’ "Massacre": Lebanon a Battlefield and Calls for National Solidarity
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
They suddenly realized that they were in the "limbo" of the confrontations, and here they are today, swaying towards the most horrific hellish scenario, regardless of its different names.
What is even more horrifying is the vile method adopted by Israel in its operation called in the media "Below the Belt", which is its ability to turn all of Lebanon into an unseen battlefield.
She pointed out that "the emergency and relief centers in the Bekaa and the North have raised their readiness to respond to any emergency and contribute to what the current field conditions require."
Amidst raising the state of alert to its maximum, on both sides of the fighting – Hezbollah and the Israeli government – where the latter is holding political, security and military meetings to discuss the repercussions of the strike it dealt on Tuesday to Hezbollah, its effects and the possibilities of the party’s response, which was exposed to a huge shock, following this attack.
Berri offered his "deepest condolences, patience and solace to the families of the martyrs, praying to God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded. Our destiny is resistance and steadfastness, and one of the two good things is victory or martyrdom."

اجتماعات عسكرية وسياسية إسرائيلية: استعداد لحرب لبنان الثالثة؟
Israeli military and political meetings: Preparation for the third Lebanon war?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The Israeli army spokesman announced that "the Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, conducted an assessment of the situation this evening, focusing on readiness for attack and defense on all fronts."

The Israeli army indicated that "at this stage there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command."

The channel revealed that starting tonight, the security and military weight will shift from the Gaza Strip to the northern front.

The Axios website quoted sources as saying that "Israeli intelligence estimated before the operation that Hezbollah is likely to respond with a major attack on Israel," noting that "Israel did not inform the Biden administration in advance of its operation regarding the detonation of Hezbollah members’ calling devices."

The website said: "The Israeli operation in Lebanon disrupted Hezbollah’s military command and control system, and aims to undermine Hezbollah’s confidence.

إسرائيل تفجر لاسلكيات "حزب الله": بوابة لتغيير شكل المعركة؟
Israel blows up Hezbollah’s radios: A gateway to changing the shape of the battle?
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
This information raises questions about the relationship between the suggestion of stormy disagreements within the Israeli cabinet, the claim of changing Galant, and the incident of the explosion of Hezbollah’s communications devices.

The correspondent said that the data indicates that the explosion of communications devices began first in the southern suburb of Beirut, then simultaneous explosions followed to include the devices of Hezbollah members and leaders present in other Lebanese regions, all the way to Syria.

He added that the incident came after official and unofficial Israeli voices rose in recent days, calling for a change in the scene on the northern front.

The Makan field correspondent pointed to a signal accompanied by a strange sound emanating from Hezbollah’s wireless devices, along with a rapid rise in their temperature, which led to a sudden explosion in the targeted communications devices.
The Makan correspondent went on to say that the incident came after Israel exhausted all its military means to "deter Hezbollah" without result.

عدوان "البايجر": سردية لبنانية مضبوطة…قاومَت غواية "الإثارة"
The "Pager" Aggression: A Precise Lebanese Narrative…Resisting the Temptation of "Excitement"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The channel focused on leaving the air open for the picture only from in front of the hospitals, and scenes of the wounded, without any voice messages that were out of place or relied on random analysis.

It was satisfied with the correspondents’ messages, only when they had official information, especially official statements from the Ministry of Health, and hospital appeals.

It seemed striking that “LBC” called the victims “martyrs,” while before that it had relied on phrases such as “Hezbollah casualties due to Israeli bombing or attack.” Although the suburb was the main scene of the attack, the media event was not there.

Beirut’s hospitals were the center of attraction, which gave the media an opportunity to move more comfortably, relieved of the security restrictions imposed by the party on the ground in such cases.
The Prime Minister and senior politicians offered their condolences, so it was natural for the cameras to follow them. Thus, the Lebanese channels focused on the live broadcast from the mourning tent of the son of MP Ali Ammar, who was martyred in the aggression, especially with the visit of Prime Minister Najib Mikati to offer his condolences.

عملية "تحت الحزام" الإسرائيلية: أجهزة "البايجر" فُخخت في إيران؟
Israeli Operation "Below the Belt": Pagers booby-trapped in Iran?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
"Below the Belt" is how Israeli media referred to the name of the security operation carried out by the Israelis against Hezbollah, by hacking the party’s communication devices.

Israeli Channel 14 said that Hezbollah imported these devices some time ago through an Iranian company called "Telerim".
It quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the damaged pagers were from a new shipment that the party received in recent days.

Reuters quoted a senior Hezbollah official as saying that the party’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was not harmed in the explosions of the communication devices.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the security company "Lubeck International" as saying that the cause of the explosion of the communication devices was most likely malware.

إسرائيل تخترق أجهزة حزب الله وتفجِّرها: مئات الإصابات
Israel hacks Hezbollah devices and blows them up: hundreds of injuries
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The electronic hack also led to the temperature of the device rising, causing it to explode. The targets were Hezbollah police officers who secure centers, hospitals, and guard Hezbollah areas.

In the Bekaa, dozens of injuries were recorded and transferred to various hospitals in Baalbek.

In the southern suburb, injuries were distributed between the areas of Sfeir, Hadi Nasrallah Highway, Shura Street, Haret Hreik, and Bir al-Abd.

The Council of Ministers condemned this criminal Israeli aggression, which constitutes a serious violation of Lebanese sovereignty..".

Minister Halabi offered his deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs, expressing his deep sorrow and grief, calling for a speedy recovery for the wounded and healing of their wounds.

"تفجيرات البايجرز": شركات طيران عالمية تعلق رحلاتها إلى إسرائيل
‘Baggers Bombings’: Global Airlines Suspend Flights to Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
According to Israeli media, Air France has cancelled its flights between Paris and Tel Aviv for 48 hours.

Lufthansa Group also announced that it will suspend all flights to and from Tel Aviv and Tehran.

The company explained in a statement that its flights will bypass Israeli and Iranian airspace until September 19, due to the escalation of security concerns in the region.

Swiss International Air Lines and Brussels Airlines have also decided to postpone their flights to Israel for the next 48 hours.

In a statement, Hezbollah held Israel "fully responsible" for the explosions that left more than 3,000 injured and a number of victims yesterday, vowing that "the enemy will receive its just retribution."

لبنان في حداد.. ومساعدات عربية ودولية بعد "مجزرة البايجرز"
Lebanon in mourning…and Arab and international aid after the "Pagers massacre"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Most of these people were killed as a result of the explosion of communications devices, while the rest were killed in airstrikes carried out by the Israeli army on southern Lebanon.

The Jordanian Petra News Agency reported that "a C130 aid plane belonging to the Jordanian Air Force left towards the Republic of Lebanon."

It indicated that "the plane sent by the Jordanian Armed Forces in coordination with the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization carries food, medical and relief supplies.

He pointed out that "after the arrival of medical aid from Iraq, Jordan and international organizations expressed their readiness to support Lebanon on the health level."

The Prime Minister thanked the Iraqi President for his "affection," stressing that "Lebanon appreciates Iraq’s continued support for it," and he also thanked him for sending a medical team and a shipment of medical aid to Lebanon this morning to support relief efforts.

تفاصيل جديدة تتكشف.. تفجير "البايجر" ضربة افتتاحية لحرب شاملة؟
New details emerge: Is the Pager bombing the opening salvo in a full-scale war?
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Planting ExplosivesThe report added that "Israel tampered with these devices and planted small amounts of explosives inside each device before shipping them to Lebanon."
The source indicated that "three thousand pagers exploded when they received an encrypted message that activated the explosive materials simultaneously."
Members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard indicated that Amani’s injuries were more serious than initially reported, and he will be transferred to Tehran for treatment, according to the American newspaper.
The Taiwanese CompanyAfter the data spoke about "the pagers (pagers) that exploded were manufactured by the Taiwanese company "Gold Apollo."
A former Israeli official familiar with the operation said that the Israeli intelligence services planned to use the booby-trapped pagers that they were able to "plant" in Hezbollah’s ranks as a surprise opening strike in a comprehensive war to try to paralyze Hezbollah.

الياس خوري السوري
Elias Khoury the Syrian
Article Keywords: Palestinian
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
Anyone who follows the concerns of the late Elias Khoury will confirm that the effort he made in following up on the Syrian issue is almost equal to his interest in the Palestinian issue and the Lebanese issue.

He took violence to its extreme in the face of a peaceful popular revolution, and pushed Syrian society into the abyss of civil war.

He wrote in 2013: "Hezbollah elements who are fighting alongside the Syrian regime and its thugs are today committing the fundamental fatal mistake in their history.
The Lebanese militias that are participating with the Syrian regime in suppressing the Syrian people must learn a lesson before it is too late."

Syrians, you are alone, you are alone, do not believe anyone.

العملية الأمنية الأكبر تضرب حزب الله: أفق الحرب مفتوح
The largest security operation strikes Hezbollah: The horizon of war is open
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
and Israeli ReadingsBefore this operation, there were two different readings of the Israeli political and military facts in Lebanon and in Israel.

The Lebanese have their own reading, which continues to rule out war and points to the chances of a political and diplomatic solution, given the escalation of Israeli strikes, without turning into a comprehensive war or a large-scale military operation.

Lebanon also reads the internal Israeli political conflicts, which do not allow the Netanyahu government to make a decision to launch a war.

Before the Jewish New Year, which falls on September 29, or after Netanyahu’s visit to the United Nations and his speech there.

After that, Netanyahu turned the equation upside down, accusing Galant of obstructing and opposing the launch of a military operation against Hezbollah and tried to hold him responsible for his dismissal.

تفجيرات الخيال العلمي: تضامن لبناني وذاكرة انفجار المرفأ
Sci-Fi Bombings: Lebanese Solidarity and the Memory of the Port Explosion
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
A year after the start of the war that deepened the internal division against Hezbollah, the Lebanese found themselves united on a human level in the face of the scale of the Israeli crime, which was reflected in the positions witnessed on social media.

We see nothing but a world being disfigured and its fingers flying off.

For the first time since the start of the war on October 7, the "quality" of the attack was the event, rather than the importance of the targeted party figures.

This means that the Lebanese state did not prevent the Lebanese from the tragedy of the ammonium nitrate explosion in the port, nor did its diplomacy succeed in removing the specter of a comprehensive war from Lebanon.

This was evident in the call by the party’s most prominent opponents, political activists, for a humanitarian response to the disaster on the basis of "postponing" scoring points against Hezbollah, because now is the time to "donate blood."

"مجزرة" الـPagers: لبنان ساحة حرب ودعوات للتضامن الوطني
Pagers’ "Massacre": Lebanon a Battlefield and Calls for National Solidarity
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
They suddenly realized that they were in the "limbo" of the confrontations, and here they are today, swaying towards the most horrific hellish scenario, regardless of its different names.
What is even more horrifying is the vile method adopted by Israel in its operation called in the media "Below the Belt", which is its ability to turn all of Lebanon into an unseen battlefield.
She pointed out that "the emergency and relief centers in the Bekaa and the North have raised their readiness to respond to any emergency and contribute to what the current field conditions require."
Amidst raising the state of alert to its maximum, on both sides of the fighting – Hezbollah and the Israeli government – where the latter is holding political, security and military meetings to discuss the repercussions of the strike it dealt on Tuesday to Hezbollah, its effects and the possibilities of the party’s response, which was exposed to a huge shock, following this attack.
Berri offered his "deepest condolences, patience and solace to the families of the martyrs, praying to God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded. Our destiny is resistance and steadfastness, and one of the two good things is victory or martyrdom."

اجتماعات عسكرية وسياسية إسرائيلية: استعداد لحرب لبنان الثالثة؟
Israeli military and political meetings: Preparation for the third Lebanon war?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Gaza, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The Israeli army spokesman announced that "the Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, conducted an assessment of the situation this evening, focusing on readiness for attack and defense on all fronts."

The Israeli army indicated that "at this stage there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command."

The channel revealed that starting tonight, the security and military weight will shift from the Gaza Strip to the northern front.

The Axios website quoted sources as saying that "Israeli intelligence estimated before the operation that Hezbollah is likely to respond with a major attack on Israel," noting that "Israel did not inform the Biden administration in advance of its operation regarding the detonation of Hezbollah members’ calling devices."

The website said: "The Israeli operation in Lebanon disrupted Hezbollah’s military command and control system, and aims to undermine Hezbollah’s confidence.

إسرائيل تفجر لاسلكيات "حزب الله": بوابة لتغيير شكل المعركة؟
Israel blows up Hezbollah’s radios: A gateway to changing the shape of the battle?
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
This information raises questions about the relationship between the suggestion of stormy disagreements within the Israeli cabinet, the claim of changing Galant, and the incident of the explosion of Hezbollah’s communications devices.

The correspondent said that the data indicates that the explosion of communications devices began first in the southern suburb of Beirut, then simultaneous explosions followed to include the devices of Hezbollah members and leaders present in other Lebanese regions, all the way to Syria.

He added that the incident came after official and unofficial Israeli voices rose in recent days, calling for a change in the scene on the northern front.

The Makan field correspondent pointed to a signal accompanied by a strange sound emanating from Hezbollah’s wireless devices, along with a rapid rise in their temperature, which led to a sudden explosion in the targeted communications devices.
The Makan correspondent went on to say that the incident came after Israel exhausted all its military means to "deter Hezbollah" without result.

عدوان "البايجر": سردية لبنانية مضبوطة…قاومَت غواية "الإثارة"
The "Pager" Aggression: A Precise Lebanese Narrative…Resisting the Temptation of "Excitement"
Article Keywords: Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The channel focused on leaving the air open for the picture only from in front of the hospitals, and scenes of the wounded, without any voice messages that were out of place or relied on random analysis.

It was satisfied with the correspondents’ messages, only when they had official information, especially official statements from the Ministry of Health, and hospital appeals.

It seemed striking that “LBC” called the victims “martyrs,” while before that it had relied on phrases such as “Hezbollah casualties due to Israeli bombing or attack.” Although the suburb was the main scene of the attack, the media event was not there.

Beirut’s hospitals were the center of attraction, which gave the media an opportunity to move more comfortably, relieved of the security restrictions imposed by the party on the ground in such cases.
The Prime Minister and senior politicians offered their condolences, so it was natural for the cameras to follow them. Thus, the Lebanese channels focused on the live broadcast from the mourning tent of the son of MP Ali Ammar, who was martyred in the aggression, especially with the visit of Prime Minister Najib Mikati to offer his condolences.

عملية "تحت الحزام" الإسرائيلية: أجهزة "البايجر" فُخخت في إيران؟
Israeli Operation "Below the Belt": Pagers booby-trapped in Iran?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
"Below the Belt" is how Israeli media referred to the name of the security operation carried out by the Israelis against Hezbollah, by hacking the party’s communication devices.

Israeli Channel 14 said that Hezbollah imported these devices some time ago through an Iranian company called "Telerim".
It quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the damaged pagers were from a new shipment that the party received in recent days.

Reuters quoted a senior Hezbollah official as saying that the party’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, was not harmed in the explosions of the communication devices.

The Wall Street Journal quoted the security company "Lubeck International" as saying that the cause of the explosion of the communication devices was most likely malware.

إسرائيل تخترق أجهزة حزب الله وتفجِّرها: مئات الإصابات
Israel hacks Hezbollah devices and blows them up: hundreds of injuries
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The electronic hack also led to the temperature of the device rising, causing it to explode. The targets were Hezbollah police officers who secure centers, hospitals, and guard Hezbollah areas.

In the Bekaa, dozens of injuries were recorded and transferred to various hospitals in Baalbek.

In the southern suburb, injuries were distributed between the areas of Sfeir, Hadi Nasrallah Highway, Shura Street, Haret Hreik, and Bir al-Abd.

The Council of Ministers condemned this criminal Israeli aggression, which constitutes a serious violation of Lebanese sovereignty..".

Minister Halabi offered his deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs, expressing his deep sorrow and grief, calling for a speedy recovery for the wounded and healing of their wounds.

"تفجيرات البايجرز": شركات طيران عالمية تعلق رحلاتها إلى إسرائيل
‘Baggers Bombings’: Global Airlines Suspend Flights to Israel
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
According to Israeli media, Air France has cancelled its flights between Paris and Tel Aviv for 48 hours.

Lufthansa Group also announced that it will suspend all flights to and from Tel Aviv and Tehran.

The company explained in a statement that its flights will bypass Israeli and Iranian airspace until September 19, due to the escalation of security concerns in the region.

Swiss International Air Lines and Brussels Airlines have also decided to postpone their flights to Israel for the next 48 hours.

In a statement, Hezbollah held Israel "fully responsible" for the explosions that left more than 3,000 injured and a number of victims yesterday, vowing that "the enemy will receive its just retribution."

"مجزرة" الـPagers: لبنان ساحة حرب ودعوات للتضامن الوطني
Pagers’ "Massacre": Lebanon a Battlefield and Calls for National Solidarity
Article Keywords: Israel, Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-18)
They suddenly realized that they were in the "limbo" of the confrontations, and here they are today, swaying towards the most horrific hellish scenario, regardless of its different names.
What is even more horrifying is the vile method adopted by Israel in its operation called in the media "Below the Belt", which is its ability to turn all of Lebanon into an unseen battlefield.
She pointed out that "the emergency and relief centers in the Bekaa and the North have raised their readiness to respond to any emergency and contribute to what the current field conditions require."
Amidst raising the state of alert to its maximum, on both sides of the fighting – Hezbollah and the Israeli government – where the latter is holding political, security and military meetings to discuss the repercussions of the strike it dealt on Tuesday to Hezbollah, its effects and the possibilities of the party’s response, which was exposed to a huge shock, following this attack.
Berri offered his "deepest condolences, patience and solace to the families of the martyrs, praying to God Almighty for a speedy recovery for the wounded. Our destiny is resistance and steadfastness, and one of the two good things is victory or martyrdom."

دمشق: جرحى من حزب الله جراء انفجار أجهزتهم اللاسلكية
Damascus: Hezbollah members injured as their wireless devices explode
Article Keywords: Hezbollah
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Radio explosionThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that a number of Hezbollah members arrived at hospitals in Damascus and its countryside due to injuries they sustained after the communication devices they were carrying exploded.

"Al Jazeera Mubasher" quoted its correspondent confirming that several injuries occurred in the capital Damascus due to the explosion of radio devices in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood, west of the capital Damascus.

In turn, "Ahrar Houran Gathering" reported that 5 Hezbollah members were injured and taken to the Al-Sanamayn Military Hospital, north of Daraa.

According to the "Voice of the Capital" website, a radio device exploded on a Hezbollah member while he was inside a car in the Al-Mouwasat tunnel, near the Kafr Sousa roundabout in Damascus, adding that several injuries as a result of the explosion were transferred to hospitals.

Serious injuries

إسرائيل تعمل على خطة لمنع "تهريب الأسلحة" من الأردن
Israel working on plan to prevent ‘arms smuggling’ from Jordan
Article Keywords: Palestinian, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
Technological means and deployment of forcesThe plan includes several stages, starting with the use of hundreds of technological means to monitor the border, such as radars and cameras along the exposed border between Eilat in the south, and the Syrian Hama (near Tiberias) in the north.

It also includes the deployment of forces to provide a "rapid response" to deal with attempts at infiltration or smuggling, in addition to strengthening and developing the security barrier along the border.

The Israeli army is also planning to establish a new military division known as the "Eastern Division", which will be primarily responsible for monitoring the area, against the backdrop of "the escalation in arms smuggling operations via Jordan to Palestinian organizations in the West Bank."

The newspaper said that the army admits that for every successful thwarted operation, there are three to five successful smuggling operations from Jordan.

It said that "Iran has been able to exploit the tension in the region to expand its influence in arms smuggling operations to the West Bank."

اجتماع الحكومة الإسرائيلية.. فتح جبهة لبنان قبل نهاية أيلول؟
Israeli government meeting.. Opening the Lebanese front before the end of September?
Article Keywords: Hezbollah, Israeli
( | Country Unknown)

ARTICLE SUMMARY (2024-09-17)
The tone of the Israeli war against Hezbollah and Lebanon is rising.

Clear goalsThe Israeli cabinet held its meeting at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, where discussions focused on the issue of escalating the confrontations with Hezbollah and launching a large-scale military operation in southern Lebanon.

A senior Israeli security official said in a briefing to Israeli media that "the army does not want to repeat what happened in Gaza, where there were no clear goals for the war.

The official explained that among these goals are: "Returning the population, a significant reinforcement of forces on the border, and removing Hezbollah forces from the border area."

He added: "Dramatic discussions are taking place on the northern front at this time. We are facing a large-scale military operation in the north with all that that means."


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